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Everything posted by kHEAVY

  1. kHEAVY

    Blurry main menu text

    Fixed http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?103202-ArmA-II-Blurry-graphics-and-text Look at his (Nicholas )suggestion worked for me must have changed something in my settings while tweaking.
  2. kHEAVY

    Blurry main menu text

    FYI on my nvidia - desktop isn't blurry at all - thinking could be ATI issue with latest version.
  3. kHEAVY

    Blurry main menu text

    Same worked fine for weeks - now it seems something changed (using steam ARMA2, Pvt Mil, AO) Disabled AI still no change - everything else is clear just the hud is blurry - the loading screen minus the intros was blurry as well if that helps troubleshoot this. reinstalling all of it - will update - edit: just re-read OP - said to have already tried that. I run dayz on my laptop when travelling and my desktop at home - laptop is the one that has the blurry hud/text everything else is crisp - laptop spec - m5870 (latest drivers 12.4)/ i7 - ran dayz since idk 1.3 -ish no problems.