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About pkmaster655

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. pkmaster655

    australian/new zealand players

    umm any really but we do have a few server we always play on
  2. pkmaster655

    australian/new zealand players

    sweet nws cant wait
  3. pkmaster655

    australian/new zealand players

    yes we have a clan but you cant just join in straight away, these a few steps of things you have to do before you join in, and we play on us server as aus or nz server gets attacked by hacker quite offen
  4. pkmaster655

    australian/new zealand players

    hahaha nice, if your free come join us
  5. pkmaster655


    Come on to our teamspeak server we have 100 slots ready for all sorts of players playing dayz. Anyone welcome to come along and have a game with us and a few other guys i play with. currently cruising around in a pack of about 4 or 5 regularly and all up we have 35+ that play. We constatly have 10+ people online every night so finding a group is easy. TS ip: ts36.gameservers.com:9324 If no one is in just go afk or wait until someone comes on im sure someone will drag you and have a chat. No registation is require, and we are a community but we do have a clan as well if interested.