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Everything posted by baustein90@hotmail.com

  1. baustein90@hotmail.com

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

  2. baustein90@hotmail.com

    Out of bounds item/vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06]

    Hilarious, just hilarious, seriously. You're SERIOUSLY talking about being an "experienced" player and then post a video showing you and your uber clanmates loot cycling. Wow, you really got me there. I'm truly thinking you and your clan are the best DayZ players out there. You really deserve all your stuff, since you really had the "luck" to find it. As shown in the vid. And you're talking about your camp inside the map borders being able to stay untouched for about a month, but you're now hoarding (yes, hoarding, I don't care if you like this or not) your loot cycled shititems in the middle of debug nowhere. Wow, everyone in here should be impressed. You know, the world in DayZ is not a safe one, try to deal with it. experienced... pff. You're loot cycling and hiding your stuff off the map. Awesome skills detected.
  3. baustein90@hotmail.com

    Out of bounds item/vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06]

    @NuclearBanane When you're in such a big badass group, messing around with other new groups, where's the problem in just raiding NW airfield and such to get new gear (if you need something) instead of having a shitload of stuff hiding in an unintended area that you can go to, if your character just died? I don't get it. Is it fun to you and your 20+ group to just go to your hidden place in the middle of nowhere to gear up if you just fucked up and got killed? If yes, you're doing it wrong. You all can carry a shitload of weapons, ammo, food and water and you can also boost a broken car in a second to drive around, WHY do you need to hoard your shit? I don't get it. If you all die, go respawn and roam the cities to gear up. It's not hard to gear up, why hoarding everything? And btw, calling you a legit player made me laugh hard. Get your facts straight of what legit playing is and also stop flaming other people in this forum. /e And oh noez, you're not willing to trade AK's and M16's for other players because of that change. That's sooooooo rude. How can you do that. :( Those newbies can't live without your epic knights and you. So mean.
  4. baustein90@hotmail.com

    Stuck on a Stone, can't get away -_-

    Hi, I just walked on a large stone formation near a lake and now I'm completely stuck on it. I can't move forward nor backwards, can't move my view left/right, just up/down. Also, I can't lay my char unto the ground, only standing and crouching is possible. I'm near the edge also, so I guess if my character is moving to far ahead, he will just fall down and maybe get killed in the process. How can I get unstucked? This really sucks and I don't want to respawn, since I have a shitload of good gear in my inventory. Any ideas here?