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Posts posted by cutCurtis

  1. Hey guys,

    Tought I'd share an interesting event that happened last night.

    So, it's late in the evening, and I log back on Teamspeak and I see one of my buddies is online. I get to the channel and he says to me that he's near the NW Airfield, and he needs some painkillers, cause he's shaking like hell. I was at the NW Airfield anyways when I logged off, so I tought I'd help him out and give him some of my medical supplies. I log into Norway 16, the server he was on, and it's night time.This aint really a problem for us since we both have NVG's and all the other gear that is required to survive at night. He makes his way over to my position, I give him the painkillers and we start to scout the airfield. We are on the West side of the airfield, a bit North from the Southern Barracks and we decide what we're gonne do.

    Alltough we're both decked out (Me: Ghillie suit, NVG, Rangefinder, GPS, M249 SAW, AS50 & Revolver + My buddy: Ghillie suit, NVG, Rangefinder, GPS, MK48, AS50 & Revolver), we decide to loot the airfield anyways. The fog was really dense and visibility was limited to approximately 200m. We think the risk isnt that big, and heck, this game aint fun if you dont take any risks once in a while.

    So at first, we head over to the southern barracks, my buddy stays outside and covers me while I go in and check the loot. Swap to my hatchet to take out some zombies quietly and then I go over to look what's there to loot. We just find an M4A1 and an M16, very decent loot, but not better then what we currently have. What we do find are some Heatpacks, which is really helpful since it suddenly started raining aswell.

    Next, we head further up South up the hill to check for players. We can barely see up to the first hangar so we decide to loot the rest of the airfield aswell. We make our way over to the hangars. We loot the first two hangars, and the loot ain't really that special. So we head into the third hangar. I loot the Southern lootpile, while my buddy was looting the Northern lootpile, and suddenly, he gets shot at. We quickly move into cover in the back and discuss what just happened and what's going to happen.

    Since my buddy was looting the northern lootpile when he got shot at, and I could see the bullet impact hit the northern wall of the hangar, I think the bullet came from the southern hill where we just came from. We decide that we can't stay in the hangars, since it's a server with 3th person view enabled, so they can just peak around the corner and see where we are hiding. We move out between hangar 2 and 3, and quickly get into the forrest behind the stonewall, near the road that leads into the airfield on the East (while shaking our zombies on the way there, without firing any shots). We decide that we should outflank these guys and we start to move South outside the stonewall to get to the hill.

    When we're about near the road on the outside of the wall, near the airfield entrance on the east, we suddenly hear shots really close. I can see them coming from the little entrance guard house (cause I could see the flashes with the NVGs), and I see some zombies drop. They are really close now, so we start crawling. My buddy is gonne crawl up to a hole in the wall north of the entrance, and I will do the same thing with a hole in the wall south of the entrance. When we finally get inside the compound, we hide in a tree and check our surroundings.

    Suddenly, my buddy sees another guy in a ghillie suit moving north alongside the wall, he quickly asks if it's me that's moving, which is a negative and he opens fire. The Mark 48 blasted true the guy, but it's hard to aim true the gun with NVGs, but after 10 seconds he finally drops dead. My buddy relocates, and I make my way over to a tree on the north side of the road, inside the compound aswell. I'm close to the body, since I can hear the flies, but we dont want to go loot yet, since we dont know how much enemies there are. We wait approximately 2 minutes when I suddenly spot a guy moving alongside the wall in the north, heading south, back to the entrance building. I ask if it's my buddy moving, which is a negative, so I try to find a good position to fire.

    When he passes my tree a few metres on my left, I crouch up, but he's already back in the treeline on the other side of the road. I keep scanning the treeline when I suddenly spot him. I open up on him and he drops within 3 seconds. I relocate and we keep scanning our area for about 5 minutes. We then decide to start looting the bodies and we get a pleasant suprise.

    They are both fully decked out like us, with ghillies, NVGs, GPS, Rangefinder etc. but their guns is what makes us the most happy. They both have an L85A2 AWS (the thermal gun, for the ones that aren't familiar with the names). We quickly make our way over to a forrest, 2 clicks east of the airfield and we take a food and water break.

    In the end, we finally have the last piece of equipment which we still missed up till this day, and now we suddenly had two of those. One hour later when we log back to our homeserver, we get the lame news that my buddy's L85 is gone due to a rollback. Luckely, we still have mine so it's still a great victory in the end. Now I can log off and die happy, without ever playing this game again (Jk, I'll put this thing to use).

    During the entire encounter, I could feel my adrenaline pumping and my heartbeat raising. Not a single game gives me the kind of feeling I get when I get shot at in DayZ. Great job Rocket and all the developers, I love the game and all of it's features, and I think the game will grow even bigger over time.

    This was my NW Airfield story,



    PS: My friend's Fraps decided not to work when all of this occured, which is a shame, cause I really would like to show you the video. I know a lot of these stories get posted on here, but I tought this one was rather interesting :)

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  2. Pressing ALT F4 when I'm combat is starting to annoy me greatly. Me and my buddies came under fire at the North-East airfield and it sounded like it came from the Southern Barracks. So we flank around and the guy basicly decides to cross the airfield by the tarmac. We run up to him and as soon as we open fire he disconnects.

    He basicly tried to kill us and failed. When we got up to him and tried to kill him, he disconnects. It's just a bit unfair.

  3. Me and my friend both died due to a really good sniper at Stary. We both respawned in Elektro so we decided to just go all or nothing and sprint inside Electro to find some loot. We split up, he goes to the Town Hall and I go to the supermarket. While I'm in the supermarket, I come across this bandit with just a Revolver who recently killed a guy. I kept running around him (cause I had no weapons or an axe or anything) untill he finally killed me. He was so scared that he instantly ran off without looting the guy he just killed or me. When I respawn, I'm back in Elektro, so I decided to head back to my buddy and get to the body of the guy he just killed.

    When I get there, I find out he has a Czech Backpack, 1911 with 5 mags, AKM with a few mags, map, compass, toolbox, bunch of medical supplies, axe, matches, hunting knife and some other basic stuff.

    My buddy went on top of the Town Hall where he finds another dead body of a guy with a Coyote backpack, M4A1 CCO with a few mags, 1911, map, compass and all the other basic stuff + a backpack full of medical supplies.

    All in all, I think this was a pretty rare find, not to find just one dead body with some great loot, but two, at the same time :)
