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Everything posted by itsucksthemost

  1. itsucksthemost

    DayZ - Forrest Gump

    The event in the beginning happened yesterday and inspired me to make the rest of the video. Hope you like it.
  2. itsucksthemost

    So, DayZ is being remade?

    I'm sorry that I didn't read all the comments. And I'm sorry that I didn't read the whole OP. But I could grasp what it is about. So the engine: not sure if you're aware, but rocked started working with this engine cause he was familiar with it due to military stuff he did. Then came the idea of a zombie apocalypse. From that on, he created what would be later called a zombie survival simulator. And I'm not sure if you're aware, but Arma 2 engine is, nowadays, the best simulator regarding military combat. Character doesn't movement freely as you would do in the real world? Well, Arma 2 was designed based on open area combat, not close quarter. Considering this, you may understand the difficulties this engine has to deal with when dealing with indoor environment But if you think about it all, DayZ wouldn't be Dayz if it was how open world it is (thanks to Arma 2 engine). Conclusion: 1. yah, it's bugged indoors 2. there's is NOTHING compared to DayZ (PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A FANBOY POST). What i MEAN is that there is no game out there simulates this kind of apocalypse out there. Just cause I'm a nice guy, I'll give you directions: Don't like the engine? Stop playing DayZ and wait for WarZ! Don't like what you've heard of WarZ? Wait a little longer for DayZ the STANDALONE EPIC ULTRA VIOLET VERSION 4D (hopefully it will be good) Don't like waiting? Masturbate!
  3. itsucksthemost

    Zombies Alive/Total?

    Alive = zombies... alive. Total = alive +zombie dead bodies (they will disappear after a while). Each zombie body consumes an amount of processing power and internet connection. More zombies = higher ping as the data of each zombie must be delivered to each player on that server. This information is not relevant to the player, but considering this is an alpha version of the mod, the debug monitor may help the dev team finding issues related to that data.
  4. itsucksthemost

    I'm Sorry Winchester Guy

    Hahaha. Your group is kinda rookie. I hope you find the Winchester guy again and become friends with him. For the Winchester guy!
  5. itsucksthemost

    Daytime Elektro Raid

    Really cool seeing the perspective of both of you guys. Interesting video, btw.