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Everything posted by amudkipz

  1. amudkipz

    Consoles eh?

    It could be stored on the console itself since xbox is less likely to be hacked than a pc.
  2. I try to avoid running over Long Distances, instead we go see a relationship councilor.
  3. Maybe its because you got the brightness up so high.
  4. http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Bonecrusher_%28Movie%29
  5. amudkipz

    Hero Skin Bandits

    If you did this to me, I would alt-f4 so you couldn't use me to abuse mechanics, at which point I would hope to be banned from your server, because you're a cheating weasel. Im against combat DC's to avoid death or injury, but I wont be exploited to circumvent intended game mechanics. If you hold me as a legitimate hostage, I'll be happy to oblige though.
  6. amudkipz

    when is sixupdater gonna get

    DayZ Commander if you want but most are
  7. amudkipz

    Thermal sight needs to be removed

    If I insult CoD will I be cool too?
  8. amudkipz

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Antariuk saved me and then we went to stary and I found a bunch of ammo and a spare morphine, trustable, and funny guy.
  9. amudkipz

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Anyone by Novy Sobor? NEED morphine and food and will give a PDW with 2 clips. MSG me and Ill tell you a server, please be there when you message me
  10. how to fix this: If you are more than 100 meter off map with a vehicle, it instantly explodes and your tents are deleted.
  11. If you want an apocolypse wasteland murder game, buy fallout 3 hit the tilde "~" key and enter tgm (toggle god mode), then go nuts.
  12. amudkipz

    The Golden Tent - Most Epic Loot Finds

    found a PDW in a deerstand
  13. I'd like to make a community effort to shoot on sight anyone with a sniper rifle that isn't holstered below zelenogorosk. Having the rifle is fine, but we all know what your doing if it's not slung on your shoulder or shooting a zombie thats chasing you. This would not include semi-auto rifles though.
  14. amudkipz

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    The only thing more annoying than the supposed "COD kiddies" is people whining about COD kiddies.
  15. The fact that they left you bikes means you got incredibly lucky
  16. amudkipz

    Why destroy tents?

    I vote remove tents from the game. Anyways, I once saw a tent in an open field, it had 8 dmr mags and some other stuff. Also remove vehicles, or just make them require a ton of maintenance (oil changes tuneups and shit)
  17. Remove tents and cars till duping is fixed.
  18. amudkipz

    Take out .50 cals

    No more bush wookies please.
  19. amudkipz

    Can't beat them, join them

    By not joining them, you beat them.
  20. amudkipz

    Should i become a hunter of men?

    Find an apartment building and shoot a lee-enfield, tons of fun if you have enough ammo, don't shoot players though.
  21. amudkipz

    vehicle "hoarding", what the hell is it?

    This game needs a fuck ton of bikes, bikes should be at literally every house, and after 2 hours of not being used they return to their spawn.
  22. Not only did you hide vehicles, but you hid them on a server you don't regular? Get out there and find them shits son.
  23. amudkipz

    Your saddest moment in Dayz

    I fired a lee-enfield in cherno and lived to tell the tale, until 5 minutes later some cunt with a makarov shot me. Or the time I found a gps on a deerstand a few hours later I found one at balota, didnt loot it though.