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About DonDavo

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  1. DonDavo

    Looking for bandit crew

    I will join too, PM me
  2. DonDavo

    In game lag, need help

    I have the same problem for DayZ, i didn't tried arma 2, but yeah. My specs are Video card: Nvidia GeForece GTX 560 TI Processor: Inter core i5 3.0 Ghz Ram memory: 2 GB In my opinion it shouldn't lag.
  3. DonDavo

    "Waiting for character to create"

    i found some server that work for me. The US servers and NL9
  4. DonDavo

    Game lagging

    I finally manage to enter some server and i'm extremly excited,but now another problem appeared. My game is lagging,even when i have very low ping. My specs are: Video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti Processor: Intel core i5 3.0 Ghz Ram mermory: 2 GB Thanks,David.
  5. DonDavo

    "Waiting for character to create"

    This is why i made this thread...i buy arma 2 CO just for dayz and now i can't play... bought*
  6. DonDavo

    "Waiting for character to create"

    Yeah i know...it is furstrating
  7. DonDavo

    "Waiting for character to create"

    Hope that some moderator see this post and help us out.
  8. DonDavo

    "Waiting for character to create"

    All that you said apply perfectly for me dude.
  9. Hello everyone, Yesterday i bought this game...because of the awsomeness i saw on Let's plays and thing.As i know,yesterday day-z suffered a DDoS atack sadly,and i coudn't connect to any server.This morning i finally reached a server, but is the only server that seems to work.Other servers are staying at "Waiting for character to create" screen.Sorry for gramatical errors in this post.Thanks,David.