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About sickest

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. horrible quality. not worth watching.
  2. I get a bunch of errors... downloadable content deleted. It kicks me back to menu too quick to even see what it says.
  3. horrible voice volume.
  4. sickest

    Something went wrong please try again

    Yea, just wait at black screen for about 5 min and it should load. They seemed to F this game up bunches since arma 3 came out. For now I'm going back to an alpha that runs smoother.
  5. sickest

    Fps or lag issues

    GPU dont really matter on arma games much. but seeing as he has a rating of 4.3 I would say sell your copy or upgrade your PC.
  6. ^ dont listen to that guy. stay with the memory choice u had. 2133 all the way.
  7. either way i bet the guy got his key stolen.
  8. sickest

    DayZ Mod Update

    this is sooo nice.
  9. sickest

    DayZ Mod Update

    This. Either that or revert back to It doesn't seems near as fun. At least they should have fixed things that are actually broken. Like zeds walking thru walls, stuck in floors, getting axed like 12 times before they actually die. I'm not a fan of Guess I could finish my Dead Space 3 playthru instead of wasting more time on this game. Just be killed by glitching zombies that come in massive waves instead of smaller packs.
  10. sickest

    Best PC

    alienware is a waste of $$$. your pretty much just paying an extra 1000$ for the name itself. and for RAM dont bother with anything under 2133mhz nowdays.
  11. most excited for - DayZ will likely be ported to xbox if sales are over 1 million. many of my friends have crap cpu setups, and the xbox live would make this great!
  12. wasteland is not a mod... it's a mission. nothing in that video would have stole your key, but seeing how u use youtube to figure things out. you prolly got your cd key jacked when looking for hacks the same way.
  13. ill try it out today. in game name is Luni Ben
  14. sickest

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    tell that to a spider or flys, after u freeze them and thaw them out.