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About Undeadsteak

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  1. Undeadsteak

    Romero Zombie vs Rage Infected

    Slower zombies are much more interesting, with a rare amount of sprinters. Someone mentioned mainly shufflers in main town areas and what not, and sprinters in the countryside. That'd be pretty cool. At the current moment, zeds aren't much of a challenge once you know how to game them. That really needs to be changed. If I can just run endlessly and never get hit by one, where's the challenge? Only people that do stupid shit (try to loot stuff with zeds on them, turn around and fire) end up dying to them.
  2. Undeadsteak

    Voice changer trolling

    What the fuck. That Balota thing. I was new to the game. I had just read up about hacking a lot. I heard it and freaked out and quit the server because I thought it was some hacker. I think I'm in that video. Ahahahahaha, that was fucking smart.
  3. Undeadsteak

    Body Armor

    Why not? As long as it's realistically portrayed.
  4. Undeadsteak

    More Zombies But Make Them Slower

    I'm sure pretty much everyone is disatisified with the zombies as of the current game. If you actively avoid them, they're not much of a challenge. If you try to fight them, they're completely ridiculous and zig zag/teleport across the map. I would indeed be interested in seeing more zombies like these, and maybe the current zombies kept as a certain type of zeds, and in low percentage. Also, more zombies = more ammo usage meaning groups will have to be intelligent about how they tackle zombies.
  5. Undeadsteak

    Looking for Mature Friend. [Now]

    Isn't this topic better suited to the craigs list NSFW section?
  6. Undeadsteak

    [Suggestion] Zombie Ex-Survivor

    This is actually a pretty cool idea. If nobody loots the corpse of some guy off in the distance, he could come back as an AI zombie with all his gear. Added lulz if he can fire his gun.
  7. Undeadsteak

    A sex system in the game?

    Ehrm. This is pretty offensive, bud. I engage in necrophilia and beastiality. Where's the option to have sex with corpses and/or animals?
  8. The problem with this forum is that there are two majority groups. Carebears, and PvP enthuasiasts. The PvP enthuasiasts assume that any sort of suggestion that would upset the current nature of the PvP in the game (even if it isn't necessarily hindering it, just making it different) is automatically an attempt by carebears to ruin the PvP in the game and make it more co-op friendly. And then the carebears come in stating such views, and the opposing group points and yells "See! I told you they just want to ruin the game and make it for casuals!" Yes, I think everyone here understands that Rocket wants players to decide how the game is played. However, the nature of the game affects how players react. The game atmosphere is made through the players reactions to their environment. If you change the environment, the reactions will be different. I'm going to point out that is a zombie survival game. The current stage of the game de-emphasizes the survival part and emphasizes the PvP part. I don't have an issue with the latter. I sure do have an issue with the former, though. Zombies are basically a joke in this game, existing solely to provide a challenge for newer players. Why is it such a terrible idea for this game to be more difficult for surviving? Obviously, players can't control that aspect of the game. That lies with the developers, as they, once again, create the environment around us. They are the architects. I, by no mean, agree with the stated views of the OP. There is nothing wrong with the PvP in this game. There is something really wrong with the survival aspect of this game when zombies are brushed aside easily and people never have to worry about drinks and food because they're so easily found.
  9. I think less ammo spawn would be cool. It's pretty common as is. I'm pretty much in favor of less loot spawn in general, but server-hopping and what not needs to be fixed before any of that can progress. The game's real easy as it is, especially when you group up. With big groups, it's just a joke. Tents stacked with endless amounts of medical supplies, food, water, and guns. At the same time, it needs to be done with an expansion of melee weapons and not so much broken bones from zombie nonsense. I honestly couldn't give a shit about what effect this'd have on PvP. People killing each other more for food? Good, sounds pretty realistic to me. I'm extremely pro-PvP and enjoy the aspect/andrenaline rush that the game gives as a result of that. However, that lasted for a week or so. Now that I can easily recover gear in a matter of an hour or two, it's not a heartpounder. It's just sorta turned into a 'eh, I died, time to head back to camp/hit up deer stands.' I wish dying was more punishing and starting back up was actually a challenge. I like the survival aspect of the game, and the PvP that it entails. However, I don't much care for the game being played out in a death match style, and I think the major reason for that is the overabundance of loot. The survival aspect basically disappears once you're familiarized with the game and get past the learning curve. I'm sure the majority of this forums will rush to disagree with me because they enjoy the CoD-like gameplay with slightly more risks, but does your heart ever pound anymore when you're in a dangerous situation? Mine doesn't. And that's a bummer. I'll repeat again, though, the exploits need to be fixed before any of this can even be considered. When you can relog to regain full ammo or switch servers to find better loot, the aforementioned changes would merely be minor inconveniences. Also, zombies that run in straight lines would be nice too.
  10. Undeadsteak

    calling out whoever just shot me

    I'm inclined to believe the person that doesn't type like a retard. Anyways, next time, don't drink coke in NWAF. It's a pretty easy way of spotting people.
  11. I actually avoid meat products in game. I only eat pasta.
  12. Maybe he doesn't want a member in the group that has an irresistible urge to press V with every fence they encounter. Have you ever thought about that?
  13. Undeadsteak


    So fix the exploits so the game is played as intended. What part of this concept do you not understand?