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Posts posted by cloggeddrain

  1. oIHQVnz.jpg


    Hi everybody!  

    After several evenings of customizing and testing, I'm very happy to announce the HoodratGaming DayZ server is now online!

    We have created several new zombie spawn locations with increased numbers.  We are not running any client side mods, allowing everybody to join without installing anything extra.  With our increased zombie spawn locations, you very possibly will turn a corner to find yourself facing a large pack of angry zombies while exploring a city.  

    Some of our customization include:

    • Increased zombies in all cities, military areas and villages 
    • Added random roaming zombies in the woods and along the roads
    • All zombie spawn locations are randomized.  This allows for unique experiences with multiple visits to the same location.  Sometimes a location will be full of zombies, at other times it may have very few.  
    • A random chance for some very basic starting gear added to your character when you respawn (a can of pipsi, maybe some matches, nothing OP)
    • Random clothing (all civilian clothes)
    • Short nights!  The time will change just after sunset, resetting to sunrise.  This allows for a great transition from day to night, without becoming "dayz dark".
    • Regular (automated) backups to restore persistence if the need ever arises (our persistence data has not been lost due to crashes yet, but we're prepared if it does)
    • Decreased spawn radius to increase server performance.  I feel like we have a very nice blend of zombies and spawning distance, which keeps server fps up with lots of zombies (more players needed for further testing!)


    Server Information:

    • Server location: Florida
    • Server IP:
    • Search for "Hoodrat" in the server browser


    I would like to invite everybody to stop by and check out the server.  All feedback is appreciated.  Any updates to the server will be posted here, and be sure to watch for BEC messages in game for restart announcements.





  2. This is a response I received from ViLayer's customer support:


    The default restarts are DSA global restarts and is this way for all host who offer DayZ standalone servers.
    This is something the developers have hard coded in to the server files and is not something Vilayer has setup.

    DSA servers restart every 4 hours starting at 12am GMT. These restarts can not be edited or removed.


    So the devs have hard coded server restarts that can not be disabled?  Can anybody confirm this to be true?  I'm specifically curious if this is happening on servers hosted elsewhere.

  3. When using an auto injector, it would be very handy if the action menu specified the target you will be using the item on.  For example, it should say 'Use morphine auto injector on self'.  


    After seeing somebody run for hours to find and return morphine to save someone, they were then confused and applied the morphine on themselves.


    Instructions were unclear.  Screams were heard, tears were shed.

    • Like 1

  4. Hey everybody! I wanted to take a moment to let everyone know that the timezone has finally been properly reset to UTC-9 and it seems to be staying that way. I know I'm enjoying the night raids :D

    Also be sure to note our new TS3 server address: Feel free to drop in and say hi! Send me a PM to make your private channel permanent

  5. You're welcome! haha That was really close actually, I can't believe I didn't kill you when you were running up the hill at me! You got lucky. And nope, I didn't find an atv, neither did anyone else I was playing with. Sounds like there was some else close to us that night

    As far as helis... yeah, they've been removed. A couple nights ago we had a hacker teleport everyone, I have a feeling it's happened again

  6. Automatic restarts are common, but there isn't a rule that says you need to do this. Generally speaking, automatic restarts are a welcomed feature compared to seemingly random restarts initiated at will by the admin. What's important is letting the players know when the automatic restarts will happen by adding an MOTD.

    To say something to all players, change to the Global Channel and then say something. The global channel is only available to you after you've entered the admin password in the Sever Control menu.

    As far as the patches, if you don't update then people who are running different versions may not be able to join.

    And for the random lag spikes... who is your provider? There's not a lot you can do other than bring it to their attention. Hopefully someone else will have some more helpful information about this.

  7. I was emailed the following from the hosting company early this morning:

    We have been forced to update ARMA2OA to the 95054 patch however, the client side Battleye has had issues with the latest version and six updater.

    Six Updater does not include the latest update (v1.61.94945+) as of yet, so all players using SIX updater will not be able to connect to the latest updated servers.

    The will be kicked by Battleye if they try to join.

    DayZ and Sixupdater have both been informed of this issue and is currently working on releasing the update via six updater.

    If you are having issues on your client side, you will need to update your battleye client for your game manually by doing the following (This is only until six updater releases the update):

    Here is the file you need to update: http://www.battleye....61/BEClient.dll

    If you want to download it directly from Battleyes website here is the link : http://www.battleye.com/download.html

    Please make sure you update VERSION v1.61.94945+

    You will need to overwrite the BEClient.dll in all instances of your installation.

    Once you have done so start your game and enjoy.

  8. Hello, I am a former US53 player with a question/complaint. I will try to make3 this short and sweet and to the point.

    2-3 days ago a friend (gocolts8718) and myself (DenverDeCoY) found a broken URAL CIVILIAN (Large blue personel truck) at its spawn point, on your server. We spent several hours getting all the parts needed to fix it, and eventually got it running and claimed it as our own.

    After we got our truck and started traveling around the map, we came accross 3-4 vehicles on the road, fully repaired, and seemingly abandoned randomly. Later, we got reports from other players that the admins were spawning thier own vehicles, and one day after that, our truck was deleted, gone, without a trace. The truck was VERY well hidden and I am sure no one just found it, as several other vehicles (in different hiding spots) were gone too.

    My question: Did all the vehicles get deleted due to admins abusing thier abilities?

    Also: Is there any way we could get some help getting our truck back, it took us a long time and we were VERY disapointed that it was removed just after getting it.

    Thank you,


    Hey Denver

    Admins can't spawn anything. Hackers can, and with some screen shots they can be banned.

    When you say you found 3-4 vehicles randomly abandoned, it's possible that you just found them at their spawns before anyone else.

    As far as your Ural, I think you got robbed. As hidden as you may think it is, someone probably spotted it by pure luck. The only thing you can do now is hunt them down and take it back :D

  9. Ok, think of this situation!! You find a good bunch of tree's that have very good concealment in the middle of a forest. You hang around for a couple of minutes, constantly looking around in all directions to make sure your safe. You call the all clear and move to the tree's logging out. During your 2-3 minutes of logging out, some guy who just happens to be wandering by, no idea of your location or knew you were there in the first place. But just happens to come across your body during the log out time and shoots you. Can you honestly say that you will not be pissed?

    Yes, it stops the firefight DC'ing, but I would rather a player DC when I shoot at them, than me getting killed during an extensive log out time period.

    Back in the UO days, if you were going to logoff outside of town, you needed to make a fire to setup camp, and after a certain amount of time you were able to logoff instantly. You weren't able to be in combat or have any players or npc's around you. Adding this would help prevent the situation you described.

  10. This thread is for the US53 server. For more information, visit http://us53.enjin.com

    If anyone has any comments, questions or concerns, please ask them here. Donations are welcomed and I will fully match all donations received.

    Server Details

    Server IP:

    Difficulty: Regular

    3rd Person View: On

    Crosshair: OFF

    In-Game Voice: On (DC)

    Max ping: 150ms

    Timezone: UTC+9

    Number of slots: 40

    Physical location: Jacksonville FL (hosted by ViLayer)

    The rules

    Disconnecting in combat WILL GET YOU BANNED!

    No racial or discriminating comments.

    Admins wont kick people to make room

    No cheating, hacking or exploiting - THIS INCLUDES disconnecting just because someone might kill you (take it like a man)

    Automatic restarts

    Server will restart daily at 11AM and 11PM EST.

    Team Speak server

    Join our TeamSpeak server!

    **** NEW ADDRESS *****


    Server Stats (including player rankings)





    $10 - July 2012 - THANKS!

    If this trend continues, we'll be able to up the server size!

    EDIT: I disabled NAMETAGS. Difficulty is still regular, 3d is still enabled and you also still have cross hairs while in the 3rd perspective.
