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About Ophidion

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Ophidion

    Am I a bad person?

    Trust no one. Even if they say they're friendly. I make sure their gun is down, and they're out of sight. If they don't comply, I find another way around, or gun them down. Currently watching over a wounded friend in Cherno with a SVD Camo and a Rangefinder. Anyone who comes within 50 feet of that building get's a bullet through theirs skull. I protect my friends in this game, because it's means for survival. You did the right thing.
  2. Ophidion

    Lights Inside Certain Buildings

    If you mean the little men, yes. They are unaware.
  3. Ophidion

    Lights Inside Certain Buildings

    ^ Everyone knows there are little men in the cement who use cranks that power the runway 24/7.
  4. Ophidion

    Lights Inside Certain Buildings

    Actually, what would be really cool, is being able to use the flashlight as a deployable lamp. Lighting a room up, while using your primary weapon. Almost like a kerosine lamp with batteries.
  5. Ophidion

    Lights Inside Certain Buildings

    We have flashlights, flares, chemsticks, and military flashlights. We just need to use what we have at hand.
  6. Ophidion

    Adrenaline + Some sort of Prozac.

    Unatural damages and bleeding from blunt forces to the nose such as epistaxis can be stopped in emergencies through the use of vasoconstrictors. It's not going to be shooting out your ears. And while it does increase blood pressure, it isn't harmful unless it's generally high beforehand. It increases blood coagulation as well. If you apply pressure on a cloth soaked in epinephrine, it can slow down the blood flow.
  7. Ophidion

    Adrenaline + Some sort of Prozac.

    What the hell? Can an admin remove those links. And ban the user.
  8. Ophidion

    Adrenaline + Some sort of Prozac.

    Yes, and my leg shouldn't be breaking from an opening door. I couldn't give 2 shits about realism or it's adverse effects in real life. Also, Adrenaline is an epinephrine so it can stop bleeding because it is a vasoconstrictor. It's used to STOP superficial bleeding, why in the hell would it increase bleeding? EDIT: Ya nub.
  9. It would be awesome. I've searched the topics, but they were dumb. All it had was, "increese da movement speed" What it does, is it slows down bleeding from 60 blood, to 15 blood (75% slowdown) and increases movement speed by 25%, and increases action speed (ADS, going in to crouch or prone, climbing, bandaging etc.). However, your screen will be grayed out, much like when you are low on blood so there will be visual impairment and such. What adrenline will be used for, is for situations where you're surrounded after getting hit by a zombie, but there's no time to bandage and there's no buildings in your area. You take a shot of adrenaline, it'll stop the amount of blood lost and you can hopefully get to a safer area faster to bandage yourself. The duration of Adrenaline is 5 minutes. Now, Prozac does the opposite. What it will do is it will calm the player. It'll cancel out ALL effects of the Adrenaline (and vice versa) and will change the effects. What Prozac will do is if you run out of stamina, taking Prozac will still your ADS mode and scope so there will be no shaking while looking down scope and binoculars. Under the effect of Prozac, even after running for a long time, you will never have problems due to stamina issues. More effects such as resisted damage done by anything by 40% and less likely for bleeding to occur. If you recieve shock during the effects of Prozac, it will reduce the time by 50%. The Prozac can be used before hand, or it can be used by a teammate on you. The duration of Prozac is 15 minutes.
  10. Ophidion

    This is why I kill on sight

    I avoid people I don't know at all costs. Even if they say they're friendly. Trust no one, don't be friendly, and don't respond to "friendlies". I have over 800 zombie kills, no bandit kills or murders.
  11. Ophidion

    More zombie enviroment

    Sooo, just search for titles only.
  12. Ophidion


    Selfish, that's waste of not only people's time, it's waste of threadspace, and your energy becuase people are just going to flame you for it. Use the search engine, you may not care but the mods do.
  13. Ophidion

    !!! Joe's Trading store !!! ^^

    Turning up the Gamma and Brightness doesn't work if it's pitch black. -_- It'll wash out all the colors and you'll only be able to see things in a black/white scale. It looks awful, can you can't do anything. With NVGs it actually makes things visible at night. Meaning you can actually see the texture of the floor you stand on.
  14. Ophidion

    Want a tent, have a M4A1 CCO SD [Trade]

    This is the ENTIRE problem with the game. People just backstab eachother and decide it's easier to grab the equipment off other players. It's lost it's feel to me as a game, it's now currently PvP + Zombies. Now, we're all worried about other players than the actual zombies, the zombies are 0 threat compared to players.
  15. I've played Arma 2 ever since it came out and it just doesn't help that much with DayZ. Players need to be thrown in the deep end first hand, it'll give them more experience.