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Everything posted by amudkipz

  1. amudkipz

    People Are Food Too: A Case for Cannibalism!

    1. Spawn 2. Have friend kill you 3. repeat for infinite food. Far too easy to abuse mechanic. Also there doesnt need to be even more reason for shoot on sight.
  2. amudkipz

    Bandit, AND Survivor Rewards.

    The reward is you get that persons loot, their reward is not getting chased by zombies.
  3. If you want to be a thiefing bandit you gotta have a reason at least. No bandages painkillers or flashlights. Why do you spawn with nothing? Realism, bandits arent people who planned ahead but rather didn't plan for disasters, now they have nothing to start with and resort to being bandits for supplies. (brand new players start as survivors) Rifles (ie snipers/long guns) should be basically never silenced, if you find a weapon the chance of it having a silencer should be at least 10,000:1. Silenced pistols and smgs should have a 1,000:1 chance. Weapons should have an increase to visibility via muzzle flashes promoting the use of quiter less visible melee weapons. Why add these things? In real life snipers dont sit still, they go stake out a position, shoot the target and move. If they dont move they significantly increase the chance of giving away their position to countersnipers and in the case of dayz zombies. Shooting your sniper rifle multiple times (unless you happen upon an incredibly rare silenced variant) should be a massive flag for zombies to come and eat your brains (unless you have people with you to kill them as they approach). Limit characters to joining at most 5 servers (allowing servers to be re-chosen each week so people can join different groups of people.) If all 5 chosen are full you can then go "abroad" to a different server. If you want to be a dickhead, people should know who you are and shoot on sight. (via wanted posters or by word of mouth you will gain noteriety)
  4. amudkipz

    Craziest Thing You've Done in Day Z

    Nothing more fun then hunting zombies with a hatchets, or running though town without weapons.
  5. Melee weapons should be far easier to find, golf clubs, bats, hammers, knifes. Also improve melee weapon hit detection.
  6. The hatchet has incredibly poor hit detection, is this a bug?
  7. You need someone to clear cities? Ill do it, all I ask is you give me a hatchet. I run through the city and get as many zambies to follow me as possible, then i find a building and lose them. All i ask is hatchet food and water. tl;dr I'm willing to be zombie bait while you loot a city.
  8. amudkipz

    Water and food

    Water should be drinkable in source and be addable to empty bottles and cans (movement makes them lose water from splashing) add waterbottles, Increase the amount of food, in nearly 6 hours of playing i have found 1 coke 1 canteen and 1 can of beans. Water is in desperate need of an overhaul. I recently lost my first real gear set because I had no canteen and my character is too stupid to drink from a well or lake.