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Everything posted by roykingtree

  1. roykingtree

    Become a infected!

    Use the search feature, I already had a topic that went into much more detail than this. And anyways Rocket already answered this in the PAX videos. It is not going to happen because the server would have a hard time keeping track of the zombies textures.
  2. I hope I'm still interested in DayZ when it is released. I just heard about the game Star Citizen, and it looks truly epic. I would like to say I am not a temperamental player and that I will enjoy DayZ SA no-matter the circumstances, but I honestly don't know anymore. It has been strung out for so long that I am almost worried that I will be dissapointed when SA is released because I will have expected something more/looking for features not there. I am fully aware this kind of attitude is selfish and unsympathetic, but that's how I feel.
  3. Stupid fucks disrespecting their sherpas.
  4. roykingtree

    Players should develop Mental illness

    What are you referring to?
  5. roykingtree

    New DayZ Map Idea?

    Would be cool for MOD but I'm not sure how it would fit in to SA lore.
  6. roykingtree

    Players should develop Mental illness

    OCD is a mental illness.
  7. Some form of post apocalyptic civilization is crucial for team-play and DayZ. Are there any other workarounds/methods that would eliminate the structure and texture overload problem? If not then barricading already existing structures is the only way to go on this. Instanced bases would most likely result in an empty world as OP has stated; I used to play on a private hive that implemented "iron domes" (enemies could not enter) and that ruined my DayZ experience for a while as people just stayed in their bases because the risk was greater than the reward. Many casual players will likely vote for no-bases because it isn't necessary for their L33t gHillE AS50 bambi-sniping haX play-style :P, whereas RP players would greatly appreciate bases/barricaded structures because it adds another layer of immersion. But in the end it all depends on Rockets view as he will make the game that he wants to make (which btw I think is awesome).
  8. roykingtree

    Players should develop Mental illness

    You're unlikely to develop Schizophrenia if you are not originally predisposed to it (ie genetically). PTSD seems more realistic and a viable "option" for "mental illness". OP please do a search before posting a new topic in the suggestion forums. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/89759-hunamity-group-play-and-mental-illness/page__hl__%2Bmental+%2Billness http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/84982-suggestion-about-having-delusions/page__hl__+mental%20+illness#entry801150
  9. roykingtree

    Maps or countries you would like to play in

    I always enjoyed Takistan as a map. Nice desert wasteland feel.
  10. Sort of off topic but what is the logic/story behind all the foreign weapons in Chernarus?
  11. It still confuses me why there would be a vast assortment of foreign weapons in Chernarus.
  12. Thanks a lot for the update and the interiors look beautiful on that ship!
  13. roykingtree

    Oculus Rift support for stand alone DayZ

    Combined with a 3rd-Space gaming vest would be epic. And this: .
  14. roykingtree

    [SA] - Books, Magazines and Reading Material

    We could get a google doc going of a collaboration of diarys. We would need to familiarize ourselves with Cherno history so that the storys corraborate each other though.
  15. roykingtree

    [SA] - Books, Magazines and Reading Material

    I told my brother about this, he's submitting his Aesthesis classics journal.
  16. roykingtree

    Character dies, becomes NPC Zombie

    There's always a chance that Dean could change the lore, highly unlikely but there is that chance.
  17. roykingtree

    [SA] - Books, Magazines and Reading Material

    tbh I would actually prefer they be in cyrillic, would be fun to learn
  18. roykingtree

    Character dies, becomes NPC Zombie

    Could you please tell me why you think it should be dead? What exactly do you not agree with?
  19. roykingtree

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    Awesome update Dean, Matt, and the rest of the dev team! :)
  20. roykingtree

    In-Game activities, adding immersion.

    How about CD's and cassette tapes that you can play in your vehicle. I'd love to listen to some house music while driving my Lada Hippie.
  21. roykingtree


    Not sure if you meant this suggestion for SA or for Mod, but Rocket has already stated that radios/communication are being completely re-worked. Souce: PAX East videos.
  22. roykingtree

    Remove Starter Flashlight; Bring Back Flares

    Don't remove flashlights entirely, just reduce their effectiveness. IMO you're much more likely to find flashlights than flares in Chernarus residential districts.
  23. roykingtree

    DAYZ Developer MINI Blog April 10th

    This is my plan as well, I don't want to spoil my SA experience by becoming sick of DayZ Mod. There's only so many times you can feel enjoyment from getting fully geared and killing players :P.
  24. I now see what you mean with player creation and I do agree with you on that. One of the reasons the Wasteland MOD is so successful is it's ability to build and lock bases/items.