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Posts posted by jonatan.s.jelle@gmail.com

  1. First of all, fuck you Alpha sayers, get a new quote to spam, second to all you butthurt kids, i could care less about your opinions, i want my shit back that i found legit, and used legit, but was taken because of a game that has bugs, yea its Alpha but its still a game and my stuff is dissapearing for no reason, in ANY other game if that happened i would get my stuff back, but your saying because hes so high and mighty he wont? well if he thinks that way then he doesnt deserve the many people who join this game hoping to have a good time, because i sure as hell dont have a good time when i spend MY time playing his game, finding good gear, and then having it all go away because of that shit, so no i wont accept that, soon as they fix the bugs i want my stuff back, if i get my stuff back then i have no problem supporting this game, hell if the staff actually listen to players i would donate to them, i would do whatever i can to help them, but if they ignore bugs that piss people off, no i wont support them, and neither will many other people.

    I for one am sick of bugs and sick of hackers, fix that shit or dont make the game. 4 broken patches in a row is retarded.

    Who's butthurt did you say? :P
