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Volky (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Volky (DayZ)

  1. Volky (DayZ)

    Low FPS

  2. Volky (DayZ)

    Everyone died or broken legs uk 27

    Happened to me to but first I saw nuke in Berezino and got instant killed as my friends. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=27163
  3. * Server this happened on. UK#27 (pcgamer) * Time that it happened including your timezone.21:20-21:40 GMT+3 * What happened during the incident. Me and my friends were coming to Berezino from Klen. Suddenly we saw a lot of explosions there (in Berezino) In 20 seconds after that my friends died. I was in 200m of them between 4 trees (it was very hard to see me).And got killed too.Nobody didnt hear any shot (explosions were stopped at that time).We respawned and in 1-2 mins after respawn we all were in sky and died. I didn't make any ss so can't post it here but hope that some of players who were there will write about that here.