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Thanatos (DayZ)

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About Thanatos (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Thanatos (DayZ)

    2 FPS !!!

    Have you checked if the cpu and gpu performance is being throttled by the power management of your operating system? On laptops the hardware performance is often automaticaly tuned down by a LOT to preserve battery life which can make games unplayable. Using the official Nvidia whql driver is a good start but also make sure all the other system drivers and direct X components are installed. Another nemesis of gaming on laptops is overheating of components and this can also cause performance to be throttled. I run the game in 1080p high settings with very decent fps on an Intel Q9450 @ 2.66GHz with 4 gigs or ram and a Nvidia GTX280. I built this pc 4 years and 5 months ago. This system was good back then but extremely dated today. Clean and properly configured drivers, os and games make a big difference.
  2. Thanatos (DayZ)

    Any hope for single player

    Very true and if you want to be absolutely sure you never run into anyone you can join an empty server. The map is gigantic so it shouldn't be that hard.
  3. Thanatos (DayZ)

    I died.... and now?

  4. Thanatos (DayZ)

    I died.... and now?

  5. Thanatos (DayZ)

    who wants the spawn weapon back

    I love starting with no weapon. Makes for some very intense sneaking and escapes but it never takes long to find a hatchet. Learn to love the hatchet by the way because it's ability to make stealthy kills is highly underrated and particularly in the beginning when you don't have the means to deal with big hordes of zombies anyway. Here's a tip. Aquire a hatchet and when you find a barn you simply run up to it ignoring any zombies in your way. Run inside the barn and immediately go up the first flight of stairs onto the platform and turn around to face the stairs. The zombies you pulled will now slowly stumble up the stairs and you can simply spam your axe attack and let them walk into it. If you do it right you will take no damage and you can now loot the barn and the zombies for anything valuable. Barns are a good source for all kinds of basic items including shotguns and hunting rifles.
  6. Thanatos (DayZ)

    Trading D3 And SC2 OR steam acc with 9 games

    The account is registered to his personal info and it is strictly against the TOS to sell it. This person can simply contact Blizzard after the deal is done and claim the account was hacked to get it back. Even giving op the benefit of the doubt that he or she is honest it would be unwise to do this. I can't speak for the Steam account but I assume the same rules apply.
  7. Thanatos (DayZ)

    How is this fun?

    My is post lacking in nuance and I may have exagerated a bit but only for the sake of argument. :angel:
  8. Thanatos (DayZ)

    How is this fun?

  9. Thanatos (DayZ)

    To all you sniper bandits out there

    Great movie! To bad in real life the bullet would have been most likely ejected out of the side of that scope due to the curvature of the lenses inside Mythbusters did a lot of testing and the rounds used in that scene from Saving Private Ryan got stuck somewhere in the scops lens assembly every time. They managed to make a "kill" in the end using a special round with a penetrator though. In real life the German soldier would have survived but he would also have been taken out of action because his scope would have been wrecked.
  10. Thanatos (DayZ)

    How to screw with people

    What a fool. He should have shot you when he had the chance.
  11. Thanatos (DayZ)

    How do I sit and salute? (UK keyboard layout)

    I am also wondering about several binds on my British hoighty toighty tippy typer. 1. How do I switch firing modes on my rooty tooty point and shooty? 2. How do I turn on the windscreen wishy washies on my motorized rollingham? 3. How do I turn on my torch and trolleytorch? 4. I was accosted by an uncouth chap who demanded my beef wellington ensemble with lettuce so I said 'pish posh' and struck him in the slappy ham with a pip pip gollywock. Most unpleasent indeed. Which button do I press to call the authorities so I don't have to parley with these barbarians myself? Much obliged and yours sincerely, Lord Henry J. Trouserplantain esquire
  12. You could possibly have a profound advantage over male players by looking like or even roleplaying a female. When I was still playing World of Warcraft a girl from my circle of friends was also playing the game and she was in a raiding guild which is, for those who don't know, an organised group of people who try to beat the hardest dungeons in the game for the best loot. This girl was a casual player and not very good at the game but soon after joining that guild she was running around in better gear than any other member and she had several extremely rare and expensive items that very few people could afford on their own. She told me that several guys had begun showering her with gifts bought from the games auction house and high value freebees from the raid loot even though she hardly participated in dungeon raiding. This started after she had posted some pictures of herself on the guild forums and started chatting with these guys in private. She basicaly told me she was a bit creeped out by it but she was keeping them at arms length and getting rich doing nothing so whatevs. Now I do realise that my example doesn't match DayZ gameplay very well because in this game people rarely get a chance to socialise enough to start manipulating others but perhaps a fem player skin will still give some people pause for just a second when they round a corner in a building and run into one. Moral of the story? Some males will go to huge lengths to impress a female they have never even met and people can turn this to their advantage.
  13. If you killed a guy because you felt threatened and you gave the poor nameless sob a viking burial in his shiny highly valuable blue van while there is zombie apocalypse going on you are probably not a bandit but certainly an idiot. :rolleyes: I think they did the right thing.