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Everything posted by Sartus

  1. Sartus

    wait for host

    same here. i hope they do a fast statement in forum and twitter
  2. Sartus

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Winner of Buggiest games award 2012 would be awesome......
  3. *Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: Steam Pack (Arma II and Arma II OA) *Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: I just started Arma II OA and closed it. so i dont rly know. but i bought it on steam so i think no beta patch. *Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: Six Updater *What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: Back in debug forest. im starving cause im not at my tent near north of airfield, my camo suite is gone oh yeah and i list my Bison with 3 mags and my night vision and my M9 SD 1 hour before restart cause the tent deleted all by it self. i did safe tent and im sure no one stole it, cause just the items vanished that i put in there before i was going back for a second strike on aurfield. *Your PC specs: *Your Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit *Have you looked at these threads?: what else... everyone gets it from time to time that the things out of the tent are vanishing and getting location in debug forest :@:@:@
  4. Sartus

    In debug forest again...

    yeah and i said thx whats wrong dude?
  5. Sartus

    In debug forest again...

    close thread im done with the community thx anyway
  6. Sartus

    In debug forest again...

    no wonder there are this much hackers out in the game. otherwise this game makes mad... and i heard that the admins are already scripting on dayz on arma III. i like that rly. dont finish the first mod but starting on making a new one. are they high?
  7. Sartus

    In debug forest again...

    i already knew that... but im starving so i hope 1 of the holy admins is capable to put me back to my old location or near to it. and what is with the vanishing items? ok i lost over 30 items in the last week cause of bugs but come on my best gear vanishing? someone of higher places should come down and bless me with his holyness