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Everything posted by roykingtree

  1. roykingtree

    DAYZ Lego Creations.

    Ahh I knew that was a 3d rendering.
  2. I hope the devs see this thread. Helicopter crashes should really be very rare. It's somewhat strange [the lore] that multiple military helicopters keep crashing every 6 hours (or however long restart is). IMHO a helicopter crash should only happen once every month at most. That would make high powered weapons even more valuable.
  3. roykingtree

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    We're almost in the 20's guys :D !
  4. Everyday this bugs me and everyday I forget to bring it up, but finally the day of reckoning has come. Is it just me or has the average lifespan [1 hour and 9 minutes] on the homepage been exactly the same for the last 6+ months?
  5. roykingtree

    fast and slow reload

    Shouldn't be too hard to implement. Would be nice if they had like 5 animations for slow reload and 5 animations for fast reload to change it up a little.
  6. roykingtree

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    Yea my friend has this, he wears an arm band to protect it or something.
  7. roykingtree

    [SA] Amazing Vehicle physics engine

    I remember watching these vids, they are really cool.
  8. I like it, but I can't beleive the opening scene where that survivor is able to shoot at you while you unload an entire PDW clip into his chest from 5 feet away.
  9. roykingtree

    Cutting down trees

    Would be nice.
  10. Somebody get him an Epi-Pen stat!
  11. I like what you've done with your hair.
  12. -Me and colekern decided I should create my own thread for my suggestion to get more feedback. -Here is colekern's suggestion thread and his take on this suggestion: http://dayzmod.com/f...n-has-pictures/ Here is my suggestion: Reddit link mirror: I think Rocket wants to have minimal UI icons that directly tell you what is wrong with your character. I beleive he wants us to connect with our character and use our actual problem solving skills to determine what may be wrong with our character (ie..sick, broken leg, etc..). The following [crude] images are an example of what I think could possibly be done with the Inventory System to ensure what I previously said. How to diagnose your character: Healthy..... Sick... How to indicate/represent "Blood Loss": Minor blood loss: Medium blood loss: Major blood loss: *Note, The blood elements are dynamic and gradual, meaning there aren't just 3 stages (min,med,maj), the amount of blood that "drips" on to your UI is dependent upon how much blood you have lost.*
  13. Anyone who thinks they will be playing SA in June should seriously reconsider. The only thing I expect for June is the completed server architecture, some other cool stuff produced by the art department, and possibly a release date the 2nd week of June. Although I could be wrong and maybe tomorrow Rocket will release DayZ SA from atop Mt. Everest with every feature implemented including a masturbation simulator [to replace the heat pack].
  14. roykingtree

    [SA] Inventory/Character Condition

    There will be a UI whether you like it or not, that is not the question. The question is how can we represent certain things without graduated meters, numbers, 3-stage icons, etc.... The suggestion I have proposed is a way to represent blood loss without saying (5137/12000 BLOOD). Also, wouldn't it be cool to open your UI and see blood slowly drip onto your UI obstructing icons etc..?
  15. First off, thanks for creating a readable organized suggestion. I do like how your system tries to help the boredom issue of endgame, but I have a question about the skills. In real life I really enjoy fixing things, building/crafting things, so how would this system work for someone [like me] who would like to have more than one skill (ie... survival/leatherwork, mechanics/engineering, crafting/repairs)?
  16. I bet on a July release, but I think after June we will start to see a ton of new stuff (streamers, regular updates, etc..).
  17. roykingtree

    Movement Post Mortom

    I just ate some beans for dinner :o .
  18. roykingtree

    Movement Post Mortom

    I think you failed to see the part where I was replying to Fraggle, not you. edit: Lol this argument is useless, have a nice day.
  19. roykingtree

    Movement Post Mortom

    Well then fucking add it to the already existing topic. edit: Not to mention Rocket stated in the most recent PAX video (him in the hallway after presentation) that it would be hard to do this because the server would have a hard time keeping track of all the unique textures that a player has on a zombie.
  20. roykingtree

    Movement Post Mortom

    This is false. I put a lot of time formatting my topic in to a nice organised readable suggestion. This shit is getting annoying. We need a mod dedicated to the suggestions thread (as I have suggested to you before).
  21. roykingtree

    Movement Post Mortom

    I support this idea, but FFS OP did you even care to search for this? I literally posted the exact same topic. Now instead of having one topic with 120 replies, we have two topics with 60 replies. HERE IS MY TOPIC
  22. roykingtree

    Tents should disappear on death.

    This sort of goes along with the instanced bases issue, once they figure that out tents will fall in suit.
  23. roykingtree

    Your Dayz Hometown?

    I'd say my hometown would be Zelenogorsk, nice little supermarket and the locals are pretty friendly.
  24. Hope to see prancing deer like in Farcry 3.