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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. T.G.

    How to Stop Dupers

    I wish that worked on their tents as well.
  2. T.G.

    DayZ Cow Level unlocked

    Walks onto NWAF with flashlight, sees obvious sign of hacking, accepts challenge? more beans for hydra.
  3. T.G.

    Perks to reduce PVP

    I think the infinite loot spawn is a problem of game breaking proportions. The scenario you described seems far too common and I do not disagree that the mentality of most players looking to pvp or deathmatch fits better in CoD type game than whatever dayz is attempting to be. I remember reading once upon a time on the wiki that loot respawns were disabled by player proximity. I forget the in game distances and times, and really they do not matter as this is not the case. A player or group of players can camp a spawn and remove the loot for the building to force a respawn of more loot. This is a broken mechanic. Duping is one thing but this is just exploiting bad game mechanics with an abundance of time to get the same results (and a lot more garbage that slows down game performance). My question would be why are loot respawns not disabled by player proximity. I think this would have a trickle down effect that could shake up many aspects of the game. If nothing else it would be more amusing seeing snipers with enfields instead of 50 cals camping the south coast (trying to stay on the pvp thread topic).
  4. As far as I have seen tents save one time in version and at every server restart the contents of the tent will be reverted to this saved state.
  5. T.G.


    Camo and ghillie trump survivor, bandit and hero. The debug monitor should reset with skin change but it will come back, usually by next login.
  6. T.G.

    WarZ Map

    Canoes big enough for three trolls?
  7. Posting here will get you no where Appeal your ban through Battleye, nothing can be done here Stop doing things that can get you banned globally Find a game that does not perma-ban cheaters that is all I have for advice right now.
  8. T.G.

    Perks to reduce PVP

    I used to play d&d myself so I won't make fun of you for that, but I have to disagree with the alignment parallel. I do not think they should be included in this or any game to force players to act according to a set of preconceived guidelines. These alignments make decent short descriptions of world views and exceedingly poor indicators of how individuals react in specific situations. True neutral for example is bullshit unless you refuse to make a choice the majority of the time. I would also hesitate to drop all the CoD kiddies into the kill with impunity dictates manifestations of paranoia, delusional effects, visual and auditory hallucinations, etc. alignment whatever that might be. Chaotic evil? Human psychology is slightly more complex than this system makes it out to be. How many serial killers are described in this manner by their former neighbors and coworkers. I can recall a few more typical, quiet guy next door types than acid freaks with a taste for jerky. Certainly this is the direction that some minds would eventually follow, but there are plenty of other directions as well. You have already described these players as having no feelings and killing with impunity. This delusion and detachment could very well be the extent of their psychosis. How else would you describe someone sitting on a hillside waiting deliberately for something to pass through the crosshairs, indifferent to thirst, hunger, or the elements? I would like to describe these types as a Chigurh from No Country For Old Men or maybe Hannibal Lector (if cannibalism was allowed in game). I would but these types of players are not nearly this interesting, but their play style does not deserve penalty for being uninteresting or borderline psychotic. If you are wondering why I am so strongly against discouraging pvp through penalties, I can only offer full disclosure for the style of play I would like to see. I play with a large group of players some friends, some friends of friends, and some just met along the way. The group is too large to coordinate easily most of the time. I have proposed that we divide into two (or more) smaller groups and compete with each other. Each group would still be well rounded enough to do everything the larger single group could with out the logistical drawbacks. There would be room for treachery, infighting, and power struggles all without any artificial game mechanics dictating these conditions. Once you start setting up obstacles to play within this sandbox to foster the type of game you want to see, please consider the other playstyles you would be doing away with. If the CoD douches are really your main concern, I do not see them sticking around that long. This is not the game for them and we should not be asking to alter its mechanics to attempt to change their playstyles or affect their fragile states of mind.
  9. You can have several profiles with different names, volume settings, graphic preferences, etc. As far as the hive saved persistent character, they are all the same and tied to cd key and guid.
  10. T.G.

    Any take meat from animals

    Not bad, but I expected slightly lewder responses based on title.
  11. Awesome more tents duping gear endlessly, why not have a camp on every server...
  12. T.G.

    new to dayz

    I would also recommend that you do yourself the favor of running through the Arma II tutorial. The control scheme is more complex than a lot of typical wasd type games and once you get over that hurdle the intuitive nature of the rest of the game controls seems to make more sense.
  13. T.G.

    Counter-Sniping Tips?

    Acquire L85A2 AWS. Chances are those you are hunting have one already, might as well even the odds.
  14. T.G.

    Perks to reduce PVP

    Hence the word "authentic" as opposed to realistic both taken in the context described by rocket in relation to the mod he designed. The mod is not at all realistic in comparison to reality as you have noted with several very good examples. In comparison to other games however this mod is brutally realistic. It is not perfect and doubtful ever will be. I agree with the problems you bring up and could list others as well, this does not justify the inclusion of further flawed game mechanics. My intent was not to be nitpicky. My intent was to illustrate that the described mechanic would have little actual effect at discouraging pvp and question why redesigning the game mechanics to reshape open world interactions in a sandbox game would be a positive idea in the first place.
  15. T.G.

    Perks to reduce PVP

    While I do not understand why you think pvp is a bad thing you are entitled to your opinion. I hope you realize that a damage bonus or reduction to a player based on their in game actions in no way falls in line with the "authentic" experience that the mod design is attempting to achieve. Beyond this in many cases it would be a pointless mathematical addition to a scenario that would ultimately end the same. Would you feel better that it took roughly ten shots to be killed instead of six? How do you imagine your twenty percent humanity tax (or forty percent for bandit vs hero) on damage would slow down an encounter with an anti-material weapon? While I can appreciate that many players might not like the outcome of many of their pvp encounters, I would suggest that these players (and this often includes myself) work on becoming twenty percent more aware of their surroundings and the potential threats they harbor. This mod is not like other games. The stand alone looks to follow in that vein. Please stop suggesting that it should be anything other than what it is. If the experience is not to your liking then try another game that is more appropriate.
  16. T.G.

    Admins can´t read ?

    There is a forum section for reporting admin abuse, reading for the win.
  17. tldr: Bought game for alpha mod, played for a week, became bored and disappointed with bugs and current game state, began scripting, got banned So when/if you get to play the stand alone how long do you think it will take you to get banned again?
  18. Based on thread title I thought this was going in a completely different direction...
  19. Sounds like two servers not worth playing on, there are plenty of others. Let the bad admins enjoy racing around their unpopulated map with whatever vehicle suits their fancy. An empty sandbox is a sad sandbox.
  20. T.G.

    Hiding tents

    Tents are presently dupe factories and therefore useless to anyone looking to play this game legitimately. Seriously though there is a finite amount of space on the map where a tent could be placed. A player can eventually cover every square kilometer of this map in an effort to locate tents. There is no such thing as a good hiding place, just an acceptable temporary stash until the next acceptable temporary stash.
  21. T.G.

    Decent Servers

    Rock & Roll?
  22. I have had the same problem for three days. I play on one server only. I acquired a shock timer after being next to a zombie a friend of mine shot. I then lost connection, because I have shitty internet. Since this point three days ago, every time I log into the game I have a five minute timer awaiting me. It does not matter if I have quit for the night and come back the next day or if I have once again lost connection due to my shitty internet. My understanding is this was implemented as a penalty to combat game exploits such as death dodging, combat logging and server hopping. This also seems to be the basis of your "its not a bug" theory. I hope my case helps to illustrate that a penalty timer would be more effective when applied to the logging out process. This would help curb the death dodging and combat logging by attacking the actions at the source instead of after the fact. If these timer are not penalties as I have come to understand them, could someone kindly tell me what I am doing wrong. I am sick of starting game and walking away for five minutes.
  23. T.G.

    DayZ is un playable

    I am going to have pizza and then play the unplayable alpha mod, with all its bugs and glitches.
  24. T.G.

    Wow. I can't believe this shit.

    Players more interested in the part of the game that requires effort to attain said gear. Those not interested in applying this effort to the game can make do with hand outs from hackers or find a more suitable game that spawns them into play with full military gear. If you lack the patience to play a game that requires patience, why are you torturing yourself with it in the first place?
  25. T.G.

    Am I allowed to keep this..?

    As other have stated it is a morality question and seems to be one of the more interesting quandaries brought up for the community to mull over with rockets experiment. Ask yourself how you think the game should be played. Decide what you think is right and what is not. I think most importantly, what type of player would you want to play with? These questions may seem like nothing within a game context and easily dismissed as it is just a game. If you do not think the answers to these questions tell us a little something about our own nature, I can only wonder at what other moral decisions and facets of reality are easily dismissed for you?