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About corbon_hydrashock

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. corbon_hydrashock

    Would They Do It Again?

    The majority have seemingly given up. When I log in and search the servers, usually only two out of all of them are near, or at, capacity. The rest have 1 to 5 people in them. If any were like I was, I 'donated' the funds for the time I spent in the mod, and for hopefully a little fun in the stand-alone. By and large it's a waste of time, and everything 'researched' and implemented in the standalone could have been run in the devs' offices and tested out. If they continue on with the trickle of added content to the existing engine, we can all be rest-assured they are stringing us along to live off of the proceeds. I don't want to see added content, and I don't want to see vehicles. All I, and many others, want is a step toward an actual platform that supports the things we do have, and is worthy of writing code within to grow around. This whole Arma engine is a joke.
  2. corbon_hydrashock

    Is DayZ really set in fictional Ukraine?

    I just Google mapped it and zoomed in on Ústí nad Labem-Neštěmice - train tracks are in the same place, and some buildings seem to match. This is really cool. ------------- One way or another, DayZ can either keep using this map or not - but until the developers leave the Arma coding for stuff as simple as tall grass disappearing at distances (and, thus, not providing any camo when the total opposite would be true), this game is frustration galore. I really believe that the devs are simply living off of the proceeds we all paid to play... there is no attempt to make the 'game' better, and they string us along forever with minor fixes in a gaming engine that just isn't right.
  3. You seem to not know the history of DayZ. It wasn't meant to be a 'fun' game, but more of a tool to show people what attempting to live through a desperate situation is like. I suggest some of you go back and read what the creator had to say about this.
  4. corbon_hydrashock

    How to Install Fallujah - Video Guide

    Well, hours into it I'm pretty sure this Fallujah map has convinced me to give up DayZ playing altogether. Boring map of ultra-rare common-loot spawning, so many buildings have nothing... That I can see, there are only two areas of interest - a Grocery store that spawned crap, and the airfield which had everything. Literally hours of checking the city's buildings and outskirts for ... another other than hatchets and car parts... and no maps or compasses to speak of to help. Heli wrecks had nothing. That was two servers' worth of playing, and both just as boring ... until a hacker brought some excitement to the second by spawning in aircraft and crashing it. Thanks, but Cherno was already hours of running around with at least minor rewards of common loot. This map just sucked.
  5. corbon_hydrashock

    My Hand Shakes

    Stop trolling the kid.
  6. corbon_hydrashock

    My Hand Shakes

    Like I wrote earlier - with time, just like getting used to a specific amount of coffee, cocaine, etc, - your bodies will get used to the dump of adrenaline your adrenal glands release into your system. It has its up sides (being better able to cope in real life to a once-in-a-lifetime situation) and down sides (body or brain gets used to that level of adrenaline...so things become boring and one needs to step it up a bit to get the same excitement). Those merely calling it "getting excited" obviously aren't the brightest, but on its most basic level that's what instigates the adrenaline. Those suggesting anyone needs to be seen by a doctor by such an obvious cause... have no business writing anything on forums.
  7. corbon_hydrashock

    Gotta love stairs.

    This happens to me far too often on stairs. Normally it's fire house towers - then I'm higher than 10 feet, for sure. Once in a while I fall out to the adjoining roof, but sometimes its all the way out. Part of the glitch, there, may be the windows... for the life of me I can't get myself through a fire tower window if I want to, but coming down the tower I can run right through one sometimes.
  8. corbon_hydrashock

    My Hand Shakes

    LOL, now that it's happening after the fact... that's the first signs you're getting used to it. Keep training / killing, young Jedi.
  9. I think I spawned in the central-north of the map once, still not sure. And every other time I've just been lost. Even anecdotal spawn points would be helpful, like yours, here if we have no real clue where the typical spawns are. ------ Thanks for moving this thread - I had no idea Lingor, as popular as it is, is still all private-hive.
  10. I fully see the advantages of a second character - a teammate had one loaded on his wife's computer. Technically it was her account, but he used that second character for saving items, duping, and saving his first character when he needed it. Still, like others have said - I've played the game long enough (two months?) to know it is a serious waste of cash considering how buggy and hacked the main servers are. If you play on a vigilant private-hive then OK, I guess it may be worth it... but... Still, even with a second computer at your disposal, I suggest that you take a little more time to contemplate just what the mod is about, what its limitations are, and consider that you may be a little off-aim in grasping just what there is to enjoy about it. For example, granted, for a while it was pretty frustrating to die and lose all my gear, but then I realized I took more chances, had more interesting interactions, and got more kills when I had to little to lose and was gearing up in a major city. I wrote a story or two to that end here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/85903-why-i-hate-dying-why-i-like-dying/ Where I originally wanted a second account to make life easier, I now feel pretty bad for most people who meet me in a major city when I get 'sent back' via getting killed or dying. And it's that totally new life, new experience, and new gear load-out that is the DayZ purpose - to make it in this post-apocalyptic world or not. The advantages to a second account running at the same time are huge, and I used to do just that in Eve Online... but I just don't really see it being worth it now with DayZ... certainly not for $30.
  11. corbon_hydrashock

    Your incompetent team mates :D

    I couldn't play with someone so dumb that they'd accept the invitation to fly, and wreck, our team's helicopter knowing full well they hadn't ever practiced it on a Arma II training mission. Somewhat similarly, I handed over a tractor to a newer guy in our group once I used it to bring repair parts for a four wheeler... this guy proceeds to think he can mow down trees. I was about 300 yards away on the four-wheeler when I saw the explosion, and for some reason was nice enough to give him a blood bag instead of letting him die, respawn, and have to spend that whole run back to his corpse thinking about his mistake. --------- Anyway, way early in playing together our team was starting to try to gather vehicles. A first-vehicle is a boon to any team as it can carry and find loads of parts to fix other vehicles. By this time we had a pickup truck and a UAZ... and just found a yellow car. This would be my first in-game car in DayZ, and while it looked like crap, drove too slowly off-road, and needed repaired up a lot more, we got it moving down the roads with just tires and fuel. A few minutes later we stopped at a factory area to better fix up my car, and to get reserve parts for other vehicles. I was last in the convoy, and was pulling up to park it while the other guys had already got out of the trucks and spawned zombies. A tard teammate who had a full machine gun (m240 or m249, something like that) was just blasting away at all the Zeds ... and in any direction... meaning he hit my car from the front and blew it up - with me inside - with only one or two hits. A quick blood-bag from a quicker-thinking teammate and I was sorta OK, but ... my first car was toast. I think I only really had it for five minutes.
  12. Two maps that have me mystified are spawn locations in Lingor and Takistan maps. Not for killing noobs, but to have some idea of the areas I could spawn into when I don't have a compass or map. The Cherno map is kind of easy - we spawn at the coast (99.9% of the time), and it's just a choice of left or right to eventually find some hint as to where one is at. I haven't been able to find any post or youttube vid that even tries to answer this 'beginner' question for Lingor, and I think it would help some of us wrap our heads around it better.
  13. corbon_hydrashock

    My Hand Shakes

    That is most definitely an adrenaline dump. Welcome to higher-stakes gaming - where it's real enough that losing all your stuff, or killing someone else, seems to matter a little more. I, and my teammates, have experienced the very same with Eve Online when particularly heavy battles amongst real players ensue. Through years of that game, and through studying the phenomenon for both real-life fire fights (I was a body guard in real life for a while, and carry a weapon most days as it is) and just in general, I can tell you that there are two things that help: 1.) Study the effects of adrenaline yourself - it helps to know what will happen, to expect them, and to attempt to counter them. (having coffee or not really doesn't seem to matter - adrenaline is a whole other drug) 2.) Put yourself in such situations more and more often - you will develop an ability to work through it. The hand shakes will become less, though the whole feeling is still there. And when you fall out of practice, or go away from the environment (i.e. game) for a while, then come back - it is just about as bad as it was when you weren't used to it. The good thing is that, since you trained yourself prior the 'vacation,' you get over the worst of the effects faster with subsequent immersions into similar situations. There is at least one more way to counter it, but I don't yet see how we could apply it to a game - and that is practice, practice, practice the basic and advanced skills you expect to need in a situation that may cause an adrenaline dump. I know that as a former paramedic that helped me when I was more shocked that I ever had been... I just fell back to the skills I had mastered through training. That which isn't mastered gets forgotten or unused when adrenaline is flowing hard, so we're not talking about cursory practice here... Best I could advise with that, for DayZ, would be to team up with a friend (when new spawns) with easy-to-get weapons, then meet on opposite sides of an agreed-upon house, and have at each other. If you carry blood bags, bandages, morphine and have voice comms you may prevent deaths and be able to try a few more times (so maybe Makarovs would be the weapon of choice - low damage). That would be the best practice I could think of - shooting computer-generated opponents is never really practice for true PvP.
  14. First, in riding a motorcycle around the map and in owning a few myself, the motorcycle represented in the game seems, at best, a 250cc or 350cc four-stroke ( and seemingly probably something even more underpowered, like a 125cc or 175cc) . It should easily go three times as far, per tank, as it does. Second, and I ran this past a friend I was gaming with last night - and I agree that this is out in left field, but once I said it he thought it was something he'd like, too, so... individual serial numbers on weapons. Why? Because we could then read posts about how they were used (if we picked them up later) or look in our inventory and find ones that we had a known history with. I actually have a few cherished weapons with multiple kills on them stored away in their own tents. To me, they are just 'lucky' weapons that I've had a good time with. If someone else found them, they might like to know the history of said weapon. Moreover, for the future stand alone, actual serial numbers would be a server tracking ability of individual weapons to ensure illegal copies weren't being used (if it wouldn't take too much extra computing power, each shot that hits a live target would be registered as coming from a specific, and legal, weapon... those that weren't registered as serial-numbered weapons with the server would do no damage, perhaps thus avoiding hacked-in weapons). If a server were to go this route with tracking, the info could be available to look up, perhaps out of game, as a stat to anyone who picked up a weapon - they could then look to see how many kills it had, how long it's been in use, etc.
  15. corbon_hydrashock

    Any 40 somethings play this game?

    41 here. I started playing with my World of Tanks clan members, a good many of whom were over 40, and sometimes over 55, but they were more into collecting good gear, collecting cars, making camps, etc., while I fond the game too limiting to try to build an empire around... so instead I went the crazed-killer route and am just as happy being in a city with just a hatchet or a AK-74 and chasing whomever I can find. Not much there to join with unless you like terrorizing cities (I was considering changing my name to "Elektro Terror," but then that would probably tell people on the server where I hang out).