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About bewbilicious

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    On the Coast
  1. Sent in an app, awaiting approval
  2. I have made posts on other forums but no one has helped me, gotten over 100 views and not a single reply. I cannot start up ArmA 2:OA each time I try I get an error "Error Creating Direct3D 9 Graphics Engine" I have the steam version, I purchased both ArmA and ArmA2, which is Combined Operations? ArmA starts up just fine, ArmA2 works but only if I click the "Launch ARMA 2 : Combined Operations" but when I click "Play ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead" I get the error listed above. I have tried to install Dayz with both Six Updater and another called Dayz Updater mentioned on the Steam forums, but still I am unable to play the game. Can someone please assist me so that I may play the game I paid for. Thank you in advance