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Everything posted by Hendrix27

  1. Hendrix27

    New Forum Rank Titles

    Its a good idea, but don't base them off of post count. If you do that people will just spam to get them.
  2. Hendrix27

    Quiver for Crossbow Bolts

    I love this idea, I hope they add this or something similar.
  3. Hendrix27

    Mandatory 3rd person disabled

    Join a server with it disabled if you don't like it. Removing it would cause a negative reaction from the community.
  4. Hendrix27

    NPCs, Quests

    No no no no no no no no no no no no NO. This is not a MMO.
  5. Hendrix27

    Getting rid of player kills in the hud.

    I like this idea very very much. While it wont solve the PvP problem it will definitely help.
  6. Hendrix27

    This needs to be an MMO!

    So let me get this straight, your idea is to ruin to the game completely?
  7. Hendrix27


    I bet you they are just bandits coming into Survivor HQ and arranging these meetings with people so they can shoot them.
  8. Hendrix27

    Is it bad to kill a fellow bandit?

    I doubt it, same as in IRL. Your going to have trust issues with everyone.
  9. Hendrix27

    Is it bad to kill a fellow bandit?

    I agree with Bandito. I don't care who you are, if you pose any threat to me whatsoever you are good as dead.
  10. If alt+f4 didn't exist then there would be.*Edit, but hell even without alt+f4 people can still disconnect. Its just ridiculous.
  11. Hendrix27

    Cherno is on fire? (Vid)

    I've seen this happen so many times. I suppose its normal
  12. Hendrix27

    Truth Time Rockett

    You don't understand this mod at all, I suppose its not for you. And the fact that your going to attempt and make another zombie mod, makes me laugh because it won't be a 1/100 as popular. Also, I don't usually resort to insults but your a grade A douchebag.
  13. Well if we all just looted houses and barns then there wouldn't be any PvP. But this is besides the point, I don't have a problem with people protecting their stuff. I'm just saying if nobody is ever going to comply to robbery and open fire then bandits wont even try to rob people and just shoot them in the back.
  14. From a bandits point of view, we would just shoot you if we wanted to kill you. When I'm robbing someone I just want to take what I need without any blood being spilled.
  15. Well yeah of course it is, but I'm saying if nobody is going to comply to robbery and just shoot, then bandits are going to stop trying to rob and just kill on sight.
  16. This is still gaming, to some extent there is going to be the use of teamspeak and whatnot. Exploitation of server hopping and disconnecting is not alright though.
  17. Hendrix27

    Help! Broken leg

    I wouldn't give out your position, chances are you are going to get a bullet in the head instead of a shot of morphine.
  18. You can either blame a sniper or a hacker.
  19. I'm glad to see their is someone out there who has a mindset like this.
  20. Hendrix27

    Me and my friends met a dog....

    I've heard of hackers spawning dogs in, but this sounds downright odd. Pics/video?
  21. We can't decide if your going to like it or not. Its your own choice.
  22. Hendrix27

    People who call themselves bandits.

    That kind of banditry doesn't work anymore. 95% chance they will just alt+f4. If you could do it that why I would myself.
  23. Hendrix27

    Banditry has gotten out of hand.

    Its just because people don't want to take chances anymore. Personally, I have tried to rob people dozens of times and not ONE time have they complied. They just turn around and open fire on me. So now I just shoot them on sight.
  24. Hendrix27

    Do heli's spawn now?

    Then that helicopter was hacked in. Thats the only way to get one in the game at the moment.