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Everything posted by Robert-_-Frost

  1. Robert-_-Frost


    "oh look it's this thread again" sometimes when something is reiterated independently by different people its probability because it's a good idea. Insanity in a post-apocoliptic scenario isn't too far fetched heck even the kid in the book "hatchet" went through an insanity phase when he was still trying to take it all in.
  2. Robert-_-Frost

    My first murder and now I feel guilty

    Although the shoot on site method works for some I find another method works better for me. My rule list is if I see a guy getting mobbed by zombies I go help him unless he has a real means to fend for himself, if you spook a guy expect to be shot on site so run for cover before he fires then talk to him and judge for yourself if he is trustworthy... another tip is to always offer to give him blood I mean nobody would pass up a chance to regain all their life. Those 2 rules seem to help prevent alot of deaths due to miscomunications and helped me make a few friends. Now to the story telling. My first murder was in the electro grocery store. I had previously died in that store and was heading over to collect my body, also in several previous fire fights 6 other bodys were present. Knowing that bandits who had baracaded every other building were in the area I went into the house overlooking it. I had a revolver armed and much to what I expected I saw a man with an ak standing in the back looting a body. I called out my friends name who also was with me when I died earlier and I got no response. Then I said, "hey you in the grocery store". This oviously spooked him and he began looking arround for a survivor but didnt think the house accross the street was enterable. He didnt respond so I knew he was in a shoot on site mentality so I opened fire through the windows and aparently although my aim was dead on pistols cant shoot through glass. He was now looking into my buildings windows but by that time I was in the hallway heading to the back door then I simply walked to the back door and shot him from the back. I managed to get all my items back, his items, and some strangers items. I'm not guilty because I gave him a chance to reply or get the heck out of there.
  3. Robert-_-Frost

    House Fortification

    what if you made crowbar a tool and required that to open baracaded doors
  4. Robert-_-Frost

    Infected with Matrix Like Agility

    After reading this post log I would have to agree with white tiger. The zombie ai is annoying but given the time till arma 3 comes out it probabily will not get fixed until arma 3 comes out. That being said the only solutions that can be made are quick fixes that being simple fixes that might not solve the problem bit make it less noticeable. If anyone has played Zerg on Starcraft 2 you will know what I'm talking about in this example. Right now zombies behave alot like ultralisks and players behave like those glass cannon marines, so just like in Starcraft the much faster zombie aka ultralisk gets in range to make an attack but due to the fact that it can't move while attacking and has an extremely long attack animation the marine can get away every time. Sorry to those who have never played Starcraft It must sound like gibarish but none the less it's the same issue. A solution to this problem would to make the zombie slightly slower than the person so that if it's first hit dosnt hurt him he will eventually get away and to either shorten the attack animation or if you want a more long term solution make it so it can attack on the move. Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in.
  5. Robert-_-Frost


    Seems alot like adding a dash of amnesia dark descent to dayz I like the idea. Maybe make it occur to normal players too and mor common to the bandits maybe stuff ranging from seeing things, footsteps heard, to hearing some one talking to you.
  6. Hello there it seems like the only things that get me killed are psycopathic survivors and broken legs. I know that broken bone probablility will get fixed eventually but for now we will have to deal with it. An idea I had on fixing the issue would be to make it so standing up zombies cant break your legs, for one because they are aiming for your upper torso not your ankles. Then make it so the only thing that can break your legs are crawling or proned zombies because it makes more sense that they would go for the legs, falling off heights, right now 3 feet seems be too far to fall..., and getting shot in the leg obviously. What are your thoughts and opinions on this issue? Does anyone know what the actual probability is to break your legs?
  7. Robert-_-Frost

    How Low Can You Go? (Lowest Blood Pictures)

    dam... my lowest was 17. finally thought I found something I was good at...
  8. Robert-_-Frost

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    How about instead of making you attackable 30 seconds after disconnecting you do what they did in skyrim with resting. That being "can not wait with enemys arround". You could set the radius to 100 meters and could leave it at hostile creatures or enemys to prevent from using it to detect nearby players. And with the problem with people who disconnect legitamitly simply because the server drops them due to ping they could just be exempt. Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in!