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Everything posted by amudkipz

  1. maybe survivors could spawn with some empty cans or chemlights/flares.
  2. Stealth and evasion should be a real tactic for dealing with zombies but atm its barely functional.
  3. amudkipz

    Im all for ultra hard rocket.

    hard does not equal better.
  4. I don't thin characters should spawn with a weapon, but aggroing a zombie should also include the possibility to lose aggro, it would also introduce a less aggressive playstyle, rather than use guns some people might chose to use space typically for magazines on food and drink. You shouldn't NEED a weapon if your smart, but in this game a weapon is a NEED. It should be harder without a weapon but it shouldnt be a need. Turning a corner twice in a row (make two rights or left) should maybe confuse zombies if they don't see it happen (they might continue running the wrong direction)
  5. How would you get a gun? Aggroing a zombie without a weapon should not mean death, a zombie is a creature of instinct meaning it can be tricked and fooled easily, but in the game zombies are able to detect movement through walls and at insane distances. Throw a god damned can genius...good grief. All cans are found at zombie spawns you moron.
  6. How would you get a gun, pick it up while being chased, you'd die or be beaten severely by the time you picked it up and loaded it.? Aggroing a zombie without a weapon should not mean death, a zombie is a creature of instinct meaning it can be tricked and fooled easily, but in the game zombies are able to detect movement through walls and at insane distances.
  7. Like I said this is not a valid answer, it never will be. You could hide in some bushes, behind a counter or couch, lay down and hope they don't trip on you. Zombies should have rather poor vision but good hearing. they should find out where you are in general (North east south west) then when they have a decent idea they should start running. The characters in this game are much too loud when crouching, they stomp around in boots, you should be able to be 10 feet away from a zombie while crouched inside a building. Zombies should use their ears to find your initial location and then use their eyes to follow you (turning a corner or running to the other side of a building should lose a zombie or at least give a chance at it). Zombies need a search mode where upon hearing footsteps they spread out and start to look for you, if they see you they chase, if not they go back to shambling around the city. they should not have homing beacons like they currently do. Add tin cans in dumpsters outside of cities ( with the occasional whiskey bottle spawn). Next point Whiskey bottles should have a small area that when thrown acts as way to slow zombies. (broken glass wouldn't affect survivors because of boots) And the option of controversy (I don't like it but its a solution to the new zed mechanics, of course it will introduce other problems): Spawn with a weapon (crowbar, golf club, kitchen knife, hatchet, stick, broken bottle, etc)
  8. My thought would be military bases having very fast zombies due to military training with increased health from military grade body armor. Town zombies would be more walker types (with the occasional runner). And Cities would have type zombies only a bit slower.
  9. Barbed wire is broken atm, it is not a wall. I should be able to crawl through it at my own risk (bleeding).
  10. amudkipz

    Day Z is insulting to LGBT people

    I get that stupid fucking gender pop-up every re-spawn, is this yer doin?
  11. amudkipz

    Funny Stories Thread

    I was being chased by zombies, guy shoots me instead of zombies. I re-spawn nearby and go to my corpse (hoping for some action maybe make him waste some rounds) and see the dumbshits body not more than 20 feet from mine surrounded by zombies. The zombies don't chase me (busy eating my "friend") so i loot his ak74 and kill some z's for an hour before I run out of ammo and get eatin willingly. Hope the kill was worth it for him. He had just finished looting a military base too.
  12. amudkipz

    Fully populated night servers / More NVGs

    or make nighttime less insanely dark.
  13. For a can of beans no, considering the game only lets you in about 1/5th of the buildings, sticking to about 5 servers would be the equivalent of searching a different city. It alsi is a way to get around barricades on the church that assholes put up. (this really only applies to places where there are lots of buildings. ) However server hopping for high end spawns or to avoid/kill players or zombies is an "exploit".
  14. amudkipz

    Luckiest loot you've discovered?

    Luckiest? Some dick tried (and succeeded) to shoot me while i played zombie bait for him. I respawn near the area and go to get him only to find that the zombies chasing me ate him, so i looted an ak74 with holo sights.
  15. amudkipz

    server hoping fix?

    IF you dc from a server you cant rejoin the same server for 30 (or even 10) minutes. should help the server hopping/repositioning problem.
  16. amudkipz

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Ill join as a gaurd/scavenger skype me at amudkipz
  17. amudkipz

    Day Z - Skype with someone

    ill group with you if you dont run shoot on site. skype: amudkipz
  18. amudkipz

    Day Z - Skype with someone

    amudkipz i dont run shoot on site.
  19. amudkipz

    Partner - Skype

    amudkipz on skype
  20. amudkipz

    need a group

    US time need a group add amudkipz on steam. 19 y.o. i wont group with people who shoot on site, no exceptions.
  21. If I last long enough to need more than 2 cokes it's been a good run. I find more fun it beating zombies with hatchets though.
  22. Maybe to help reduce player killing there could be a chance that by killing a player there is a chance the stuff they're carrying will become defective and unusable. It should be more profitable to rob someone and then kill or let them go. Remove the mechanic giving bandits a 100% gaurenteed loot drop. Any weapon would easily disable or destroy items like cans, magazines, compasses, watches, bloodbags, morphine etc. It would be even better if bandits knew what they lost by adding a [destroyed] tag to items they broke while killing someone. The current system only encourages people to be bandits, maybe if people knew they destroyed a can of beans and ammo for their favorite gun they might reconsider being a bandit. Basically it would give a reason to not shoot on sight and loot the body.
  23. amudkipz

    Item damage when killing players

    true but now they cant get my can of beans (meaning they have to go out and find some themselves)