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About Peanutbutter60

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  1. Peanutbutter60

    Roleplay! Server is up now! - Flaming Rose Roleplaying Server

    Hey there. Never really played on a full RP server but I do enjoy getting in character. Tried loading your enjin site but nothing seems to work for me. The banner and side bar load, as well as other Enjin features, but for the most part the website is an empty grey backscreen. Not sure if this is because I'm not allowed certain privileges or what. But I'm interested in joining this server, so hopefully I can figure out the issues. EDIT: Forgot to click the "Join site" button, now everything's loading on the site.
  2. I don't seem to recall... then again.. I did have quite a few drinks that night...
  3. Peanutbutter60

    Your weird/odd/funny encounters in DayZ

    And then came NWAF....
  4. Goodbye "Act III". You were probably my favorite guy at the meet. Didn't talk much, I was the guy with the red hoodie. At least you didn't see the bullet that killed you at NWAf. :( P.S. What's with you and hunting? It's pitch black out, let's go hunting; It's daytime, let's go hunting; Someone died, let's go hunting; we're going to NWAF, let's hunt along the way
  5. Peanutbutter60

    Fall damage buggy?

    It's because of weight. When you're unequipped you don't meet the weight requirement to cause injury. If you pick up a shirt, a pair of pants, and a can of beans, then you are subject to the laws of physics, to the extreme.
  6. Peanutbutter60

    Coming back from the dead as a zed

    Every played DayZ Epoch? if you died while infected then you turned into a zombie. You could use an altered form of nightvision, sprint without tiring, and raise "hordes" of zombies. Long story short, it sucked. It was fun for a few minutes, but then you got bored. Then it was just people on global chat begging for an admin or another player to kill them
  7. Okay, installed TS.Added the server to my bookmarks. Never used TS before so hopefully I don't run into any issues. And I hadn't read the whole post. Since I know it's at DC I'll work my way there. Thanks.
  8. I believe I may be able to make it. That is, assuming I'll be able to successfully navigate my way to the meetup. Don't have teamspeak so hopefully you can om.
  9. Peanutbutter60

    Zombies hunting wildlife?

    So earlier today I was on my way to NWAF. On my way there I had to pass through the large field to the northwest of Stary. I began a sprint across, darting between every available piece of cover I could find. As I passed a bush I noticed an aggroed zombie. I sat in abush and readied my hatchet, expecting it to arrive at my location in a few seconds. I peeked out and noticed it was sprinting to the west, away from me.. I pulled out my blazer, panicking and believing there was another player waiting to kill me. I then noticed a boar running east from a treeline. I thought to myself, "So this guy was trying to hunt but aggroed the zombie, good job." I waited but then I saw the zombie turn after the boar. The zombie would sprint towards the boar, stop, run another ten feet, stop, another ten, stop, and so on. I watched for about a minute before they disappeared from my sight. So this is the first time I've seen this happen. Has anyone else noticed this?
  10. Peanutbutter60

    Fraps FPS - Sniper - need help/suggestions

    Shadowplay only works if you have an Nvidia gpu. You can get it by downloading the drivers from GeForce experience. Reason not everyone uses it is because some people prefer AMD graphics. They're a bit cheaper but perform similarly. I use Shadowplay a bit when I play. The program is somewhat new and therefore has a few issues. The main issue is microphone quality. Shadowplay will capture game audio, and third party audio (Skype is what I use cause I only play with 1-2 people), and will also capture your own microphone(But it has specific settings you'll want to check beforehand). The problem with recording my audio was that in the recording my voice was very quiet. You could barely hear it over the sound of the ocean. My teammates could be heard perfectly, it was only me that was quiet. I searched this issue and it turned out to be a flaw with the program. Since then i have been using Audactiy(A free audio program) to record my voice and then mixing that with my shadowplay recording. In the time since I had this issue, various updates for Shadowplay have been released. Hopefully this issue has been resolved. For a free program, it's certainly worth a try to look into. And as others have said, it barely affects your framerate.
  11. Peanutbutter60

    DayZ - Where armed hostages save lives

    Well, holstering your weapon does convey that you're not going to immediately KOS them. There are definitely those who would shoot you while you're unarmed. And there are also those who have been betrayed by those who have been "friendly", and would shoot you before you could draw your weapon. I was just saying that the group you had at the end was starting to get paranoid and it seemed like it would turn into a free for all. It would've been fun to watch.
  12. Peanutbutter60

    DayZ - Where armed hostages save lives

    Damn.. was hoping for a Mexican standoff at the end. Good video none the less.
  13. Peanutbutter60

    Epoch door/safe code cracking?

    Nope, besides hacking there's no way. It's all randomized.
  14. Peanutbutter60

    Will Dayz run on Macbook Retina Disp.?

    As I said in the other thread you necro'd, "Posted two years ago, I think he already got his answer one way or another."