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About Smuggling

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    On the Coast
  1. Smuggling

    Yet another kicking issue

    I was playing fine last night. Try to log in today and I'm being kick from every server with no explanation as well. C'mon!
  2. Smuggling

    Unkillable Player in Dallas 3 Server

    Found a video, it was pretty much this:
  3. Time: 12:20am Monday EST Server: Dallas 3 (hardcore) Place: Forest & Field Due West of Zelenogorsk Me and my friend spent hours hunting for wheels for a vehicle, when we finally repair it some random guy starts bolting toward it. My friend sees him first so he unloads a ton of bullets into him a distance of about 10 meters (semi-auto m4a1). I'm on the opposite side of the vehicle at this point, the guy eats the bullets and starts driving away. We start chasing him, which isn't too hard because we are in the middle of a dense forest west of Zelenogorsk. Finally he clears the forest and drives about 150m and stops the vehicle, we don't see anyone get out. My friend is about 100m away when I see another guy (or the same guy who teleported) bolt in between our paths. This guy is armed with only a hatchet and I inform my friend about him, since we are chatting on skype. My friend shoots him at least 5 times, but he takes no damage, and hacks my friend to death with a hatchet. I run up to him with my m4a3 cco, set it to full auto, and unload an entire clip into him body from about 15 meters away, also he is not moving. He takes no damage, as he slowly pulls out his handgun pops me a few times, but i have time to reload while taking damage. I fire another half clip into his body which does no damage. But I'm killed after he shoots me two more times. I really wish I could have gotten a name but Dallas 3 is a hardcore server with name tags disabled. Not only that Also, I know how to fire a gun in this game, I've been playing nonstop for over a month now. Plus as it doesnt take any amount of aiming to kill someone with an automatic rifle from pointblank range.
  4. Eventually it will go away, though im not sure of the cooldown. As I'm sure you know now, don't leave the server until shock runs its course. I believe this is a (weak) punishment for people who leave the server after being shot in an attempt to survive.
  5. Smuggling

    Surviving the first day

    Learn your surroundings, use an online map until you get an ingame one. These help me when im starting out with a fresh character. http://dayzdb.com/map#3.060.023 http://www.dayzmap.info In the beginning, try to hit up a hospital for morphine since broken legs are so common. Blood bags are only useful if you have a friend to do a transfuse on you. Next check residential areas for food/drink/handgun. Next try a barn for a shotty/winchester. Next do the deerstands for automatics. Finally do a Airport/Military barracks for the really good stuff. Also you should not be so scared of dying when you make a fresh character. Worst case scenario, you die and respawn to try again. No loss really. For me it starts getting really tense when I start getting respectable gear.
  6. Smuggling

    Broken bones, no morphine, not fun.

    Breaking bones is way too common. If i get shot with a rifle in the leg, im totally okay with that. But combine the random glitches in the game: broken bones when crouching through a door, zombie gets lucky and scratches your leg, etc; plus the rarity of morphine spawns makes for a poor dynamic. I'm not a noob either. I left Cherno with 3 morphines, and haven't come by another one since. I've survived a ton of zombie hordes and bandit gunfights. I've been travelling town to town going north from Cherno to NW airfield to NE airfield and Berezino. First morphine, stand up from prone in the wilderness: broken bone. Crouch through a doorway in Stary Sobor, again. Last one: a zombie teleports to the 3rd floor of the school building in Vybor, slaps me once while im at full health and bam, another broken bone. I'm lugging like 50lbs of gear through the wasteland and a zombie breaks my leg from a scratch/bite? No, I don't think so. My avatar appears to be a fit middle aged man, not a 90 year old with osteoporosis. Seriously tired of getting my legs snapped like uncooked spaghetti from every little thing. Also as was said before, morphine doesn't magically mend bones, it's just a painkiller. For the love of zombie jesus, either make morphine a more common drop, on par with painkillers (cause that's what morphine is anyway). Or maybe make medic tents/hospitals/clinics with supplies a little more common.
  7. Smuggling

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I had a bad run in at the northwest air field (down to 5.5k blood). Dr. Wasteland and Legs patched me up for free after meeting at a safe undisclosed location. I owe you guys one.
  8. Bump with similar experience. Upon entering a brown longhouse at the North West perimeter of Starry Sobor I was knocked unconscious, bleeding, and -5000 blood. There were no zombies or other survivors nearby since I just logged in. I have pretty decent weapons & supplies but this is not the sort of thing I want to waste them on. :@:dodgy: