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Everything posted by roykingtree

  1. As oppoosed to what, running around and having PVP deathmatches?
  2. This hurts my eyes bro.
  3. roykingtree

    Character dies, becomes NPC Zombie

    Bumping this so it doesn't die
  4. roykingtree

    when you die you become a Z'd

    God dammit, you're stealing my thread popularity.
  5. Really agree with weather. Although I believe that it should not be decided by server-side. Rather, the weather [imo] should come from a central database (like the Hive) that creates an artificial dynamic weather system that's REALTIME (ie..2 months of snow, is 2 months of snow). This is asking a lot, but the fact that servers can run full night-only or day-only is ridiculous.
  6. roykingtree

    Character dies, becomes NPC Zombie

    I see I see, sorry man, was just irritated by the guy before you and I didn't take time to decipher yours. Ironically/coincidentally I did the same thing to you that the other guy did to me *facepalm*.
  7. roykingtree

    Admin is too sensitive

    inb4 trollstorm
  8. roykingtree

    Character dies, becomes NPC Zombie

    FFS, this is exactly what the suggestion is??
  9. roykingtree

    Character dies, becomes NPC Zombie

    Source please.
  10. roykingtree

    Character dies, becomes NPC Zombie

    LOL, you didn't read the post. What it is not: You die, you spawn as zombie [controlled by you] and run around infecting people.
  11. roykingtree

    Character dies, becomes NPC Zombie

    I'm glad to see the reception this suggestion is getting. Bottom line there are many ways you can go with this idea as long as you change the current zombie lore. And seeing how the DayZ backstory is still in its infancy, it rally shouldn't be a problem. I hope a dev sees this and mentions it to Rocket.
  12. roykingtree

    Character dies, becomes NPC Zombie

    Yea sterilizing water makes sense, but disinfecting someones clothes doesnt really make sense if you cant catch their disease.
  13. roykingtree

    Character dies, becomes NPC Zombie

    Also if players are immune to the disease, why do they have to disinfect everything?
  14. Suggestion: Eat food by dragging the item to your mouth instead of right clicking "eat".
  15. roykingtree

    [Small] Inventory Suggestion.

    Would be fun seeing people try to figure out how to eat :P.
  16. roykingtree

    Character dies, becomes NPC Zombie

    Yea, I should change it to "before you die".
  17. roykingtree

    Character dies, becomes NPC Zombie

    "players are immune until they get really sick and/or are on the verge of death." Changed in edit.
  18. roykingtree

    Character dies, becomes NPC Zombie

    In real-life do you have infinite lives? No. My suggestion just brings another angle to the infection, it tries to balance out body looting by introducing a struggle for the player. Call it whatever you want, infected, dead, zombie, you can easily just say: right BEFORE a player dies their immune system is so weak they become infected. Yes of course you would have to change the backstory for this suggestion, I know full well what my suggestion encompasses.
  19. roykingtree

    Character dies, becomes NPC Zombie

    If zombies spawned with gear, it should be very minimal/trash loot or very rare to find a zombie with say a pistol. But a player zombie could easily have very good loot.
  20. roykingtree

    Character dies, becomes NPC Zombie

    I searched the forums, and I could only find one that resembled this.
  21. I recall him mentioning Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. If anyone has played that game they know how wonderful the melee system is. I will be interested to know how close SA melee is to Chivalry.
  22. roykingtree

    Retexturing models and testing them in game

    It never created an ArmAWork folder in "my documents", it only created one in my (T:\) BIS Tools partition. Is that okay?
  23. roykingtree

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Very nice.
  24. roykingtree

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Really hoping for a devblog update today.
  25. roykingtree

    Retexturing models and testing them in game

    idk this doesnt make any fucking sense to me, after retrying I ended up with 2 [bIS TOOLS 2.5] partitions. One partition (T:) contains all the tools. The other partition (P:) references the folder [ArmAWork] that is located in my partition (T:) and NOT in "My Documents" as BI's terrain tutorial states. I'm losing my mind trying to figure this out.