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About Bennersftw

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Okay this post is simply just to vent, hah. So no need to read it for those who care not what I say. *clears throat* First of all, I love the realism in this game. I think it's about time that a game that's actually challenging and utilizes realistic actions for realistic reactions. Now that being said, the bugs are what make it not so realistic (duh, obviously it's a video game). Okay cool, that's fine I still want my 2 cents out there. I have read comments and watched videos on all sorts of strats and like it's been said on this thread, go prone, find barns, throw cans, even throw smoke or any other device that lights up to distract the Zeds. However, I have literally tried everything I've seen or that has been recommended for a strategy yet I still cannot find a weapon, I still have Zeds attack me through doors, and I still have Zeds agro from far away despite me being prone and making the minimal noise. I run, and I run, and I run trying to distance me from the Zeds but they never slow down. I try and LOS (Line of Site) them but nothing works they stick on me like glue. - This could be realistic, don't get me wrong. But I get so disgruntled with how it originates. I'm doing everything I can to be stealthy, watch their walking patterns, throw tin cans, use my environment to reduce visibility but it all ends in the same spot - me dead on the ground. I have re-started at least 6 times today. Some runs are longer then others (which get me excited) but I always wind up dead. I've been murdered a few times by bandits, that's fine it's the way the game goes. But the glitches, or the sensitivity of the zeds seems to be a real pain in the butt. Not starting out with a pistol any more is pretty frustrating as it was stated in the thread as well, you have zero protection upon spawning. I accept this modification however of not starting with a wep cause realistically not every human on the planet would start with a gun - I know I wouldn't. So I wrote this for two reasons, A) because the frustration has been building up all day and for the past couple days, and also to give me a break from the game as it's getting bloody well insane! But I do finally enjoy a hell of a challenege no doubt, I just find some situations a bit unfair due to glitches. Then again, when in life are things ever fair. Happy huntin' ladies and gents. :D