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About mattyreed

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I use ARMA II Launcher. Find it @ www.armaholic.com, asnd stop using Commander. It's junk. JJust poach all of the files manually from Commander, anfd install them yourself. I have found that Commander seems to have the files before anyone else, so I just bookmark their directory and grab whatevs whenevs.
  2. http://cdn.dayz.st/dayzcommander/Taviana-2.0.rar Cheers!
  3. Also, be aware that I retreive this thru the DayZ Commander files. Here is the link for the entire manual list.......ftp://dayzcommander@
  4. Found this little gem awhile back. Hope it helps. I do everythting thru ARMA launcher as well, prefer manual install. Anyways, it it a list of all of the DayZ Commander filesets, just available for manual install. I'm somewhat green, so its a helpful tool. Seems to update accordingly as well. Cheers! ftp://dayzcommander:dayzcommander@
  5. mattyreed

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    I actually enjoy having many tools at my disposal. I understand it causes graphical glitches, however they can't be as bad as the Military glitches. those seem more important to fix/abate. Fortifications are necessary for survival whether it be a deterent or for setting a trap. the ideal set up would be to add wire cutters or dikes, thus allowing a player to cut thru, however they would need to rare. Also, more tools are needed, ( I.e., fencing, camo netting, maybe even tractors with buckets:p)