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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. T.G.

    Wow this is awesome!!!

    I have only 8 gb ram as well and run with no problems (well no crashing problems as you describe). The hdd might be the problem or at least part of it. From the reading I have done here and elsewhere the mod performance is heavily dependent on hard disk.
  2. Trying to assist a new server admin catch a god mode teleporting scripter who killed several players today. Is there a resource somewhere that has been helpful is locating these scripts in the logs? Any advice would be very much appreciated including telling us to quit while we are ahead. Seriously though, we would like to see more done than kicking this guy locally and keeping players like this to a minimum.
  3. It is a vilayer managed server and is updated to
  4. T.G.

    hacker camp

    Hacked or duped is debatable, but since the post stated there were many many weapons, legit or not suggests duping. A pile of wire fencing and sand bags suggests duping. While plausible that these things can be accumulated legitimately in game, with the current state of bugged duping tents, it strains the imagination to wonder at who would amass a stockpile like that described by legitimate means. Lets just call it exploiting and leave it at that.
  5. So I stumbled onto a player tent base right next to Podoba Dam (yes very original) and after receiving fracture and being insta-killed from and unknown source that was not detectable by the server admin in logs, my sole mission has been to destroy this base, repeatedly. It is not that large of a base hardly a tent city, six tents in all, some empty and others full of top tier duped gear. The base is encircled in dozens of sandbags surrounded by hedgehogs surrounded by wire fencing. It is not made to be entered on this server. In the center of the ring is an empty patch just perfect for ghosting into from another server to gear up and go player killing I would imagine. I have driven over the wire and removed the other obstacles. I have trashed all the gear from the tents and saved them many multiples of times. I have driven over the tents with their contents still inside. It seems no matter what I attempt the tents are back everyday after the server restarts. This is my burden to bear, however I would like to suggest that serious thought be given to revamping a system that allows for this to happen. I am personally a fan of the idea of binding everything to server: characters, gear, tents, vehicles, and every other game asset you can think of. This might not only help to curb the current issues of death dodging, ghosting, and loot hopping, but also help to develop a greater sense of community and competition on servers in my opinion. In any case I would like to see removable and destructible items in game that are presently server bound that are intended to be removable and destructible continue to be removed and destroyed after a server restarts.
  6. While I appreciate the offers of griefer support, I do not want the duped gear on the server I play on any more than I want it spread out on other servers. Like I said this is my burden, but I sure that this is not the only dupe camp out there. Find one on your server and join the cause.
  7. Is the present condition of vehicles and tents frustrating, yes no doubt. Are there plenty of other things to do in game without vehicles and tents, yes no doubt. The choice to play or not is your own, but it seems like you want affirmation for your decision? How is a boycott of the game going to improve the situation exactly?
  8. Wondering the same my self and have been trying to work this out as most people leave server after dark...
  9. Whoa, slow your fucking roll, just because you have recently discovered the beauty of Berezino does not mean you need to start sending out postcards. I like it quiet up here, so let the kids play team death match down on the south coast and stop putting the good neighborhoods on full blast with forum threads like this.
  10. T.G.

    Tents Saving Troubleshooting

    Server restarts tent disappears. I will give it a try but really wish I had something better to be doing than waiting 10-15 mins after saving a tent to resave a tent to hope it actually saves. I guess replacing the gear lost from tents would work. Hoping fix comes soon as well as stand alone.
  11. Good to know the reasons dupers use to justify their actions.
  12. Also grammar and spell check are broken. Sorry, I could not help myself.
  13. Some decent suggestions and well thought out. However, assuming that most player killing is based on logical weighing of risk versus reward seems flawed in my opinion. I think most player killing is based on players wanting a typical deathmatch fps experience in this game. Unfortunately for the better souls trying to salvage some shred of humanity in this game, no amount of cooperation incentives will alter this. In fact I would imagine that the number of solo player killers are rather insignificant when compared to the groups of player killer that camp the south coast cities. Giving any artificial benefits to groups outside of present game mechanics would only further bolster these groups of human hunters. Grouping provides greater strength and relative safety (for the collective if not the individual), this is the only incentive needed to encourage grouping.
  14. T.G.

    Help ban DayZ Question

    Game user id is banned not ip address, if you and your brother have purchased separate games with separate game keys (which you should since you know his action will result in ban) you will have no problem playing on your new pc, enjoy.
  15. T.G.

    We found a bus...

    I would leave too, there are plenty of good servers out there with dedicated admins trying to keep hackers and scripters antics to a minimum. Admins like this deserve all the joy that comes with ruling a ghost town.
  16. While this sounds perfectly logical and balanced with pre-infection population levels, it could be flawed in a game setting. I regularly run around with 4-5 other players. The zombie population should scale with this group size, as it presently does, but this would go against the logic of population balance. I like the idea of being able to "secure" an area for the most part, but it should not be a faceroll. Unless the group uses suppressed weapons, the process of securing would logically attract more zombies. Either way I don't see that great of a flaw with the present system, and anyone who claims that zombies are not a threat must simply have better luck than I do with random fracture hits and unconsciousness.
  17. T.G.

    So its finally happened to me!

    Don't give up. I know I usually have to stop after surviving for a few days and getting killed. I try to force things , like recovering my gear, and never end up getting far and not really enjoying the process. I find taking a step back and starting fresh with a fresh respawn helps.
  18. It has most certainly been stated before, but since I cannot play the game let it be said again. I lost connection moving into the tree line south of Green Mountain about five minutes after shooting a zombie which was the only combat I had thus far with this play through. I logged back in to a five minute timer. My friend had a great time dragging my unconscious body around for the duration of the timer and then some. I was a little annoyed at my inability to stop the dragging as fun as it was, but that is another story. After approaching Green Mountain and trying to flush the graphical glitches and artifacts without success, I logged out and restarted the entire client. This plan B tends to work but is a bigger hassle than the flush. Anyway it seems to have worked, as far as I can see, which is not much because... You guessed it I am unconscious once again with a five minute timer, which should be up by now ending this rant. Until the next time
  19. T.G.

    What would you do?

    Not go to cherno in the first place? So I guess that would be no contact made.
  20. T.G.

    New to the game?

    Welcome back and good luck with the install. If you run into problems I suggest the search function as opposed to opening a thread. You are more likely to get your problems resolved and without the hassle of wading through a small ocean of forum douchebaggery.
  21. No offense but the game you describe sounds more like left 4 dead 2 than dayz. There are many reasons why the player base came to this game in the numbers it has, and while the game might not be perfect it has its merits. I do not think it would do justice to the project to begin reshaping it to fit the molds of other games. I think the combat system is visceral and dynamic as is, and the fact that it is not a non stop in your face combat game as most fps are is not a problem as I see it. It can be played as a very subtle game, but perhaps this is not for everyone. Luckily there is more than one way to play the game, just be careful when suggesting a reworking of the combat system it is keeping this facet of the game intact.
  22. I was moving up the east coast of the map since the clean up of some artifacts. Three dead soldiers and a jeep in a pond by a bridge, each shooting rays of distortion and polygons to obscure my vision. Some places are cleaner but if it is really bad and flushing does not fix it, I have to log and restart the client
  23. T.G.

    This was pretty disrespectful...

    Meh, nice intention, but I think you put yourself in a bad spot. Help one solo survivor sure. Seems like you found two friends who were not looking to make friends, just trying to make the most of the situation. Do not give up hope for humanity just yet.
  24. I have had this occur on occasion but I still do not think there is anything wrong with this. Prone on the ground does not equal invisible. I am personally glad to see some improvement in zombie speed as well, no more instantly sprinting to catch up but then unable to finish the race silliness. They may not be perfect, but the zombie ai and pathing are moving in the right direction as far as I am concerned.