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Lord Tony

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About Lord Tony

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  1. Lord Tony

    Bullshit issues I am having.

    So does anyone know what's wrong? I can still play the game but these issues are at random.
  2. Lord Tony

    Can anyone here gift me Arma 2 on steam?

    I got the game, discussion over. How about locking this thread?
  3. Lord Tony

    Can anyone here gift me Arma 2 on steam?

    Yeah this thread was childish and a mistake for me to make, I already own Arma 2 OA now anyways. (Yes, it was gifted to me.) I'm not surprised people would ridicule a total stranger on the internet asking for handouts. My mistake I thought there was some generosity somewhere.
  4. Lord Tony

    DayZ System Requirements

    I have 2gb ram, am I trolling?
  5. Lord Tony

    Bullshit issues I am having.

    I did everything correctly for what the steam installation guide says. Errors and bugs like these is why PC gaming is dying.
  6. So I'm trying to play the game on steam and I already run into issues. The biggest one is that I can't see zombies or players but I can talk to them. I was talking to this one guy and made sure we were in the same area and I couldn't see him and he couldn't see me. When I go in third person I can't see myself, I am invisible. When I look down in first person I can't see my body unless I walk. Oh and don't get me started with the crowbar.
  7. Lord Tony

    Crashing to desktop ALL THE TIME!

    Actually I just found the solution, all I had to do was restart. Now my game just crashes to the desktop every time I try to join a server or edit my character.
  8. So I just got Operation Arrowhead to play DayZ and I installed everything correctly and now I just crash to the desktop all the time. I create my character and I crash, I try to join a server and I crash. How do I fix this?
  9. Lord Tony

    Can anyone here gift me Arma 2 on steam?

    You would think that. But then look at the Bus Monitor who got $700' date='000 .... lol.... ^ That is what is wrong with our world. [/quote'] Or the brony documentary that made over $500,000 when the required donation which was significantly lower than $50,000.
  10. Lord Tony

    Can anyone here gift me Arma 2 on steam?

    I understand that but I don't mind if it's just Operation Arrowhead which is just 20 dollars.
  11. Lord Tony

    Can anyone here gift me Arma 2 on steam?

    I'm too old for that. My credit card is not working right, you are so quick to judge. I suppose I'll give some tf2 items of choice or a steam game (if I ever am able put money back in my wallet.)
  12. I'm not really up for begging but I'm really looking to play this game and I am unable to buy it. It could either be the CO pack or just operation arrowhead because I heard you can play DayZ with arma 2: free. If anyone would consider it I'd greatly appreciate it. http://steamcommunity.com/id/LordTony From what I've seen it actually looks like people don't want to die. Usually in video games people don't care if they die and I'd like to see people not try and running out in the open for once.