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About Zombiegore

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Zombiegore

    Help with HFB CP

    Thanks, i feel like a idiot now. I didnt realize i got a second email saying to go here for the CP. All i had access to was the Files to edit (dont know exact name). I did buy the Private plus managed option, i asked if a staff member could help me with changing the heli crash loot or give me an idea on how to do it and they stated they couldnt do it and i had to figure it out myself, is there anyway you could point in the right direction to find the files i need to edit. Thx
  2. Zombiegore

    Help with HFB CP

    **Hope this is the right section** Hey I just bought a HFB DayZ private plus server and I have no, NO idea what im looking at in the control panel. Ive searched (maybe havent typed in the right tags to come up with the right searches) on how to use it, and what not. I was curious if there was anyone willing to give me the basics about it, how to start it / stop, change map, etc. Thanks :)
  3. Zombiegore

    Looking for...

    Just looking for a few people to play with, the other's i played with stopped playing and Solo is kind of boring. Steam: Zombiegorexx
  4. Zombiegore

    Quick question

    I've done that for 30mins. I ran from green mountain to zele then back and logged out and came back in unconscious
  5. Zombiegore

    Quick question

    I keep logging in unconcious, i don't have the shock symbol or anything. It's been atleast 30mins since i've logged out last. Any idea how to fix? I have 12k blood aswell.
  6. Zombiegore

    Looking for a small group

    I'm MST aswell, I play any time after 6:15pm (If i'm working) and if i'm not, all day / night.
  7. As title says, I'm looking for a small group of people. I just started playing last night, will listen to everything you tell me to do, and i do have a mic.