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Everything posted by Specter911
The most common exploit in the game
Specter911 replied to GordonRamsay's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
False, the most common exploit is logging off with a half empty magazine. Everyone does it and is unavoidable. -
PvP and other play style - a suggestion to facilitate them all
Specter911 replied to grrinc's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
No fuck you. Only logical answer to a person whos only response is to shut down an idea without suggesting anything to make it better. This is the suggestion forums, we bring ideas together, criticize , explain, but we do not shut down each other's idea without explaining why or trying to suggest something better. Try using more thought in this part of the forum or only be seen as another shit stain on our window blocking our view ahead. -
For food/water being more scarce, I am not sure this is the way you want to go to make the mod harder, as it may force solo play as being in a group may not be worth it if its too scarce. No opinion on zombie spawns as I do not know much about it and could not really judge the positives or negatives. Fuel tanks being emptied may just piss people off more then make the game harder, I have never gotten a vehicle so its only an assumption, I won't say its a good or bad idea. For disconnecting there are many ideas, all of them positive when it comes to this, but eventually one will be chosen as best, one day to solve this problem. As for two of your points, 1 being lowering gun abundance and the other being able to spawn with a gun are contradictory. Never bring up being able to spawn with anything on the forum or everyone will beat you for just that point and probably ignore your others. But so far from what I have gathered with other people suggestions, this is the best way to implement. 1. Conditions needing to be met to allow said suggestions to work Zombie movement being fixed More melee weapons as well as a better melee system, in being able to switch to melee weapon at least New ammo system 2. Suggestions With new melee weapons, better zombie movement, aswell as new ammo system, it would now be possible to lower the abundance of guns, moving melee weapons as your main source of survival. When going through loot piles where ammo normally would be, you would find the magazines with a random amount of ammo in it, if said ammo is spent then there would be an empty magazine in your bag. You are able to take out the bullets in the magazine into a difference slot in the inventory to a limit to hold, then replace them all into one magazine. Aswell throughout loot piles will be the chance to find a box of ammo for the different varieties of ammo that would take 2 slots and allow you to hold more of that ammo then if it was 2 separate slots. With the above being said, there would now be no negative of using the Double Barreled Shotgun as it shares its ammo with other different capacity shotguns. With all said coming to become true, all guns will be rarer, the mod would become harder aswell as it being more tactical then just throwing away your magazines when your done with it. As for casual server's I believe they should keep them, but once you made your survivor, it is only limited to that server type.
PvP and other play style - a suggestion to facilitate them all
Specter911 replied to grrinc's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
But if you were to mod in some apparently "all loving" entity that apparently is always judging you in the sky, you made god. Might aswell just throw Zeus in there, hurling his lightning at random people. Perhaps have the "all loving" entity as the spotter of Zeus, this could work. Then, you will be the ultimate god. Aswell shut the fuck up about Cod Kiddies, get on topic. I, as well everyone else don't give a fuck about your opinion. It is fact, CoD's player base is generally the scum of any other game's player base. Proof? Join any MW3 SnD and kill another person that has a mic. End of discussion, if anyone brings this up past this point, its just a waste of space, and I encourage Armybow to ignore. As well Psyl3nt, you seem to assume the people thinking this because they are butt hurt, well fuck you for being a hypocrite what do you base YOUR assumption on? 3.4 k/d because I'm actually good, you can imagine all the hate mail I get for just going around killing others with out them having a chance. They are truly the lowest of any community, they will bitch to you about anything, even if they have to make stuff up.
You mean the number one concern are the zombies that can sprint faster with unlimited stamina as well. Supposedly it would remove the unlimited stamina from zombies I would assume, the problem is they still run amazingly fast. When zombies sprinting is fixed, perhaps it could fit in eh?
While it was a very, unwell idea, the same can be reversed. With all the people saying that the game's pvp is fine the way it is right now. Everyone KoS everyone with no ingame effect of killing another person is fine just the way it is. Fuckin come on, they even have the balls to shoot others ideas without suggesting anything. This is the suggestion forums, if you say no without a reason, actions will repeat and all you are doing is wasting space.
PvP and other play style - a suggestion to facilitate them all
Specter911 replied to grrinc's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
First of all, Royce your a piece of shit. But I want you to know why I think your a piece of shit, and most likely the better part of Dayz community thinks your a piece of shit. It is not betraying, that is part of the game, its the fact you defend the extremity that KoS has taken in Dayz is fine and reject all ideas pertaining to culling KoS without even suggesting ways to better said ideas. This is alpha, Rocket has said he wanted players to work together aswell as kill each other, as of right now, KoS is the only reasonable option ingame. As for your idea Grrinc, I do not approve. 1. It is not realistic to be marked good or bad. 2. It is lazy and removes you from game immersion if this was to be put in as the way they handled this situation. There will be friendlies, there will be cunts. At the moment there is no whats so fucking ever difference between these two visually. In the future if they managed to push aside the people who want the game their way, and retain the way of bringing more game immersion actions. I.E instead of being marked from the beginning , the actions they choose since being created will leave effects onto said character. As in getting blood on said character if you were to loot a player's corpse. Along with this potentially telling you of what that character has done, it will make all players think before they loot a player's corpse. -
Closing the alpha like this with all the current players playing it, having a great time already is as much of a fucked up cock block as getting turned on by a chick, get a little head, then she gets up, walks up stairs and fucks your dad. Basically its a bad idea all around, anyway I believe they are doing something with Arma 3, like compatibility to carry over what they have worked on so far or something. All I know is this is still an alpha, bugs always, as for hackers they will be banned, as well you must be on some fucked up servers, haven't seen 1 hacker yet, duplicators perhaps. Perhaps find some better servers if possible.
For whatever reason I got off on the wrong foot in arma by trying to train in armory, died every time as it seems I had it set on highest difficulty and did not know how to change it. Good training though when your ready for it. As for murders, I like murders, but not to the extreme it is at the moment, aswell with these people defending it like its ok, makes me sick they think like this. But alas this is what you have to deal with when suggesting anything on this forums to the community. You gonna have to make changes to make them understand until you get everyone on board and try to get rocket's attention. It will be harder then trying to play a successful game of hide and seek unarmed with a ghillie suit with random people you meet ingame.
Ah so thats how it makes you feel warmer, not actually warmer, well I never bothered to figure it out. Potentially it could stop you from freezing it seems(or thats what some google results put up, aswell finding this video ), so perhaps one day it would have use if there was a seasonal change with snow added.
Discouraging server hopping for loot
Specter911 replied to 82ndab-Bravo17's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
A ban on Russia is a ban on Vodka. You wouldn't ban Vodka would you? Vote for Vodka! No seriously vote for Vodka, legitimate potential item to be used to make yourself warmer at night.
I am against of removing tents, your problem seems to be something else besides tents however. You have the problem of another player gearing up so quickly. At the moment guns are way too abundant, yet the reason this is I assume because originally they were the only weapons ingame until the 2 melee weapons. When zombies are corrected in movement, and more melee weapons are put in hopefully, guns will be rare enough to even treasure a Makarov. When it gets to that point, zombies would become more dangerous then now, aswell as in the future duplication should be fixed. But as of now, weapons are abundant aswell as able to be duplicated, so of course its extremely easy to gear up now. I believe when guns are rare, aswell duplication fixed, that if you find them, and have a good enough spot to hide them, you deserve to keep them. Honestly though I think they used tents because it was easier to implement, in this scenario I would think burying your items underground would be a viable option aswell, to store your items.
Bandit/Survivor Skins- WE NEED THEM BACK
Specter911 replied to The Headshrinker's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Ok a couple things before I start: RedFiction it is not "ITS GOOD NOW" Its people with your selfish attitude that deny suggestions from getting the light they deserve. Everything generally works with a Cause and Reaction, or should one day. As of now there is no reaction to killing another player. There are many causes, too many due to the player base having anonymity and being a couple of cunts, causing those that are not cunts, to KoS due to dealing with cunts therefor fitting in with the cunt group. Which does not balance the game. Again Zedsdead, no this is suggestion forum, it does not matter whatever reason that person types like that, the person still had a more valid opinion then your comment about how they type. I.E They are saying that people kill others for fun now, not even bothering looting said corpse, due to no reaction to killing another player. Aswell your attitude brings you up as a cunt most of the time, change it to fit this forum. Suggestions instead of assuming inane shit anyone could pull out of their ass, be the smarter one. The penalty he could be talking off is having blood from looting corpses show on your body, and attract zombies from further away on varying degrees depending on how many player corpses you have looted/ if you killed a player up close. -
Here are some things when dealing with the general populace of Dayz. 1. They have not played anything other than Dayz when it comes to Arma 2. 2. They all believe murdering others is part of the game(even at the extreme it is now) and should not have a negative when killing another player, for whatever reason. 3. Most do not see it as an alpha game, even when told so, they would deny changes that affect the current way they play because they are selfish regardless of the potential the changes can have in the future. Well thats from what I have seen so far.
The problem is how you say it, you say it as if you were being assigned an objective to take over the town through the map or some such part of the game. Instead say adding more areas suited to groups. I.E Specific buildings in towns with hoard of zombies able to run indoors aswell only able to be opened via breaching. Said buildings will be barricaded but have cracks, which allow you to look inside to see there are items in there to discover. Perhaps all current buildings unable to be entered will be chosen at random every server restart and you have to search to see which ones are the ones holding the loot so you can breach. Basically it is not objectives or missions at this point, but new tasks added to list of things you could potentially do, but these new tasks will generally require a group, but not due to actual bodies needed to perform that task, but instead the difficulty of said task.
I am going to side with Vertisce on this. Zed this is the suggestion forum, the intention of your first post obviously was against his idea. 2 Problems with this, one be straight forward next time instead of giving said person a chance at thinking you don't understand their idea completely, aswell instead of just shooting their idea down, try to make more sense out of it. I.E There are no missions added to Dayz, but instead added a new town functionality. Towns(not all but most large ones) will have buildings that have supplies that respawns every set amount of time. To enter these buildings you need to breach them, you could try it alone, but inside these buildings are zombies that are able to run indoors, as well as when breaching you will make noise comparable to an enfield, so you will need to clear the area.
Bandits and the solution to snipers camping.
Specter911 replied to amudkipz's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
At the moment I don't believe any of this can be implemented, as for bandits spawning with nothing, that would be horrible due to zombies chance to make you bleed on first hit is quite high. Aswell a better deal with weapons may be actually making guns in general more rare then as abundant as they are now. With that being said it would make all guns more rare aswell making the already rare guns harder to obtain rather than seeing many others with all the good weapons. Though to implement this there would have to be a melee slot, aswell more melee weapons. Aswell as fixing zombie movement, basically this would have to be an near the end of the alpha change. But it would supposedly be worth it as all guns would be precious, even the Makarov. Would supposedly promote working together if the zombies difficulty are upped aswell. Needs more tweaking, but could make the game more, harder when it comes to the zombie aspect instead of it being piss easy atm. -
Insurance? Figured with all my computer has seen, they would be Viagra adds. It still there?
I agree, here are some points for you to use to support your claim. Being able to wander around with a tally ingame ruins immersion as you know how many you killed aswell as above using it to tell if you killed another player. But being in a world with no kill count, as you wander from town to town killing zombies, you would of lost count of how many you killed, countless people you encountered, most dead from trying to rob you. Not knowing if that person is truly dead, so you double tap. Aswell as maybe in future allowing zombies to play dead to do the same after being non-lethally shot in the body occasionally. I believe rocket also wanted to remove the hunger and let the stomach growls tell you when your hungry, and something similar for thirst. Could remove blood and let the screen saturation tell you, bleeding could have a more obvious effect on your screen, but for these, sometime in the future. But I say zombie tally and player tally have to go, perhaps they can even have an item ingame that you pick up, and it automatically updates your current score from the moment you obtain it, so you still don't know your past, but you will know your future.