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Everything posted by randalp@gmail.com

  1. We are looking to add 1-2 players to our current group of 4 skilled players. We usually play in the evening 19:00 - 02:00 (GMT +2). We call NL36 our home (we are also the host of this server). You must be 21 years or older, have a proper working microphone (we use Teamspeak 3). Our daily activities consist of hunting players (Stary / NWA, and the occassional Elektro or Cherno raid), finding/repairing vehicles, and looking for camps. You do not have to be a DayZ veteran to be considered for joining us. For further information please contact me in this thread or send me a PM.
  2. Today as i was playing on my own server i noticed a player connecting named n3rdsupreme. He instantly got kicked due to a global ban on his GUID. However he came back multiple times with different GUID's that did not appear to be banned. Since i was logged in via RCON at the time I watched him a little bit and then decided to ban his IP. Here is a screenshot of what i saw happening Seems to me this $#$%&^% is testing spoofed GUID's to see if their banned or not.
  3. (Veteran|3D:ON|CH:OFF) [uTC/GMT -3] 40 slots Admins: Aequitas, Zyfer, Fitz, Hot Coffee I created this thread to lure some more traffic to our Dayz server and hear any suggestions or comments from the community. We have a near 24/7 admin presence. Scheduled restarts have been temporarely disabled due to not appreciating it much. Unscheduled restarts will be announced 5 minutes prior to restart.
  4. randalp@gmail.com

    NL36 Veritas et Aequitas hosted by Vilayer.com

    Just today alone i have banned 5 players Spartulla (b8981af65fca0f5fb0ff9f3596ea3c5a) - Combat logging (Verified by 3 people) [u.I.W]Blade (a3dc81c51c7ddbde076b4e2d00b8b835) - Using AS50 TWS [u.I.W] Oblong (63d508593adf73376ae83df20f071566) - Using AS50 TWS [ExG] Rafzor (23890fee29587c005363d99b759f1f5c) - Using AS50 TWS Ivan.A OyKB (f639222546c063a65f2428656bf3bf81) - Using AS50 TWS
  5. randalp@gmail.com

    NL36 looking for regular players

    Nope it will not go regular, would make it way too easy.
  6. Thanks must be the migration then causing some DNS mayhem.
  7. What happend to the vilayer.com website? doesn't resolve at all anymore, neither does their teamspeak...
  8. randalp@gmail.com

    Norway 9 Cheaters

    Confirmed i was there, we took down 1 helicopter over Stary Sobor, and no less than 10 minutes later a new helicopter spawned. The 2nd helicopter crashed in the fields west of Stary. As i was watching the heli copter nose dive, 2 people parachuted out and dissapeared on landing. About 2 minutes later 1 bus and 2 black suv's spawned 50 meters from the crash site! 2 people drove away in the black suv's towards the NW airfield.
  9. randalp@gmail.com

    NL36 Veritas et Aequitas hosted by Vilayer.com

    Cleared his ban. Anyone is free to dispute their ban or report someone. The problem right now with DayZ is the metric shit ton of people that do ghost/disconnect let alone the people that hack. For now i'm assuming bodies dissapearing is not related to disconnecting. So a combat logger/ghoster is someone that is still alive and disconnects while still in combat, and this IS banable.
  10. randalp@gmail.com

    NL36 Veritas et Aequitas hosted by Vilayer.com

    Allright no worries, i think the game is just still a bit whack then when it comes to bodies.
  11. randalp@gmail.com

    NL36 Veritas et Aequitas hosted by Vilayer.com

    Zambeezee i just ran into you at Zelenogorsk .... i shot you dead while i was being hit by zombies and broke my legs, you instantly disconneted after you got killed so now your body is gone. Care to explain why you did this? I know you had NVG's on and stuff... so a bit lame i cant loot you now.
  12. randalp@gmail.com

    NL36 Veritas et Aequitas hosted by Vilayer.com

    Player Pryaniker ebd03a0cd95c202284fe880f32265695 7 day ban for combat disconnecting
  13. randalp@gmail.com

    NL36 Veritas et Aequitas hosted by Vilayer.com

    Bodies do not dissapear until after a long time or restart. Sorry i killed you in Cherno Zambeezee :) i'll see if i can dig up a GUID on Primey0 i heard it happen. Update: Primey0 has been banned on our server for 7 days.
  14. randalp@gmail.com

    ATV attack!

    Confirmed NLShark and Daandebest are alt+f4'ers and ghosters they have been banned on our server (NL36) where we too killed them. NLShark : GUID = ddfa43f727089378b06cf6908f174b9b IP = Daandebest: GUID = 566522340aedb0bede04328b8773555e IP = Happy banning
  15. It is very possible you have not received an Instance ID yet (these are provided by DayZ to Vilayer and then to your server) If you go into your ACP and then edit your server.cfg (same place you edited the beta numbers etc... as instructed by Macho) towards the bottom should be an InstanceID, something like DayZ_XXXX.chernarus, where XXXX is your instance ID as provided by DayZ.
  16. randalp@gmail.com

    BEWARE: Vilayer dayz hosting

    @solo_888 Vehicles not spawning is probably due to a Hive issue i know that yesterday any servers with instance id's of 6000 and higher were not spawning vehicles because of some Hive maintenance. Sometimes at server boot vehicles are not spawned in and a server reboot will fix that 9/10 times. I suggest you come on the Vilayer TS server and talk to Vilayer there to figure out what the deal is (ts3.vilayer.com).
  17. randalp@gmail.com

    Join with 50-80 ping, kicked with 340

    Can be all sorts of things, i know there was some problems with a large Danish ISP and their connection to several large datacenters in the past few days causing irratic pings, so perhaps a similar issue has plagued you. But for now you seem good, if it happens again just let me know and we could probably run some test between your client and my server for example.
  18. randalp@gmail.com

    BEWARE: Vilayer dayz hosting

    Very well said CamP, i totally agree and I am sure as well that they can come to a good solution, and like you said Vilayer can use this case to further improve their (in my opinion) already great support. It just saddens me that most people will only come to a forum to complain and then more drama queens come out of the woodworks with pitchforks in hand, hence why me and probably Nigey felt it was needed that we shared our positive experience with Vilayer. Customer reviews/experiences can literally make or break a hosting company.
  19. randalp@gmail.com

    BEWARE: Vilayer dayz hosting

    Nice find CamP I still however strongly suggest TheG4nk and Lee strike a conversation with eachother and come to a mutual agreeable solution and compensation.
  20. randalp@gmail.com

    BEWARE: Vilayer dayz hosting

    TheG4nk unfortunately your an outlier case when it comes to server troubles, from what I understand Vilayer hosts 1000+ servers with multiple hard drives. And ofcourse failovers are in place unfortunately in your case a hard drive failed that was running the O/S which brought the whole system to it's knees. The manufacturer of the SSD has offered to replace it, that will however take atleast a week. So Lee actually shelled out cash to have it replaced ASAP by a network tech on location. On top of that he is giving away 2 weeks of free hosting, that is a huge compensation! And believe me Lee is just as aggrivated by the whole issue as you are and he's working his ass off to get this issue resolved ASAP. TheG4nk if i were you i would really come and join Lee on the vilayer teamspeak and have a chat with him, i am sure that this will clear the air with all parties involved quickly. Just like others in this thread i am very pleased with Vilayer and the services they offer, and so far with any issues (even issues not caused by Vilayer) Lee has been more than open and helpful with getting them resolved ASAP.
  21. randalp@gmail.com

    Join with 50-80 ping, kicked with 340

    The pings displayed in-game or in the lobby are highly inaccurate from my experience (as both a player and server owner). Seems you're all good for now, just do the same when you see trouble arise and that should clue you in on the issue.
  22. randalp@gmail.com

    Computer won't run anywhere near full load

    Could you actually provide us with the specs for your new pc? And the FPS you are getting i'm thinking you need to add a -cpuCount as a startup parameter.
  23. I had some weird lag, it would often show itself when i would scope or right mouse button zoom towards cities. The game would slow down to a crawl for a few seconds, and the only solution i had at the time to temporarely fix it was by rebooting the game (flush command didnt do anything). Today after some reading up on the arma 2 engine and various parameters you can use in the startup i came across the malloc startup parameter. This parameter lets you select a memory allocator to be used by arma 2, there are quiet a few to choose from. From : http://community.bis...emory_Allocator note: Windows 7 allocator seems to be quite good, and it may therefore make sense for some users to delete all custom allocators on Windows 7 or newer). It is however not necessary to delete the other dll's to force arma 2 (OA) to use the default windows 7 allocator. If you add -malloc=system to your dayz shortcut it will force it to use the default win 7 allocator. This parameter has made the game virtually lag free for me no matter how busy or how big a city is, hope it helps others. For reference my system specs: i7-860 @ 3.6GHz 8GB Ram ATI Radeon HD 5970 @ 5870 speeds
  24. randalp@gmail.com

    Possible solution for some lag issues (win7)

    The -winxp forces arma 2 to use DirectX9 instead of the extended DirectX9 that is provided with windows 7/Vista. So far the only noticeable difference for me with -winxp on is that the loading times are a little bit faster. I'll add you on skype later today i have to go out for an hour.
  25. randalp@gmail.com

    Join with 50-80 ping, kicked with 340

    I suggest you open a command prompt and run a continues ping to the server you are currently connected to. ping 'server ip' -t Or if you want to get fancy and log it to a file ping 'server ip' -t > c:\pinglog.txt This would then tell you if you really had a high ping to the server or if the server is just being a douche. You might also want to run a trace to the server : tracert 'server ip' And see at what hop the ping spikes and thus identify where the problem exactly is in the route from you to the server.