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Everything posted by MiZTiiX

  1. MiZTiiX

    economy in Day-Z?

    What if the developers of Day Z add currency in the game? How would players react? In a world without NPC's will money be valuable? Would there be a risk in selling something for lots of cash and then realise people do not accept money? Would currency in a post apocalyptic world be worthess? It would be an intresting experiment to see how the community will deal and react to there being money in the game. The way it would work is you would find money just like any items you scavange for. It would be really intresting to see if players would trade stuff with money or not accept it and how much money items on the game will be sold for and how the community would decide good pricing for them. Maybe some players may accept cash and some wouldn't which will affect the worth of currency. Some servers may have an economy and some may not. There may be incidents of hyper inflation on some servers which would be intresting to see how players deal with this kind of situation. In a post-apocalyptic world ask yourself, would money be worthless or would there be a place for it?
  2. MiZTiiX

    economy in Day-Z?

    and what if you were in a situation where you didn't have any bullets or you need all of your bullets? everything in your inventory YOU need to survive, what do you trade then? money can serve as that filler
  3. MiZTiiX

    economy in Day-Z?

    with the game becomign stand alone, hackers will be much more rare
  4. MiZTiiX

    economy in Day-Z?

    it doesn't need any government, all it needs is players that see money as a valuable option to trade with without having to actually give away one of their items that they may need
  5. MiZTiiX

    economy in Day-Z?

    yh.. this probably will be solved when day z finally goes stand alone though... much less hackers
  6. MiZTiiX

    economy in Day-Z?

    yh but you don't know that, some people might make it out to be valuable and actually accept it for one of their items
  7. MiZTiiX

    economy in Day-Z?

    yh but what if someone has no items to give and would rather give money, it would be more convenient. Some may accept that money, take it and try to buy something with it, it depends on the community wether they accept cash and turn it into something valuable based on the amount of people that accept cash when trading and not just trading items
  8. MiZTiiX

    Suggestion: Make Zombies Zombies.

    people fail to understand that these "zombies" are not undeas, they are infected, they are just as agile if not more agile than humans, making them slower will make it less scary
  9. This isn't a solution, this probably causes more problems than the other humanity system where you have a bandit skin if killing someone. 1) This is a post-apocolyptic envoirmonet, and a sand box game, people should not have exclusive outfits just for their playstyle, they should be able to latch onto any clothing they get just like you would do in a desperate situation like this. 2) A bandit being able to choose wether he wants to look like a bandit or not for one 99% of bandits will not choose to do so, this will go back to the same problem we had in the first place where there was no way to tell a bandit apart and there are no consquences for their actions. Peoplewill start to get more weary of people in normal outfits. Also you cannot lock people intoan outfit like the old system so we need to move away from oufits that show your playstyle completley, they don't work
  10. I was thinking about how alchohol could be implemented. Maybe your character will become depressed from not finding/interacting with other players for a long time. You're motivation will go down decreasing your run speed, increasing reload times, increasing the time to swing your melee weapons etc. If you find alcohol and drink it, you will be cured from depression at the cost of being drunk and a small amount of heat loss for a couple of minutes. Your screen will get blurey but gradually go back to normal as time goes by, your character will move like a drunk and your aiming will be more well, crap. This side effect will only last a couple of minutes however it can be cured by sleeping for a short period of time. SMOKING: you should be able to find cigarrettes. You will need a lighter that will be limited and you will need to face away from the wind to light up. I think it would be cool to be able to actually see yourself smoking in first person and third (hopefully as time passes there will be proper animations for all actions) Now what would be the purpose of smoking you may ask? just little things such as decreasing hunger by abit until you find food, decreasing depression by a tiny bit until you find alcohol etc and also if there is fuel then you could throw the cigarrete and shits gonna get real without needing to neccesarily go throught the process of cutting down wood to start a fire (if this feature was to be implemented). There will be various "no-smoking" signs in the world, if you smoke in these areas you may cause an explosion.
  11. MiZTiiX

    Alcohol and bad habbits

    depression would cause you to not give a shit anymore, if you are trying to run for your life and you're depressed and like "what does it matter if i live anymore" then you woulden't be as willing to run away as if you weren't depressed. Smoking isn't neccessary but its fun and it could work the other way, people who don't want to smoke can finally smoke in an unharmful way XD.
  12. MiZTiiX

    Melee Weapon Suggestion

    i agree
  13. MiZTiiX

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

  14. MiZTiiX


    there needs to be absolutley no advanment ina game like day z. Its a perma death game, you dont want to advance and then die and lose everything.
  15. MiZTiiX

    Suggestion for player vs player

    other than a mounted machine gun, grouping system and survelliance i dont see this being a bad idea. mounted machine guns would be too powerful and requires ALOT of ammo. Survelliance would just be too much, i don't see that being availiable in a post-appocoliptic enviroment and a grouping system should never be implemented. This is a survival game, losing your friends and having to communicate to "group" back up and throw down flares is a huge part of the gameplay. There are no friends in a world like this, friends can turn into enemies simpley over a can of coke
  16. MiZTiiX

    The Ability to drag and carry Broken legs people

    agreed. this needs to be implemented.
  17. MiZTiiX

    My ideas for Day Z

    1) cutting down wood with axe for camp fires. Player will get cold/warm. smoke = big, players can see from distance. Players may accidently cause big spreading fires that will burn trees etc. If wood is wet fire will not start 2) Spray paint = freely spraypaint something, will eventually wash away 3) end game is a bit stale, add some hard zombie bosses with good rewards, work together with players to take back infested areas with zombies e.g cities, towns, farms. 4) torches will need batteries 5) you cannot just use global chat, you will need a tele communication device to connect with all people who have that device and talk. You have /say chat by default to say something to players next to you. 6) there is a problem where you become a bandit if killing someone who trying to kill you. If a player hurts you and you kill him = no consequence. Also when you are one shotted and falling to your death, you fall in slow mo and can shoot while falling to you're death. Makes people not want to kill you as much as they know they can die too. 7) using wood from trees and nails. You can nail doors so players cannot easily get in unless they have a crowbar. You will want to do this because your player will need to go to sleep. He will eventaully start getting tired = blurey screen. vunerable when sleeping = can get robbed. use wood for torches and camps (needs to be dry wood). Make paper from wood, write things with feathers by shooting birds, also need ink. 8) be able to use ALL houses in the world. You can get in locked houses by chopping door down with axe. 9) climb trees 10) different weather/season. Raining = fires putt out, more cold = need shelter. Fog = less view distance Storm = lighting =need shelter or hit and die (small chance) more prone to get hit in water. Water = more rough. Hot = more thirsty, need to cooldown more. Snow/winter = slower walking in snow, more cold need shelter etc. hail stone = very little damage over time. Normal weather = most common 11) if you have a camp fire you can cook raw food ( the most benefitial food when cooked ) You can also cook fish you can get by fishing. 12) (Not sure if this is a good idea yet) when you die you turn infected, this will bring a whole new gameplay style. Once infected you are able to eat other players etc, however you will not turn infected straight away, you will gradually do so and if you do not find a cure in time you will stay like that forever, this may add a good gameplay elemnt ( will not work if killed by players) if you are next to another player, you will automatically try to bite them and you will be steered into the direction of them like a real zombie. that is if you refuse to bite others 13) different types of zombies with different mechanics (like L4D) 14) Crafting: combining items to form new items e.g glass bottle, fuel = molotov. pipe bombs from cans and gun powder, tomahawks made from string, rock and a stick, make wooden pipes with darts to blow, also create ghillie suits with grass and nets 15) cutting down trees with axe, axe breaks if cut down really big trees, need chain saw for big trees 16) generators: turn on the power, connect cables (takes a long time = community effort) and get electricity back: the city will light up, clear all the zombies in the city then they will not spawn there. The generators will eventually die out. need extention cables in some situations. To get a power station going need to mine coal with pick axe. Coal is quite rare, and need to be burnt to generate power. 17) zombies body parts fall off, more gore, heads explode when shot etc. 18) different gun attachments. e.g silencer = less sound, but less range, red dots, thermal scope, torches (with right rails) 19)build your own forts and etc, sand bags, barbed wire. Create your own flag 20) set traps to hunt animals or other players, e.g foot traps (if players step in, need to obtain soemthing to unlock it, slouching, foot hurt.) other trap = rope on ground, if step in = hang upside down from tree. Also you are able to dig up pits in the ground and cover them with grass so players fall in. 21) pistol whipping by clicking both mouse buttons. The longer you hold the buttons down the stronger the whipp. All melee weapons have the same mechanic, left mouse: hit with left swing, right: right swing (the longer you hold the attacks the more powerful. Hold won both weapons to parry with your weapon (the longer you hold the stronger the push with weapon after parrying) when you have no weapon, use fists (same mechanic) 22) using stuff as weapons e.g empty bottles, once used a certain amount = broken and sharp, use a couple more times again = breaks completley 23) ability to go underwater, can drown 24) If you eat raw food, you vomit and become ill needing to vomit alot. Food will rot in your inventory after a while 25) shooting out of vehicles 26) emotes/commands in game e.g dancing, taunting, friendly, stay there, all clear, roger that, surrender, freeze etc all performed by /(initial letter) e.g dancing /d all emotes are fully voice acted and animated e.g /s (surrender) you put your hands up and say "don't shoot" etc 27) Natural disasters e.g huge cool looking tornadoes that destroy everything in its path and pull everything in, forest fires from lightning. When snowy, avalanches/blizzards. Maybe be some floods, if waters get rough. etc 28) random zombie invasions - trying to infest cities etc. 29) skin killed animals to create fur coats (more warmer), build tents from metal poles and animal hide, use animal hide to create larger leather ruck sacks - bigger inventory 30) the ability to carry/drag downed players. carrying = move quicker but need to put down in order to use abilities etc 31) harvest crops 32) zombies may encounter animals that they kill or get killed by. If a zombie kills an animal = zombie animal 33) cannibalism, eat other dead players = side effects 34) sub-equipped mode, you can pick up any objects and drop them instantly without "equipping" them or putting them in your inventory. You could then throw or use the object 35) cameras: limited amount of footgae storage, film events, place down camera or hold it and record: see what you're filming in a little screen on ui. Also take pictures. If other players take your camera, can see all your footage etc. chat bubbles apperar in footage aswell. Random abandoned lap tops in building, upload footage to laptop for people to see. 36) can pick up rocks off the ground and drop them or throw them. Spell things out. Everything in the world can be permanently changed in the world e.g position of rocks, player created holes in ground, cutt down trees dont respawn unless you plant seeds etc. 37) Trains can be used by players. Find parts of train to repair. Repair tracks or train will dereail. Turn on power for electricity for train tracks. While in trains (or any vechiles) zombies will try to jump onto vechile and pull you out, steer car to make them fall off. In a train zombies will try to climb in a wagon or on top. Player can use ladders to get ontop of trains. You can switch tracks in train. If you go too fast in train = derail. many trains, train routes on map. 38) you can have a farm, plant vegetables, need to harvest during winter. 39) you can see all of the scars and blood stains you get and bandages you wrap around yourself 40) rare spawn/ harder elite zombies to enounter that look different 41) Have banners that you can attach to plains, spray paint on a message and fly, players can see the message These are some of my ideas, feel free to comment on them :)
  18. MiZTiiX

    My ideas for Day Z

    the houses are already there, dont see why it would be a big issue to just make the doors breakable or usable
  19. MiZTiiX


    im a fan of adding cigarrettes