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Everything posted by Deveak

  1. Would be cool if fast zombies where rarer and the majority where the slow headshot only kind. More of the slow and less fast. Say instead of running into 15 zombies as the church thats packed full of fast ones you run into 20 slow and 2-3 fast ones mixed in the crowd. Still keeps the difficulty of the fast ones and the attrition of the slow ones. Higher zombies numbers to keep the difficulty up. Great mod by the way. Any chance of adding disease?
  2. Deveak

    Survivor Camp

  3. Deveak

    Rain or other meteorologic effects

    As long as it has some effect on the zombie sounds awesome. Fog would be great as long as it reduces the zombies awareness. Reduced visibility and smell i would imagine. All that water in the air would make it hard for them to track you.