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About Karn

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hey guys I am looking for a server to set up on, but this protection thing how does that work and what happens if im at say stary and you guys show up, are you going to kill me? Just looking to set up on a fun stable server and survive the zombie apocalypse =)
  2. Wow that sounds great!, One question though-is there any problem if i am in a seperate time zone than most. Say in australia or England for example?
  3. Hi folks Just found out about Dayz a few days ago got it working last night 6 updater is fantastic. Looking to find some mature ppl to play with i work odd shifts, so usually on from 1amPST (australia) 8pm PDT untill 6am pst or 1am PDT roughly. I dont mind what server i play on as long as its sub300 ping and with a group of ppl that are out to have fun and help eachother survive as a group even it it means praying on others So happy about this mod, been looking for something like this for along time, Bandit would be my natural style as i cant see myself trusting anyone unless we are working together in such a situation so im not going to even attempt to be a friendly survivor:s Anyway post below if you are in a team looking for more regular players, dont mind showing a noob the ropes. I will add those interested on Steam when i get home from work.:D