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About dbdevil

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    On the Coast
  1. dbdevil

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am in dire need of medical assistance. I'm at Zelenogorsk on the main road somewhat up north or at the middle, not all that sure, by some road blocks. I'm at around 4k blood, bleeding and unconscious. Some back-story: I logged in and found a car, I took it for a ride and lo- and behold it exploded due to getting stuck on some rubbish on the road-side. I'm am ashamed to admit, but I alt-F4'd once I noticed that I was unconscious for 5mins and bleeding badly. In my defense, I did it only because I don't believe that a car should get stuck and explode on such a tiny bit of rubbish. Any server is good for me, but European ones are preferred. Unfortunately, since I'm unconscious, I won't be able to provide cover from zombies. *Edit* Thanks for the offers of help, however I decided to respawn some time ago as I realized that material belongings are not all that important. Thanks still!