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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. oliverdesousa@hotmail.com

    Day Z Wallpapers

    You must be blind if you see only one hero in that picture
  2. Amazing mod :) I've had fun playing it but I think the zombie damage should be reduced a bit, from 12k blood I was hit about 6-7 times and my blood was flashing, it's really hard to survive without a buddy to help you out, also reduce the amount of loot on the UH-1Y crashes and the spawns of them, I found about 7 in my first life and found 3 SAW's a M4 Holo, M16 ACOG, M16, M4, M4A1 CCO, M4A3 CCO and 2 Camo clothings, I understand it's more realistic if it's been a battle between the US and the Russians, but if it's a low pop server you can get filled with gear very easily. By the way I'm loving the mod and I can't wait for new updates! I need to try out the structures.
  3. This is the best screenshot I have ever taken..
  4. I like it, this could also be possible to use as a melee weapon on players and zombies, the risk would be the light from the torch would be VERY BRIGHT and you could accidently set yourself on fire if it was out to be made that realistic
  5. Good video man, I enjoyed it! But you should of set the MG truck up so you could suppress them with the PKM, very well done though!
  6. Killing new spawns...
  7. If you saw a tea towel on his head you made the right choice
  8. Do you think you could tell me it? I've been trying to find a good EU private hive
  9. That's the thing, if you shot at someone with your sniper they would shout out "Sniper!" if you shot at them with a Machine gun then they would shout "LMG!" It's just a shorter way to put it, he didn't say it was a role he was just giving a name for all the people that like to use heavy weapons, like me.
  10. oliverdesousa@hotmail.com


    Parachuting Cows!
  11. oliverdesousa@hotmail.com

    Damn Lee Enfield sucks.

    It's not the gun you should blame, It's the player
  12. I heard in the stand alone you have to make a splint if your broke your leg, not sure if that's the only solution for a broken leg
  13. It could be a private server, and what the hell was that pilot doing? He came in too fast
  14. I've always wanted those camo nets you can set around, they make perfect camouflage :)
  15. You should of put the M136 in your backpack instead :)
  16. oliverdesousa@hotmail.com

    Spoken Reasons

    You should of posted this video in the Off-Topic General Discussion, but that doesn't matter, thank you for sharing this video with us!
  17. Your better off just installing an Anti Alt + F4 script
  18. You said you had a broken leg? Try respawning if it's broken, if you can't you'll have to get the Dev team to help Unlucky fellow survivor :(
  19. You guys are seriously fighting with some guy on the internet? Leave him, soon he'll fuck up with the server and everyone will leave it, then he will regret what he's done
  20. Why the hell was I just reading that link?
  21. That's classed as a plane and I think the AA is a Shilka ( Don't know the full name ) https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTFwgUuXGZHUTB4x9o7VdBMdN68AUyRkm5851IgX96EfgJ2MPG2-g
  22. Are you in a private server? If you are just simply contact the server admin, if your in a hive server you'll have to wait for a member of the team to see your post
  23. Use DayZ Commander, you should find it to work, if it doesn't I don't know what will DayZ Commander: http://www.dayzcommander.com/