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Everything posted by Specter911

  1. Specter911

    Looking for a partner forum

  2. Rare Items Section For Weapons suggestion I believe this will come naturally as in the beginning the only weapon available was guns. But now that they are able to jury rig up melee weapons, after they fix zombie's pathing/bleeding on first hit/ broken bone on first hit then they could move forward on moving toward making guns actually rare rather then the abundance it is now. For Tools suggestion I believe some tools should take no space, and some should take more slots I.E A watch goes on your wrist, doubt that would take a slot on your person. Compass,Flashlight,GPS, Hunting Knife,Map, and Matches would take one slot. While Entrenching Tool, Axe and Toolbox obviously take more. An example number could be 6 max slots, while the 3 last tools taking 2 slots each, you can not hold everything, unless you skip one of the more useful items. However in the future there may be a melee slot added, so axe wouldn't have to be held in the tool slot, but rather on your back or side or of the such. For your "Other" suggestion I believe alone this would be a good suggestion, but instead of making surviving harder, i say make the surroundings harder. I.E The more people that are online on a server, the more zombies that spawn per person in said area then if there was less people online. So you spawning 10 zombies in an area now, would turn into an upward of say 30 if enough players are on said server. This with an altered version of your idea, as in indeed making food and water rarer, but being able to last longer without food or water. Or one or the other alone is fine, but there may be a combination of the two that can make a greater effect. Customization Section I can't say much on as I have not yet wandered in that area, or rather more pressing issues, but nearing the end it will surely be noted more strongly. Immersive HUD Section I believe personally as using your diary to keep track of a few of the current statistics already on the debug monitor, but not all, perhaps 2-3 to keep in memory while not keeping track of others, but you get to choose which ones. As for the rest of status effects, I believe opening the diary should be your character writing a statement that contain different variables. I.E It is currently dawn/day/dusk/night, body temperature lowering/(say nothing if normal) and I have lost a bit of/decent amount/large amount of blood./(say nothing if minimal blood loss) Had a meal recently/Still have not found any food yet/I have searched but have not found anything yet and/but found a drink recently./still searching for a drink./haven't found a drink either. For sound and sight being shown, there isn't really a need to show it as its based on your character's stance as well as speed, and ground texture to figure it out, but should be like you said up to the server host to disable or enable.
  3. Specter911

    Punishing Dis-connectors!

    I disagree and what the above people saying "why not post in one of the other threads" without providing an example, fuck you. Suggestion forum is used for making thoughtful posts not some place to get your post count up. I disagree because they still are able to keep their items, as well with a system like this, it seems it would reduce the penalty as time passes without disconnecting often(as it would be ridiculous without it being lowered in a specific time, as some people do genuinely d/c from time to time) which would allow the cheap to d/c at least once every set time period. I believe in having your body linger 30 seconds after you have logged out with any zombies chasing you able to hit you, but any zombies not aware of you, remain unable to be aware of you incase you do d/c near zombies. I can't recall where I originally heard of this idea however. So I can't link to it, but instead I have stated it to you, so you know what other ideas have been tossed out there instead of having to look for the best one out of all the threads.
  4. Specter911

    Looking for a partner forum

  5. Specter911

    More stats on the Debug Monitor

    With that I agree, I forget to mention generally when I suggest things its when the mod is done, by then there should be more things you could do, or work toward by then. When it gets to that point I think an index to keep track would be appropriate. For now I am unsure as I believe rocket wants to stray away from more UI things, but if it takes awhile to get to the finished mod soon, then why not add some more statistics to make things interesting eh?
  6. Specter911

    Weapon safe mode

    If you double hit left Ctrl you will lower your weapon, when you hit fire you will raise your weapon, then you can fire. This is essentially safety, it does indeed show your character lowering his/her weapon.
  7. Specter911

    Pistol spawn for '0 Murder' players

    I don't like you, but I like you because of your avatar so I am conflicted. Anyway your logic is flawed. Why answer something with another question? Why would you not have an incentive to not kill another player? As it stands now everyone KoS each other. Who does that help? Only Bandits. Survivors gain no benefit from the current direction the mod is heading, yet whenever someone suggests something people defend the bandits way, when the survivor's way is already at stake. So tell me again, what reason could you potentially pull out of your ass that tells me the amount of KoS going on is okay while looking at bandits and survivors as equals? As for your Idea I suggest it only apply-able if you have 0 murders as well as your character lasting at least half an hour. With the said above, people can't abuse the system to get free weapons easily, it would be more easy for people who know the game to go out and find a gun on their own, while this set up will help new players out.
  8. Specter911

    Shit/Piss System

    I will be honest, if you are able to aim your piss I will say yes. This is more of a fun mechanic to add in when everything else if fixed, so it may not really gain attention now, but in the future when other top priority things are fixed, it may get attention though for now here is my suggestions. The 1-10 limit should be changed slightly, with any negative effects from holding it in appearing at 9. As well as piss only having a chance at 10 piss to piss yourself every couple seconds till you eventually piss. For shitting yourself on 10 I agree. If you mean for pissing blood when you are naturally losing blood from dehydration then I agree again. Though I don't believe you should die from eating or drinking another person's shit or blood piss. As for diseases I agree but only for shit as you are eating it off the ground, but the diseases should be more explained. As for wiping, I don't believe they should give you a disease, just makes you more detectable by zombies if you don't wipe, as well you are able to gather leaves to wipe.
  9. Specter911

    More stats on the Debug Monitor

    I will say no to your idea, but yes if it was implemented a different way. Right now I believe rocket said he didn't want much of a UI for the game, and if anything wants to remove more stats rather then add more. Instead why not have a lootable item to be found that is like an index. When you pick up said index, from there on out your character would keep track of certain statistics. I.E Player's killed Zombies Killed Rounded distance traveled And any other statistic of importance. But perhaps limit your character to only choosing 2 or 3 of said statistic out of the list when first opening the index to keeping track of.
  10. Specter911

    Something that I feel is necessary...

    Still sense that negativity in ya, anyway your words hold no merit still. If you want your words to have merit, use logic, why is this idea bad? Because this is a hardcore game. Not only that but I believe rocket even called it that. Use that reason next time someone suggests to make the game easier.
  11. Enough is enough of the way how people reply on this forum. 1 I demand a list that pops up every time you reply to a topic that clearly states. "If you agree with a topic, if able, tell suggestions that you think may help the OP of said suggestion to make it better. If you disagree with a topic, explain the reason why you disagree, and/or give them a suggestion to correct what may be missing from their suggestion to better it. Do not only post NO without a reason why not, or a suggestion to better their suggestion. If the OP is a similar to another person's post, link their post in the OP." I will use another's post as an example. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=29848 1st Reply "This is essentially a punishment for bandits as it will make looting more difficult/dangerous for them. Therefore, they'll just continue to shoot everyone in sight in order to get supplies. Besides, most of the times I've been killed by bandits there haven't been zombies nearby. Buff survivors; don't punish bandits." This reply is against the idea due to the biased opinion that bandits seem to have when it comes to anything negative about them. When in reality it adds a cause and effect to kill another player unlike how it is now with exactly no effect yet all the cause. I.E Loot, Self defense as everyone KoS, fun This person even says to buff survivors instead of punishing bandits but does not even suggest anything opposed to their opinion of bandits However this person actually came back when OP replied instead of just posting then never coming back to thread, so acceptable. Reply 2,3,4 is discussion Reply 5 "Only if they alert me to your presence because they can smell your salty tears and soppy wet vagina." Reply 6 "Agreed. QQ more about Bandits. It makes it that much more satisfying when we kill you and hide your body with all your loot on it just because you're a whiner and it was fun to kill you." Seriously what the fuck is wrong with these people, instead of suggesting or saying why they disagree, they insult. I try to actually use my mind to help other's suggestions while giving a reason why it wouldn't work aswell as a suggestion to make it better. 2 Something needs to be done with this bandit crying Anyone who has been on this forum can agree there are way too many forum posts, many just silly to try to stop the KoS in Dayz. However the people who defend it with what ever inane crap they manage to spew on everyone's screen is equally annoying. Dayz is suppose to be a survival game, you spawn alone on a zombie infested land. There are other survivors as well, friends?....or Foe? How will you live, it is YOUR choice. This is how the game should be and kept as, you a sole survivor, in an infested land with stray survivors living their lives anyway they can. The problem with this is ingame there are no friends, there is no option to be friendly when everyone KoS each other due to no cause and effect of killing another player. Many bandits even say when trying to put in an effect to killing another that it will ruin their way of playing. FUCK YOU You say this but pay no mind to the survivor's who want to team together with others but are unable to ingame due to never ending death match between bandits, paranoid survivors, and those who just spawn, kill, die and repeat. I am going to explain this one final time. Everything has cause and effect. You look for supplies, you risk death. Result: Supplies You team up with someone, you risk trust. Result: A friend You shoot a zombie, you alert other zombies. Result: He dead You sneak around a zombie, you put safety over time. Result: Stealth You eat the cake now, the cake was a lie later. Result: Cake You don't prepare, your going to die. Result: You have died. You kill another player, ??? Result: You gain their loot, you stay alive Well I guess its Cause, effect and result in the end, but the issue still stands. In every case their is a risk to doing said task, except for killing another player. There is 0% reason to not kill another player because they think the same thing about you. Wasted bullets and attracted zombie's are just excuses for a reason to receive nothing but benefits from your play style while punishing survivors. The mod was made, but because of letting players test it in alpha where not everything has been planned, the community is now given control. Because of them being in control, they will try their hardest to keep things as fun as they are now, using every excuse they can throw out, preventing many suggestions from seeing any light. You say you bandits shouldn't be punished for their play style, but then why are survivor's being punished for their play style.... why can't you take one for the team to better the game? Because its alpha, and you are playing it. You are the shit stain on the window that prevents light from coming in. I will keep bumping this post on the front page till banned or a Mod comes on here, and tells me what he will do. Because honestly with a community like this, that not only needs a reason not to kill ingame, as well ignorantly defending their play style while punishing another play style , but also needs a rule list to not be a total fucking useless dick on the forum, I am starting to not want to be apart of this community. TL DR Ban me if you don't bother reading anything above.
  12. I'm down with any idea of making the zombie force stronger, though if I may add. Say if you are a low population server, you specifically spawn 10 zombies by your own. But if you hop onto a higher population server, you will spawn more zombies relative to the amount on the server, to possibly even 30 zombies. The point is though, the higher the player population, the higher the amount of zombies players will spawn. May make players work together if this idea and the idea of making guns more rare come together.
  13. Specter911

    Something that I feel is necessary...

    No its your fault for always talking in a negative attitude. Some people don't want to know where all the loot are when they start the game. When I started it took me around 3 hours to find my first gun, I lived all those hours searching and learning the area, as well killing with an axe. But not all players are as quick to adapt, point is, it took me awhile with no knowledge to find a gun, except for the enfield. But I knew about the enfield beforehand from one of the videos, so I knew not to take. Just no need to be so hostile to new players.
  14. Went helping other's suggestions again, this time saw a person 3 times, add nothing useful except shutting down an idea without any reason why, insulting a different suggestion, and then the obligatory use the search comment on another.
  15. Specter911

    Some feature's that would make DAYZ more interesting

    1 and 2 are essentially the same type of idea. Attachment option for weapons that are lootable randomly but rarely. I don't believe that is possible in Arma 2, but will be in Arma 3 supposedly.(Anyone that actually knows can correct if i'm wrong.) 3. I know it has been proposed before, but I agree I like the idea of body armor, though it will only protect you from one shot or so if not just completely destroy it depending on the weapon. Though protection is protection, and in this game 1 shot can end you, but being able to survive that 1 shot could change the game up, well unless it was a head shot. I am not sure how full armor would work, but it would be logical that it would slow you down greatly to wear it, while body armor would slow you slightly, if any at all. 4. It may be better to just hunt for animals if it only gives 1000 blood or less. If you meant only able to apply it to your self while under 1000 blood, then that changes result. Still can't make out which meaning you meant, but incase it was the second one, it may make sense as you constantly pass out while that low, and it would be nice to have a medical item like that you can use in emergency to at least get past the pass out threshold.
  16. I say no, but thats because I say yes to it being added to the main game. I'll explain, rocket from the start wanted this mod to be hardcore. They had to start with only having guns as a weapon, until they made the hatchet which is a short ranged gun with very high ammo count. They can now make melee weapons, but another problem they are problem working on before putting new melee in, is fixing zombie's pathing issues, as well as maybe their speed. But say even if pathing is fixed, broken bones happen less, as well as make the bleeding effect happen less as you would be put in melee combat with zombies alot more often. Add different type of melee weapons around. Keep all weapons ingame but make them all rare with melee weapons generally taking their spot, as well as ammo being rare. Imagine zombie spawns being based on how many people are currently in that server, so less people means you spawn less zombies by yourself, but more people join and the zombies you spawn increase as well. Lower food and water I can't say whether good or bad. But having items being destroyed by gun fire is a fantastic idea, as well as it being dependent on what kind of bullet is being shot at said person, bigger the bullet, more the destruction of said loot. Over all yes to all ideas, however the problem is if said changes could be implemented, well and if rocket agrees these are good suggestions.
  17. I once got in shock by pitching a tent, as well it broke my bone. Besides that, essentially what your trying to solve is disconnecting with a side of bandit mentality as you have already stated. But there are already many different suggestions about solving disconnecting, many are good yet its up to rocket if its able to be implemented as well as choose the best one that suits the game. As for murdering someone putting you in shock, I'd say from a logical stand point that if you are going around murdering people, you will not be put in shock, you may pitch a tent for whatever reason as you are considered insane by then, but you won't be in shock. I do see the benefits of it, but if implemented it means even if a survivor defends their self they would be in shock which makes sense, but sucks as you are now obligated to stay on, or find somewhere safe to pass out later.
  18. I do like the idea, but the numbers seem to be too high, we need to be reasonable with how the game is, or potentially will be. I.E Perhaps in the future melee weapons become abundant while guns become rarer. Having a learning curve would be fun, but not so many bullets due to how long our characters live on average. For Sniper rifle's that number is way too high due to how little sniper ammo there is, as well as how unlikely you would live that long. Automatic Rifle, may be a little high, but over all it would need testing and longer life spans for our characters to test correctly.
  19. Specter911

    Something that I feel is necessary...

    Death is suppose to hit you hard, driving on a server even with few people on it, is and should be dangerous. They will jack your ride. As for more melee weapons, they had to actually made the melee weapon out of a gun with a very high ammo count, besides this axes are literally everywhere. It is true you are vulnerable at the start, but you have to learn to sneak around and find ways to live without a weapon as well, where not many players would try if they had a weapon, they would run in swinging as they don't know the game. Its supposed to be tactical, you know?
  20. Specter911

    Quit suggesting bandit nerfs!

    So what do you do, you Goob'n it? Anyway I say yes to stop the idea of bandit nerfs. Stop thinking of it like that. The fact is, what needs to be changed is to add a cause of effect to murder. Right now there is a cause, but no effect in doing so except the loot of said player, or just for fun which ruins the game when literally everyone does. Having no effect to such a massive part of the gameplay, even more then that of zombies will/has ruin the gameplay as you can observe now. Aswell if you want to get technical, there has been a case where a man shot the head off some cop eating in his cop car, and the believed result the person wanted was the police to kill him. What it means? Well it means alot and a little. A lot that some people can be so stupid, lacking common sense and weak. And a little that generally people only have one if any of the said above symptoms, so there are not that many insane people out there. But then that brings up the point, that we actually live with these kind of people as they hide among us until they snap and someone dies. How nice.