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Posts posted by Grimner

  1. Notice a few downloads links went down so hear is just the code download.


    Copy and paste that into your browser with use of utorrent.

  2. You also have to remember if a company is advertising a 650 watt power supply that's at peak power most power supplys can only dish out 70-80% efficiency for what they are rated for.

    650 watt psu = around 520 watt true power.

    I bet 70% of the people that are having issues with the 580/590/680/7970 etc is due to psu, people just upgrade there video card can forget about there psu.

  3. GTX 680 2GB running at stock speeds.

    i5 2500K @ 4.2GHz.

    8GB RAM @ 1600MHz

    Corsair TX650W


    Most if not all your issues are caused by your power supply unit you are near the bare minimum requirements without overclocking your power supply unit is causing your issues you need at least a good named brand 850 watt psu or higher.

    As for the other people having issues with your 480/580 gtx etc whats your full computer specs?

    My game runs like a champ never below 60 fps most of the time 90+ fps with maxed out settings + fraps running.

    My system

    I7 920 @ 3.8

    570 GTX

    16 gigs ddr 3

    SSD hd

    750 watt psu.
