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Everything posted by amudkipz

  1. amudkipz

    Add lens flare to sniper scopes

    Like I said, it would effect lower grade weapons, cz 550 etc. I'm talking about a very tiny flare, something small and barely noticeable but still existent.
  2. simple you become immune to zombies but not players, it wont help pve but it will help pvp
  3. I dont shoot on site. One guy broke my legs in cherno, he didnt finish me so i threw a grenade while he looted the church. I missed because he was inside but he must have been scared as fuck by it. Also i wasn't going to let a prick like him have my grenade.
  4. amudkipz

    zombi champions

    Military zombies should be harder to kill considering they have armor on.
  5. amudkipz

    Add lens flare to sniper scopes

    We wouldnt want to make sniping noobs too hard would we?
  6. amudkipz

    Recommended Inventory?

    If you use an m4 carry 2 dmr mags in an alice pack, you can split each into 4 m4 mags. 2 mags silenced ammo if you can find it also. (you cant recombine m4 mags into dmr so be careful) 2 blood bags (only if in a group and only in backpack), 2 canteens, 2 morphine, 3 or 4 cooked meat, 2 or 3 bandages, sidearm ammo. If you see a pepsi or coke go ahead and drink it if your over 3/4ths thirsty. And any toolbelt items you can find.
  7. If theres an item shop, i wont even play if its free. DayZ is one of the few games that an item shop is not for. If they need more money they can release expansions (that are only able to run on servers with expansions)
  8. amudkipz

    Returning back to Day-z

    people dont kill for beans, just for fun. Dickheads.
  9. amudkipz

    LadeeZ Night

    This is definantly no troll attempt.
  10. amudkipz

    Gamma and Brightness

    Night is easy as fuck so long as the moon is out.
  11. amudkipz

    Dual boxing accounts step by step guide

    You arent supposed to play like this.
  12. amudkipz

    This playerbase...

    This story is amazing.
  13. amudkipz

    Weapons Hot!

    1866 winchest, oneshots all zombies and has 15 rounds.
  14. I wouldn't be against people spawning with crowbars, they're only good for taking out one zombie at a time. It gets old being chased across the map at start because one zombie heard you step on gravel.
  15. what does 94777 mean im on 94876, this mod almost isnt worth it, im gonna wait till beta when all this network stuff has better performance and consistancy to play DayZ to aany serious degree.
  16. amudkipz

    How "safe" do you play ?

    I fired a lee enfield in cherno and lived, until some dickhead killed me.
  17. amudkipz

    How "safe" do you play ?

    I had an m4, alice pack, morphine, 4 dmr mags ready to be split into a ton of m4 ammo, and ran to a tent next to an open field, didn't even get shot. When I have a makarov i will be more cautious.
  18. amudkipz

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    No There would be no emotional conflict though, those who don't want to will dc, or just quit dayz. those who dont care will keep playing. One killable child would be an emotional conflict, having them everywhere removes that whole thing. Also who was first to get eaten by the zombies?
  19. amudkipz

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    First of all, no there are already enough wierdos playing this game, secondly and on a more grim note, who do you think got eaten first? also this is why http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/108065-Inside-the-Sick-Mind-of-a-School-Shooter-Mod
  20. amudkipz

    Your server of choice

    Whatever actually loads.
  21. amudkipz

    Romero Zombie vs Rage Infected

    There is no better feeling than shooting off a Lee-enfield in apartments at elektro, and then living to tell the tale. I had maybe 5000 blood left.
  22. amudkipz

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    Don't be weak like they are.
  23. amudkipz

    Romero Zombie vs Rage Infected

    Romero zombies are slow and numerous and in general horde creatures, boyle zombies are more pack creatures, they tend to be confined to cities, but because there are fewer of them they are faster. Also romero zombies are unkillable if I remember correctly.
  24. amudkipz


    You are supposed to play dayz the way you would act in real life. Not be a shithead shooting everyone on sight.
  25. I am aware the game is in alpha but it would be nice to know how rocket will address this issue. Keep in mind i dont want weak zombies, I want zombies that aren't insanely overpowered with dog hearing and eagle eyes. At the moment if you have no weapon your defense is to run through a building. How will weaponless players get away from zombies when they run full speed inside buildings? (Dont get detected is not at all a valid answer) Will zombies have stamina? Will they be made slower? Will most walk and there be the occasional runner? Edit: Aggroing a zombie without a weapon should not mean death, a zombie is a creature of instinct meaning it can be tricked and fooled easily, but in the game zombies are able to detect movement through walls and at insane distances. Edit 2: I don't think characters should spawn with a weapon, but aggroing a zombie should also include the possibility to lose aggro, it would also introduce a less aggressive playstyle, rather than use guns some people might chose to use space typically for magazines on food and drink. You shouldn't NEED a weapon if your smart, but in this game a weapon is a NEED. It should be harder without a weapon but it shouldnt be a need. Turning a corner twice in a row (make two rights or left) should maybe confuse zombies if they don't see it happen (they might continue running the wrong direction)