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Everything posted by xInfinityx

  1. I have a few suggestions for bird mechanics that I think would add to the wonderful atmosphere that is developing in DayZ. Birds are already in DayZ, and it has been confirmed by Rocket that players will be able to hunt them. So, I've started this thread to discuss and suggest some things that could make birds behave realistically and more interestingly. Different types of birds: Hawks, Buzzards, Crows, Ducks/Geese, owls, bats (obvs not a bird), seagulls, etc. HAWKS Hawks could be witnessed hunting rabbits (similarly to owls at night), and in general flying high in the sky. Also, they would provide food and feathers (for arrows & headdresses) for the capable hunter. Maybe you could even use a freshly killed rabbit as bait for all birds. Possibly long term you can tame hawks and use them to hunt rabbits for you. This obviously would be dependent on how much depth the developers plan to add to DayZ. I think this could be useful for the woodsman/survivalist style of DayZ play. (would require leather, rope, a built cage, and bait to tame a hawk) BUZZARDS/VULTURES Buzzards and crows would feed on dead animals and players. they would be realistic visuals cues that there is something dead in the area and something has happened to cause death. Buzzards would only come around to feast on something dead, and also if a player is very injured. For instance, they have been crawling through a field crippled for a long period, or just laying out in the open (possibly camping and sniping) then the buzzards would start circling. Also, provide food and feathers, but high risk of infection. CROWS Crows would congregate regularly in different areas like normal birds do. They would scatter upon gunshots in a vicinity near them, or if a player breaches a certain distance around them. Also, provide food and feathers for players. DUCKS/GEESE They populate water systems. Ponds, Lakes, rivers, creeks. Can be observed flying south as a cue to help orientate the lost survivor. Flocks of ducks, geese, crows, and seagulls will ruin plane and helicopter engines if you fly into them causing the unlucky (or crazy) survivor to be forced to eject. Also, provide food and feathers. OWLS Can be witnessed hunting rabbits at night in the woods. Flying around wooded areas and across fields. Possibly show up in barns at night as well to scare the crap out of someone looking for loot. Also. provide food and feathers. BATS Flying around at night in the open air. Possibly turn zombified from feeding off of zombies and becoming infected. Infected bats attack players and give them infections. Also, provide food at high risk of infection. Can also be found in barns at night. SEAGULLS Eat trash possibly left by players around the coast lines. Fly around and congregate coast lines, and islands. Also, provide food and feathers. Fly in flocks around coast lines that could cause damage to air vehicles. I think that is about it...
  2. xInfinityx

    Standalone Hostage Gold

    NSFW - Profanity
  3. xInfinityx

    Standalone Hostage Gold

    o.O Hi, Thad?
  4. xInfinityx

    Standalone Hostage Gold

    It's not me. It's Thadrius on twitch.tv www.twitch.tv/thadrius
  5. xInfinityx

    Standalone Hostage Gold

    Thadrius - "Ok, leave your shoes and your pants and you can go" Prisoner - *takes off shirt and all clothes* Thadrius - "I don't want your shirt...oh..oh..ok" Prisoner - "Yeah, we're getting funky"
  6. xInfinityx

    Bleeding (Over Powered)

    I'm pretty sure zombies damage your gear when they hit you as mine seemed to be in progressively worse condition as I fought them today. Also, the zombies are attacking you with the intent to rip you to shreds and eat you so I think they use quite a lot of force.
  7. xInfinityx

    Bleeding (Over Powered)

    Or you could stop being horrible at the game? It really isn't that hard to deal with. Bandages are basically infinite and you regen blood. Training wheels are not necessary. At least we aren't getting our legs broken from zombie swings anymore. You should try that some time. It used to be that you randomly stop bleeding sometimes after being injured, but I'm not sure if that is the case at the moment.
  8. Yeah, plus how can you be rick grimes if you can't put your python on your waist?
  9. Blood regen works now so most of the points in this thread are invalid. (you heal over time now) Saline and blood bag are not necessary to having full blood.
  10. xInfinityx

    I would like a cup of coffee!

    You don't need the press. You just need the beans. You can boil them in your canteen to make coffee.
  11. xInfinityx

    Simple way to vastly improve NOTES in game

    Maybe if it is written on it shows up as a sealed envelope instead of a loose piece of paper?
  12. xInfinityx

    M4 firemodes? (semi/full)

    Rocket said "T" is the key to change fire modes on his Twitter.
  13. xInfinityx

    PC Gamer Article: DayZ Christmas ceasefire

    Would be pretty cool, but can the 12 year olds keep their fingers off the trigger?
  14. xInfinityx

    Suggestion: multiple characters

    Maybe, or maybe people would just use their alternates to troll and deathmatch without consequence. Take a fresh spawn and go to all the high risk areas to get loot without having to care about dying because your main is perfectly safe. Share the loot with your buddies and then get it from them. Drop all your gear except your weapons and go to any populated area to raise hell, troll new spawns, or attack an enemy with little consequence. By giving someone an alternate you basically ruin all the positive results of implementing consequence into the game which has been something that the devs have spent a lot of time working on improving.
  15. xInfinityx

    This game will only be a niche .....

    No shit the end game is missing. Christ people. Seriously. It is completely obvious that there needs to be more content and if you had paid any attention at all for the last year of development you would know that they are aware and planning to implement features and depth. They aren't trying to keep people around because the alpha is meant to help development. It isn't to secure the attention of new players nor even for new players to purchase it. What is laughable is that all these people think that they need to make new threads about this bullshit. They are just making forum dirty for no reason, and being annoying as hell. It's also annoying that these dudes that have 1 post think they need to chime in on shit people have been talking about in the suggestion forum since the beginning of the mod. Add to another thread. Stop being so freaking narcissistic that you think your page long post deserves a spotlight. There are plenty of other threads to add your opinion to. People are just rehashing shit over and over. Your ideas are not new. This dude's thread is extraordinarily absurd and stupid. (i'm talking to all the people posting this shit not specifically to you in that regard)
  16. xInfinityx

    Underground structures are possible

    Sewer and cave systems in DayZ would be legit.
  17. xInfinityx

    Suggestion: multiple characters

    Multiple characters is not good for the game. It is highly exploitable and also promotes trolling and deathmatching. Consequence is important!
  18. Yeah, I mean normally I don't like sacrificing realism for gameplay too much, but I think the realistic day/night cycle doesn't do much to make the game better. Origins was 4/4 and it was really fun, and didn't feel overbearing. But like if I had a choice on a seasonal/weather system I would say make it a 365 cycle. But 4/4 would give you: 1h - sunrise 3h - daylight 1h - sunset 3h - night
  19. xInfinityx

    This game will only be a niche .....

    Ugh...just leave. I know it sounds impossible, but your opinion is wrong.
  20. xInfinityx

    Zombies and axe

    if you hold in upper position you will connect to your right side. If you hold in lower position you connect where your crosshair is aiming for the most part. Always orient whatever you are trying to hit a little to your right.
  21. xInfinityx

    Suggestion: Write on bloodbags?

    Lol you can't be serious can you?
  22. 4/4 is really nice to play in, because you usually get some day time play in during your session.
  23. xInfinityx

    Saline > Blood Bagging. Here's why:

    I'm still wondering why I can't start my own IV.
  24. xInfinityx

    Saline > Blood Bagging. Here's why:

    I tested myself earlier and I'm O-. :) I have about 4 bags and IV start kits on me right now as well.
  25. Sounds like your wipe didn't go through earlier and now it just happened.