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Albatros (DayZ)

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40 Good

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About Albatros (DayZ)

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Portland, Victoria, Australia
  • Interests
    Gaming, Skating, Cold War Era, Guns, Physics, and Girls.

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  • Bio
    My name is Dylan, also known as Albatross. I'm 17, live in rural south-western Victoria and attend school full-time and enjoy playing games in my freetime.
  1. Albatros (DayZ)

    Found a Bike, how do i take a screen cap?

    Like this. Just look at that speed.
  2. Albatros (DayZ)


    cool story bro, needs more dragons We all loaded up our shit full. No bans, no warning, and we're able to take it to any Hive server.
  3. Albatros (DayZ)


    You mean this? It's pretty badass.
  4. Albatros (DayZ)

    I have 8 Ghille Suits to Trade

    I recently acquired 6 soldier camo suits. These are not 'camo suits', but 'soldier camo suits' Literally do not even spawn in the game, and the only way you are going to be able to acquire them is to trade a helicopter on ANZ 3. Pic related, I'm in soldier camo, mate is in camo, and other two are in ghillies.
  5. Albatros (DayZ)

    ATV flip -.-

    This. Just fuck around turning left and right until it flips back over. If you can't into physics, shoot the thing with an AS50 and leave.
  6. Fuck. My game just crashed while I was in a boat south of Elektro.
  7. PROTIP: Learn to drive and stop smashing into everything. Your vehicles will last considerably longer.
  8. 6 guys, Everyone on teamspeak, covering 360 degrees, all armed with MK 48 Mod 0's, all dressed in military camo some hackerbro gave us. Atleast that's what my squad did when we went through Cherno as a death squad. I will never understand the bitches who complained over side chat calling us CoD kiddies, bandit fucks, and shoot-on-sight sluts. We even had some guy run up to us, shouting friendly. Then he respawned and ran up to us again. Hurr fucking durr bro, stupidest idea ever running towards 6 guys with Mod 0's who are shooting everything on sight, wiring up buildings and doing other anti-player actions. We even got to test out our satchel charges on the Cherno church when we realized there was four guys holed up in there with Lee Enfields, and Makarovs attempting to band together to take us out.
  9. Albatros (DayZ)

    STANAG ammo

    I've found an ammo box containing 20 STANAG SD mags in the barracks before.
  10. You guys are misunderstanding OP. Sometimes if you put on a clothes, your bag will be destroyed and replaced by the small coyote pack. It's a bug. You're just unlucky. You're officially an alpha tester now.
  11. Albatros (DayZ)

    As long as I didn't hack it in right?

    "Using a hacked vehicle/weapon will identify you during database analysis, and your character may receive special logging attention in the database" So for the 6 soldier camo's and generator in my inventory, I'm rewarded by having special logging attention? Sweet.
  12. It is if you double post threads.
  13. Albatros (DayZ)

    graphic, is there a trick

    If you're playing on 800x600 and you're lagging, maybe you should upgrade from a toaster. How old is your computer? Bought it back in '98?