so this is brad i haven't posted any thing in this post before but i think its time to say something. ok well for starters i did betray my old group but my reason for doing so is that the group had taken in my eyes all the fun out of the game duping and alt f4ing out of danger restarting the server when we have problems with heli / what ever other vehicles we had so i found a new group of pepl that play legit so i told them about my old group and the stuff we had so we figured we would fraps them doing all the things that i was telling them thay should not be doing all tho not all the pepl in my old group were enjoying the non legit game play we were doing thay still chose to play with the group so all i can say for you pepl you know who you are im sorry for what i did but needed to happen to change the way the server was being ran hopefully the serer what ever the name is now will not be unfair to play on