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Everything posted by RaoD_Guitar

  1. hey, i hope there is no thread with something like this already but i did not know what to search for... i just joined a server some minutes before. i was in a forest so it would be really unlikely to be found by anybody... but maybe a minute after joining a person came just straight slowly walking towards me with an oriental looking skin like a robe which also covers the face.. he or she stood there and just watched. this scared me to hell so i left the server not because of fear to die but i could not stand this -.- really hard to join again now :o is there any explanation for this?
  2. RaoD_Guitar

    Weird Encounter, ghosts in game?!?

    That's hilarious. Whoever is trolling people in this fashion is a legend. yeah funny if you see it here in the forum but not if you are lonely in the forest and such a figure comes to you... (as i posted here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=27147&page=3 ) well at least when you are not totally raw through tv and films... :s
  3. RaoD_Guitar


    you need to drop your backpack, go to the new one until u see the lootsymbol. scroll with mousewheel and take the the new backpack. now you can go to your old one and take the things that were in it. sometimes i wasnt able to aim the new backpack...
  4. RaoD_Guitar

    Scary Person (oriental (?) Skin)

    yay.. thats the model i saw. maybe different color but yes thats it. maybe a mod should put those two threads together?
  5. RaoD_Guitar

    What am I doing wrong?

    wonder about that too... didnt happen to me as often but i also was the bandit on time too and wondered how that guy could do anything against it when he is unlucky to enter the city just a minute before me... i guess this is just fortune. thats why i mind big cities when im not in adventure (dying) mood
  6. crawled on such a night with broken legs. you can see everything, there only is more shadow and less contrast. so the nights distinguish with clouds and moon, and for some those pitch black nights are great too.. i think its some kind of challenge and brings the game to a more creepy level... imho
  7. RaoD_Guitar

    How many good people do you meet before you get shot?

    just met 1 and 2 friendly people... first one wrote hey to me and got killed by zeds.. the other two guys with weapons died one after another by zeds too... would like to meet more of them ;(
  8. RaoD_Guitar

    What's Your Survival "Workflow?"

    if i spawn near cherno/elektro: go away north or west, cause i dont like be shot within 5 minutes. search for a city with supermarket and look after red brickhouses and barns at little citys on the way to it. if i got basic survival tools and/or enough food/water go to common military camps, but not n.w, cause i dont like to be shot after long time looting. if i got good weapons - shoot at zombies and be killed because i didnt watch my back where 10 others stood or instant shoot at survivors whenever i see one, cause i dont like to be shot anyway - and be killed by all the zombies around. E: serverhopping is for dickheads :D
  9. RaoD_Guitar

    Looting Toilets ...

    got a crossbow there some time ago^^ was hard for me too, just went really close (in)to it, head first so to say...
  10. after i have read the last 5 or 6 sites here and maybe 2 weeks experience: my thoughts about this pvp thing: first thing i mentioned was that i expected more coop... till now i only met twice a friendly person: the first died in front of me because he aggroed zeds after writing "hey" to me. second did after 15 minutes or so... Then i was shot maybe 3 times by snipers. ok this IS annoying at first of course BUT: since then i thought about it and became really careful, not to say paranoid. u know it... avoiding open fields, checking each single corner of a city before going into it, much sneaking etc... and what happened? no more shots , mostly deaths becouse of own stupidity. Right now i'm in a "ill give it back to them!" mood... and i did and i do. and yes shooting on sight too. but what do you expect? as i wrote somewhere else there was a totally new survivor who joined our 2-man group, really friendly in voicechat, no problems. when we went into a house we let him pick up a shotgun and he shot us from behind at the next situation... so even being friendly for maybe 30mins doesnt make friends... lucky who has a good known friend in ts... but this is it what makes the game special and so great for me. you will have to get along with snipers, bandits and other survivors, even if its "unfair" or whatever. never ever implement pve/pvp areas! dont punish bandits for murder. if you cant manage to avoid them this is also a thing of skill as many others here said too. if you really want to go safe with a group, i guess you can first ask "reallife" friends or search forums for existing clans/groups! still i agree with those who want a bigger survival part. after quite a short time you can get all u need to survive (eat and water) without going into cities, by water bottles and hunting knife/matches... ok you can search for vehicles but this could be far more "high end" and also harder over time. dont know how ;( one short thing about serverhopper: why not give serverchanges a cooldown? like each new connect takes 10 minutes more for one hour for example... this hopping and disconnecting in fights is far more annoying than every bandit...
  11. RaoD_Guitar

    On a average how quick do you find a gun?

    hmm my average could be worse as i wandered around with no plan at first. now its maybe 15-30 minutes in average
  12. RaoD_Guitar

    Scary Person (oriental (?) Skin)

    well, this video is a proof that something like this exists. random females walking towards you... sure i will take a screen next time... too bad i did not think about that.. however i was just shocked as it happened right after joining :/ and after what bazil says and the vid it looks to me like there are just a few skins for those women, they spawn rarely near you, and ppl like me freak out... pretty possible
  13. RaoD_Guitar

    Scary Person (oriental (?) Skin)

    none of them ;( was really like a robe or something.. but red or brown and no zombiesounds. slightly reminded me of something like a burka http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burqa
  14. RaoD_Guitar

    my first... 20 minutes?

    it will ;)
  15. RaoD_Guitar

    worth dying and restarting?

    once i broke my legs near the n.w.airfield... crawled the whole way down to cherno to meet my mate and we went into the hospital. got my morphine and 10 minutes later a guy who voice chatted friendly with us killed us when he just got a shotgun. so go on, its worth it :D
  16. RaoD_Guitar

    Scary Person (oriental (?) Skin)

    scared me to hell too^^ but this was just... OMG O.O
  17. RaoD_Guitar

    Scary Person (oriental (?) Skin)

    nope definitely no priest zombie. the face was complete covered and it did not make any sound