Someone on another forum suggested the addition of trains and, someone else, tanks (because I saw a tank the other day). My opinion on trains: one train, server-wide, has to be repaired with obscenely expensive stuff, placing something down on the tracks (like fence wire maybe? I'm not sure if something could be made just for this purpose) would stop and break the train. Both the train repair parts and the train-stopping item should be really, really rare (maybe the train-stopping be even rarer so if someone fixes a train they won't stop every 100m). My opinion on tanks: if there was a way to add one (officially) without ruining the whole balance of DayZ, it should be the most expensive thing to repair, and should despawn if not used for some time, to avoid it being hid away forever. Main cannon bullets should be so expensive you'd cry just to see one. What do you guys think of trains and tanks on DayZ?