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Everything posted by Robert-_-Frost

  1. Hello there for those of you not familiar with what D&D go google it. It's basiclly the first rpg game based hugely on J.R.R Tolken. Now asside from that Dungeons and Dragons had one of the most in depth alighnment systems I have ever seen and most games base their alignment systems on it now. Here is each alignment and a description. Chaotic Good- This alignment is one that fights evil at every front and never follows any rules. This is your typical vigilante/ superhero alignment Lawful Good- This alignment is one that fights evil as well but where they differ is that this one fights in the name of order and puts the law first. This is your typical military/ police/ priest alignment. Neutral Good- This is an alignment that passively fights evil. They won't go out looking for evil to crush but instead go out of their way to give aid to the needy and so forth. This is your typical righteous person who has a high moral standered and will refrain from killing unless it's a necessity. Lawful Neutral- These guys believe in morals and will give help only if spoken to. These guys don't go out of their way to hunt evil they just don't get involved. True Neutral- This is basically your dayz hermit. He doesn't shoot on sight or go talk to the stranger. He basiclly just minds his own business. Chaotic Neutral- These guys will shoot on sight and put their own survival over anothers. That aside they don't look for trouble and try their best to avoid interacting with people. Basiclly this is your basic shoot on sight person. Neutral Evil- these guys are selfish and don't mind killing someone if they get in the way of their objective. Generally speaking they don't hunt people but they won't help people either. Lawful Evil- These people create their own society aka bandit clans. They are cruel ruthless and murderous to anyone outside of their clan. But they will loot bodies and don't just kill to kill... basiclly anyone who is a member of a bandit clan. Chaotic Evil- These guys lie, cheat, kill, steal, hoard, rape, pillage exetra... They are your ruthless bounty hunters, your serial killers, and your bandits who kill to kill. These guys are the ones who will quickly betray their leader if they sense he is weak. Now what D&D alignment do you find yourself under? I fall under the neutral good alignment as of now.
  2. Robert-_-Frost

    Speaking and Listening In

    Maybe add a megaphone to talk to people further away while facing them.
  3. Robert-_-Frost

    Canoe or Kayak?

    both! canoe for 3ppl/ storage and kayak for solo/ rough waters
  4. Robert-_-Frost

    Food and drink should be more rare

    I believe you are right in saying food/ drink should be more rare. How much rarer I don't know. As of now the bean wars of electro is a joke because the bandit is already well feed and doesn't need the beans. If food was to become more rare it could add some tangible justification to being a bandit. Right now the only justification a bandit has for killing a new player is that he ran out of stuff to do.
  5. Robert-_-Frost

    ARMA 2 SMK Animations

    dam this looks cool!
  6. Robert-_-Frost

    Move the corpses !

    Another cool idea would be the ability to skin a corpse, and hang it from a tree. Would be some predator type decoration for a bandits layer. Or it could be some troll's way of scaring somebody. :)
  7. Robert-_-Frost

    More animals

    As lights stated canned food should become rarer. An idea would be to keep it as is now for a bout a year but when the beta gets released make it very rare. This would add emphasis on hunting/ growing your own food, so as in a real appocolypse food supplys would dwindle.
  8. Robert-_-Frost

    Wilderness Survival Aspects

    Yea farming would be a tough thing to impliment, but possable. Seeing as horses will be implemented we could pretty easily do this. Basiclly my idea is to add a plow, whatever spreads seed, and a hand sythe to spawn list. You would first cut the trees down, then plow it, then probably w/ a tool similar to the plow you would spread the seeds. This would make it so you would need 4 very uncommon items, horse, plow, seeds, and a devise to spread the seeds. Then maybe after 60 days, assuming this isn't winter, you would be able to harvest the wheat/ corn w/ a sythe, but other foods would just be hand picked at a much slower rate. If done like this it could probably eleminate all but the powerful clans from farming. Then once you had a successful harvest you could save it, eat it, or feed it to your animals. For animals you would need adults of both genders, a rather large supply of hay, and a wooden/ metal fence to contain them. Once again only those who are cooperating w/ the plant farmers would be able to domesticate animals on the large scale. Both of these could be protected by a pack of domesticated dogs, but that would not be enough. For true protection farmers would have to pay a protection tax to the local clan, and be able to keep the wolf population in check. Hopefully the paragraphs help this seem less confusing.
  9. Robert-_-Frost

    More animals

    I would also like to see smarter/ more agile animals. Right now the only animal that seems to act as it would in real life is the rabbit.
  10. On a second look there would need to be an exception to your rule and that is if people are assaulting the base. Maybe if the base is seen as underattack spawing there would be impossable.
  11. Robert-_-Frost

    Move the corpses !

    Just some ideas to tack on to your pretty good idea. My first one is there should be a blood trail when pulling a carcase through the brush. Also maybe after 8-24 in game hours have the body begin to bloat/ decompose rather rapidly. Possable over the course of a week it could become nothing but bones and unwearable clothes. About the time you could drag it 5 minutes seems a bit much. I would make it an hour but after that hour have it begin attracting dead from kilometers away, and have buzzards begin orbiting it. Once it begins stinking then it would become undraggable. I kind of hinted at it but I would like to see buzzards being usable to spot dead game, live zombies, and dead players.
  12. I've been reading up on the dayz standalone over the last couple weeks and I havn't seen anything about what the pistol damage tables will be. According to what I read from Rocket, a couple months ago, the change from the revolver doing 4.5k damage to 1.38k damage was arma 2's decision not the dayz devo team's. Does that mean in the SA pistols will be the 3 shot kill/ 2 shot knockout they used to be or does Rocket not plan on revisiting the pistol damage tables? Does anyone know if Rocket will be utilizing the old pistol damage table or the current one? As a side note I believe a 3 shot revolver kill was pretty accurate, so the old system would be the system I would choose if I were in charge.
  13. this system seems pretty logical to me. I suppose we will see if Rocket picks it up.
  14. Robert-_-Frost

    Slight Unrealism When in Prone

    The title may be a bit confusing but I am speaking about how you can aim your rifle straight up to the sky while in prone. I would also like to say this is in no way gamechanging and purely astetic. As of now if you aim to the sky while in prone it looks like your back should be broken. This definitly shouldn't be close to top priority but if realism is the goal this needs to be changed. Please don't flame me too bad for this idea but it is something that should be fixed.
  15. Ok, basicly there is a glitch that allows you to go inside the little box(the box the 3rd teir rests on) on top of the electo hospital. I know thats a terrible description so here is a video explaining what I'm talking about . For a little disclaimer I did not post this on youtube. When you are in this glitched spot you cannot be shot, and to make it worse you can spawn in on that location without sustaining damage. Basiclly it is a perfect spawn in zone for a bandit sniper to just hop server to server w/ no risk of being killed. Another bad glitch Ive noticed is if your in prone on top of the hospital and have a pistol equipt and aim while looking down you can see through the floor. This is a pretty bad glitch because you can successfully make yourself unable to be snuck up on by legitamit bandits. If this isn't an issue you can just patch over then I have another idea. My idea is to make it so you can't spawn in on top of a building or better yet inside a building. This would fix the glitch but the reason I would prefer this fix is because it would make it so if you have a roof top barracaded a guy won't be able to server hop to the top of the roof and shoot you in the back. This fix would also prevent people from logging in underneath the air traffic control towers stairs, inside those cranes by the docks, barracks, tree stands, schools, pubs, general stores, and various strange sniping towers.
  16. Robert-_-Frost

    Potentally PvP Problematic Map glitch w/ a possible fix

    this is in the wrong section can somebody either graveyard it or move it to bug reports?
  17. Robert-_-Frost

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    Unfortonatly the thing you cant turn off is that shaky screen you get when you are in pain. Third person is really the only option for now unless you can tollerate a headache. Hopefully they make the symtoms for pain a little less iritating
  18. Robert-_-Frost

    Remove 24/7 Daylight servers.

    What could be done is to make all the servers be on the same time but have a 25 hour day night cycle. Then after about 12 days of real time it will be night on one side of the world and day time on the other. That way we could keep people from server hopping to find a day server, make it so that 1 region of the world is not always playing in perpetual darkness while one in perpetual daylight, and it will keep the daynight cycle as close to real as possable. Of course this will be an idea for the standalone not for the mod.
  19. Robert-_-Frost

    What is being done about Brush Draw distance

    My advice for the time being is to just get rid of tall grass. Seems to me like it is just too big of a hassle to justify. My vote is to make grass viewable from any distance and just really cut the grass down shorter. It is n't realistic but it's more realistic than having a fake ground texture at a distance to conceal ppl in prone as of now.
  20. Robert-_-Frost

    Please don't implement passing stool

    Well if you add pooping also add a way to dispose of it. Right now entrenching tools are very rare. Just add the landscaping shovel to the loots spawn table.
  21. Robert-_-Frost


    I feel that rare military guns shouldn't be included in dayz. Instead the dayz community should be working on adding more civillian weapons. Priority wise civillian weapons should be implimented first.
  22. Robert-_-Frost

    Traitors to our clan, please be aware of these people

    He stopped using the tag no worrys.
  23. Robert-_-Frost

    FULL Medical / First aid

    Hey LOG!N I think your health assesment is spot on but I would like to add some more damage tables from a physilogical perspective. I'm taking physilogy and have an understanding of what you can and can't afford to lose. Basiclly as the damage table is now each shot no matter where it hit, aside from the head, will result in blood loss instantly, while in reality you either die immedietly, die a long and painful death, or you are hit in an area possessing no major artterys or organs. Here is how I would like to see the damage table be. Here is where a shot would result in instant death. A shot would result in an instant death if it hits in the head, neck,your lungs or your heart(which is right inbetween your lungs). I say lungs because once air enters your diaphram it is impossable to breath so you would sufficate. An important feature to implement is when you are shooting a low calaber gun, 9mm or macarov, at the back or top of the skull especally at an angle it will not penetrate and instead deflect off it. Now these parts of your body would result in severbleeding, unrecoverable injurys, or near immediete death. As you all may know the pankreas, right bellow the left lung, house most of your stored blood so a shot there would cause you to die from blood loss near immedietly. A shot to the uper theigh- lower pelvis would hit your main artery in your leg and that wound is near undressable so death to bloodloss is inevidable. There is also 2 main arterys traveling through your arms but these if you can turnicate it off are pretty easy to dress but will non the less bleed heavily till you can get a turnicate on. Now a shot to your liver, bellow your right lung still in the diaphram, would be unrecoverable and you would die especially w/ this post appocolyptic health care. Finally if you are shot in your spine and paralized... which I doubt anyone wants to play this as a paralized character, would be given the option to respawn but they could not regain movement due to the gravity of the injury. Now here is a list of injurys that are recoverable but will need some advanced work to do so. One major injury would be the notorious gut shot. Something many people don't know about getting shot in the digestive track is that you will regenerate on your own in a matter of days due to the high acidity and high heat possessed in that area. Obviously you can not eat or drink so it will be very important to be able to put your own IV full of nutrients so you don't need to stress your rapidly repairing intestines. This is the only organ that repairs itself w/ no need for surgery. Now here is a list of places you can get shot that would result in minor- moderate bleeding. The shoulders hit here would result in a broken collarbone, the arms, and anywhere bellow your kneecaps. I would Ideally like to see an extremely realistic medical system so basiclly I would like to see both Logan's idea and my idea implemented. Another important thing to note is bloodloss is only one of the ways you can die, shock, and infection being the others. I really would like to see this implemented what do you think Logan?