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Everything posted by Oscarias

  1. Oscarias

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Allow me to clear it up for you if I may. What he is saying is that its like real life, but like Dayz in life and its real. :)
  2. Hi guys, Been going through all these threads and not having much luck, figured a post might be easier. Like the title says looking for a squad of mature players (relatively speaking lol). I'm on the East Coast USA and play predominately between the hours of 9pm and 2am EST. I am in my early 40s and have been playing DayZ since around June off and on. Just looking to have fun with some like minded players. I'm up for anything between casual and tactical play but nothing so serious that it removes the fun factor. If you happen to know of a squad that might be a good match for me please post there name. Thanks
  3. On some maps it appears to be an island but it is actually part of the mainland and its really quite expansive up there. A great addition to the hills and forests would be random hunting cabins and abandoned camp sites. Perhaps even some abandoned LZs with equipment lying around.
  4. Oscarias

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    It would be a brilliant touch if loot spawned in more appropriate settings. Search pantry for non perishable food, winchester/shotgun above the fireplace, chests and closets for clothes ect... When you find a weapon at the NW airfield its on a dead soldier or on a barren rifle rack. This would really help with the immersion.
  5. Oscarias

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    WOW! Very impressed, can not wait!!!
  6. Oscarias

    Big Foot In Day Z (Video)

    How goes the search for bigfoot, any new sightings?
  7. Thank God this game is not single player otherwise I would not have an excuse to turn the music off. I have not played with music on since about an hour into playing for the first time and that was plenty. This game with that music creeped me the F out. I wonder if I would still feel the same today?
  8. Some of you guys are wound way to tight. I happen to sometimes enjoy longer videos and I am sure others do as well, kind of sets the scene for what is to come. If you prefer vids that get right to the point like a highlight reel of a sporting event that's cool, but there is no need to get all uppity about a vid that isn't. And its not like this vid starts with five minutes of him tooling around on his bike, it begins right with the chase. I thought this was a good video and the introduction was a nice touch. I bet that was quite a rush for the OP charging in there like that. You have my beans
  9. It was a cool place to have some laughs and bullshit with other players. I think it would be great to have it back. Judging by some of the responses I don't think everyone is aware of what this really was.
  10. Oscarias

    Shot some bandit, lost 7 K humanity.

    Everyone knows the best way to get your humanity up is to kneecap Zs and then bandage them. If your really ambitious administering some blood bags is real effective but I don't recommend this to novices.
  11. Oscarias

    Big Foot In Day Z (Video)

    You guys can break his balls all you want but let me tell you something, bigfoot in DayZ is for REAL. I was in Berezino doing a loot run and ducked into a cafe like establishment. As soon as I entered the door way and swept the room from left to right there he was sitting at a table in the corner with two bottles of whiskey in front of him. Just as I was wheeling around to sprint the hell out of there he called out to me in a very friendly and soothing voice "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you my friend. Why don't you have a drink with me and relax, I have been very lonely and would much appreciate a little company for a short time. As you can see I am unarmed so you have nothing to fear." Against my better judgment I took a seat and he passed a bottle over to me and next thing ya know we are sitting there talking and laughing like we had known each other for years. The son of a bitch drank me under the table, man can that guy hold his liquor. I ended up passing out at some point and awoke in the morning in an upstairs bedroom pant-less, with a sore ass and all my gear gone. My head is still pounding from that rock gut made out of god knows what and I won't even talk about my ass. You guys can make fun of and ridicule me and kn0x all you want, but for the love of god heed my warning. If you see bigfoot just run the other way and under no circumstances start drinking with the guy unless you have a bottle of aspirin and a full tube of lube. All you Bigfoot hunters out there be careful what you wish for, you might just get in the end. I sure as hell did.
  12. For me the issue is pretty cut and dry. DayZ is either a post apocalyptic survival SIM or it's not. Please explain to me, in the context of a SIM, where you would foresee guys lugging around 30 plus pound sniper rifles with an assault rifle, along with a pistol, mags for all weapons, NVG, range finder, ect... just to kill people for shits and giggles? The answer is you wouldn't, simple as that. You can not police how people use weapons in the game, the only thing you can do is take it away from them for the sake of this game being considered a SIM. If this isn't a SIM, then by all means leave them in game and allow the unrealistic carnage to continue and flourish. One thing I just thought of that could be an equalizer, or perhaps compromise is a better word, is the introduction of a real stamina system. Carrying around a .50 cal sniper rifle and all the accoutrements should severely limit the mobility of the player. Carrying all that gear should limit how fast you can run, how long you can run for without taking a break, and increase the consumption of food and especially water. Maybe even to the point that a fully kitted out player would no longer have the speed to avoid a Zombie. Maybe even increase the likely hood of taking nasty falls when rapidly descending a hill. Make the player pay a severe price for lugging around all that crap and you will see less people using them.
  13. If this game (mod) was in a finished state then this would be a great and much needed feature. As things stand now its down right incomprehensible that anyone thought this would be a good idea at this time. If any of the following things occur that are beyond my control I have to choose between not playing at all or going to a different server and risk getting whacked on the beach, not to mention spending countless minutes getting back to the location I was already at. And then the next time I play and wish to return to my preferred server I start on the freaking beach again. 1.What if my preferred server is full? Do I just call it a night and hope tomorrow when I log in I can play? 2.Server is down or having difficulties 3.Hackers running rampant- This is the biggest issue hands down. This is putting the cart before the horse. Get these hackers under control before penalizing players for finding a different server. The other night during about three hours of game play I was on four different servers all due to trying to avoid hackers.
  14. Oscarias

    Bandit skin is awesome

    The biggest reason I can see for bandits bitching about the skin is because they have lost a deadly tactic, anonymity. No longer can they hide amongst the sheep, they have been unmasked for the wolves that they are. The hunters can now become the hunted, game on.
  15. Oscarias

    Nightmare inducing mad axeman - Scary stuff

    hoping for a part 3 :)
  16. Oscarias

    Nightmare inducing mad axeman - Scary stuff

    The fact that it happened a second time to him and on a different servers makes this epic lol. I tip my hat to the deranged axe man.
  17. Oscarias

    Sniping elektro with the AS50

    I love how deftly you dealt with those Zs, you L33t sniper you.
  18. This is a SIM, and how sniper rifles are being used are very un-SIM like to the determent of the game. You can not control how weapons are used in game, therefor they should be removed for the good of the game. It's really that simple. It's for the same reason helicopters will not be fitted with rockets and missiles or why you won't see A-10s bombing the hell out of cities (at least you shouldn't lol).
  19. Oscarias

    Bandits, heroes and dogs, oh my...

    Sadly I think dogs will become the biggest bandit magnet there is. They will whack your dog in front of your eyes then put a bullet in your head lol.
  20. Oscarias

    Good place for a stash `?

    That is not an island, it is connected to the mainland. You just don't see it in that map.
  21. Oscarias

    DayZ - The Scarecrow

    Thanks for the laugh.
  22. Oscarias

    DayZ - The Movie

    Beautifully done!!
  23. Oscarias

    Amazing DayZ Video

    lol that was amazing. Two men enter one man leaves lol
  24. Dude, that was funny and all and also real pathetic. On the beach robbing and executing unarmed newbs for a freaking bandage, you are the king of dayz. That second guy sounded like he was ten years old. Go in country and make a vid like this and then, oh wait that would take balls and some skill. Judging buy what a poor shot you are I would say your lacking skill as well as balls.