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Everything posted by MalleusX

  1. Ok so obviously right now in the DayZ community there is a growing minority that is demanding "safe" PvE and less KOS from other players. Some of the suggestions proposed have been 1) Safe zones or neutral trading zones, 2) the return of bandit skins and the humanity meter and 3) "penalties" for killing players and various debuffs. All of these solutions, and any type of "solution" nerfing or watering down PvP in DayZ is NOT the solution and will severely hurt this wonderful mod. I think this is obvious to Rocket and the dev team but it cannot be overemphasized enough that PVP IS WHAT IS CARRYING THIS GAME. Without the exhilarating player interactions and the intense ambushes/firefights this mod would not really be worth playing all that much. Now with that being said, it is obvious in my eyes that the solution for these solo PvE minded players is simply enhanced communication functions and a group system that would allow solo players to form groups and identify each other much more easily. I am not sure what the coding would have to be behind it and what the engine can support, but I know in vanilla Arma there is a squad function that is used to identify your squad that has potential for DayZ. This would allow players to invite other players in the starting areas and then communicate with text and voice thru the group channel. In my eyes this is necessary to give public solo players and small groups the best possible experience in DayZ and that so they can actually compete with private VOIP groups in servers. For example, I play with a group of 10 of my friends in Mumble and when we jump into a server we literally own it...we can invade the NWAF, Stary, Cherno etc. with little fear or competition. However The most intense and exciting experiences I have ever had in this mod have been running into another larger premade group and getting into a skirmish. Giving pubs the opportunity to form larger groups would not only enhance their experience for protection and safety, but also private groups experiences for more challenging targets.
  2. Is it confirmed that the day/night cycle is limited to a real time cycle by the Arma engine? This game desperately needs a shorter day/night cycle (4-6 hour intervals IMO)...it is honestly the most major factor holding it back. Of course before that happens the night time lighting would need to seriously be brightened so that playing at night is actually POSSIBLE without NVGs and fun. It would also give those NVGs and NV scoped guns a purpose. For example I log into the server I always play on tonight and guess what...night time...for the next 10 hours. And NOBODY is on it because of this. I joined the server because it was a US server and during the weekends when I can play in the morning and evening I have a blast, but playing on the weekdays after work is nearly impossible because of this day night cycle. TLDR; Night time NEEDS to be brightened up and made playable for players without NVGs, and also the day/night cycle needs to be shortened for gameplay reasons.
  3. Whining solo players are ruining this game. This is a open world sandbox game...groups DOMINATE these type of games. If you feel helpless and that you are always being shot bla bla bla, it's because you are a helpless solo target! Having a group of friends and VOIP is the difference between being incredibly frustrated with this wonderful game and having a great time...just like any other game really (well except maybe CoD :P), but especially for sandbox games such as this and EVE. I recommend searching for gaming communities and clans involved with DayZ that are recruiting. Hopefully one day some type of group feature will be added for DayZ which I think will help the "deathmatch syndrome" that many are having issues with, but watering down PvP and making safe zones is NOT the answer so stop pleading for them.
  4. There is no way that you are running the game with that rig at that resolution on high with stable frames. Proof :) Also, the 4870 is higher performance than his video card.
  5. Your video card is very weak. I play this game completely maxed @ 1920x1080 with 70 fps with this rig. AMD 6200 six core 4.1ghz 8GB DDR3 ATI Radeon HD6950 2GB GDDR5 And even then in cherno and elektro I get slight frame rate drops with lots of action going on. The Arma engine is not exactly very optimized to begin with, let alone running the game on high with your setup.
  6. What? What is your point.
  7. So, does the TC realize that this game has been steadily growing ever since release yet? And that it is currently more popular than it ever has been? This post fails so hard.
  8. MalleusX

    World too big for own good?

    The map is more or less perfect size for 100 players. With more than 100 players it would be too crowded and with 50 or less player interaction away from the coast is few and far between.
  9. MalleusX

    IF this was an actual game...

    If DayZ makes it as a standalone title (which I would buy instantly) I would like to see it as a one time purchase. A subscription fee or F2P model would not work with this type of game at all, a one time purchase is the only way I can see it being successful.
  10. MalleusX

    Plain and simple: PvE

    You realize all this would do is making farming incredibly easy and completely break "PvP servers" right?
  11. Just shooting zombies is not fun. Zombies are AI...they are stupid, slow, and not a challenge at all. This is why PvP is in the game...to actually make it exciting and fun. Trust me when I say that you are in the minority for wanting a pure PvE, loot collecting experience. That being said, there is NOTHING WRONG with you playing this way. However players like you wanting the elimination of the PvP experience or watering down of it is extremely irritating.
  12. MalleusX

    Plain and simple: PvE

    I play with a group of 10-15 friends. We have Mumble and all play together sometimes on the same servers, everyone outside of our group is KOS IF WE FEEL LIKE IT. If we can get amusement or loot from gunning another group of bandits or a survivor down we do it. If someone is unarmed or far away from us and not interferring with our objectives sometimes we choose to let them live. This is a SANDBOX game where you can do whatever the hell you want. Moral of the story? Make some friends.
  13. Is this post for real? Are you new to PC gaming or something? I have my own 50 slot Mumble server with a group of 20 friends and we have been playing all sorts of games together for nearly 4 years now. We all join the same server and have a blast. Solo PC players like yourself will ALWAYS be at a disadvantage playing ANY game against premade groups (clans), especially open world sandbox games like DayZ and EVE. That is why you make friends...search for gaming communities to join...anything, but if you want to be a anti social "sole survivor" hermit you will always get the short end of the stick. For all you RPers that is how it works in reality. Tight knit groups and large numbers are what usually prevail and have control :)
  14. MalleusX

    [1.7.2] New guns?

    That is a legit gun, however it should not be silenced. Link here: http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=M4A1_HWS_M203
  15. I just found a gillie suit but I heard that they are currently glitched and will drop all of your loot when put on. Has this been fixed since the patch? If not is there any word when it will be, I really want to put this thing on.
  16. To put it bluntly the game went from being fun, to being a chore to play. Zombies should be an obstacle yes, but not a completely irritating annoyance. Sneaking around town and avoiding zombies was actually possible and somewhat entertaining in it is either run thru town like a like a madman looting at light speed or rolling into a town with a 10 man group armed to the teeth. Stealth no longer plays any factor at all. On top of that the sheer amount of glitches this patch introduced turned what was a refreshingly stable mod into a buggy mess. Gillie suits and skins delete inventory, random deaths and respawns, breaking legs next to tents, vehicles not saving... I will not be playing until the next patch or until a rollback of some sorts, as this mod has taken a very large step backwards with 1.7.2.
  17. MalleusX

    Gillie suits still glitched?

    I just tested it, and it is still glitched. Also, if you put on civilian clothing there is a chance that you lose your backpack and all the contents in it that just happened to myself and a friend recently.
  18. MalleusX

    Where did you find your Ghilie suit?

    Devils castle.
  19. This game is a sandbox...what do you people want? A completely PvE based game where you can collect all of your precious loot that spawns every 30 mins?! I mean really... Get a group. Make friends. Play the game solo as a survivor. But STOP whining because you get shot in a sandbox game that is a zombie apocalypse survival simulator.
  20. Let me start by saying that this mod is probably one of the most exciting, addicting, completely awesome gaming experiences I have had in a LONG time. This is the only game I have ever played (other than EVE) that actually gives a legitimate adrenaline rush in combat. That being said, as this is a Alpha/Beta build, there are some core mechanics changes that I think would make this mod shine even more than it already does. Here are my thoughts: - Currently, the day/night cycle in DayZ is pointless. Most of the time when a server hits night people simply disconnect and join a different server that is day. This is fine, however the problem lies with players who would like to play at night and experience more night time content. Change the day/night cycle to 4 hour intervals by default on every server. What will this do? It will add tension for exploring traveling, it will actually add some usefulness to items like flashlights, chem lights and NVGs, and it will provide a other level of PvP and zombie killing awesomeness. Making the moon brighter would probably be necessary for this however, because as it is it is too dark to play at night and is why most player tend not to like it. - Zombies are far too predictable. Now I do not believe the issue lies with their difficulty on a individual basis...zombies deal a good amount of damage and the status effects they inflict are irritating, if not fatal. They provide an important dynamic to the game that is extremely vital overall. However, their spawns and behavior as I said are far too predictable. I suggest roaming zombie groups that roam the map in random directions (walking dead highway scene anyone?). This will provide another unknown and unpredictable dynamic that will keep all players, including experience veterans on their toes. Also, the infinite zombie chasing is simply annoying and not intuitive. Zombies chasing you infinitely across the map adds nothing to DayZ gameplay other than irritation. I recommend capping zombie chasing limits. - More enemies. I propose at least one new type of enemy, if not more. Personally I believe a dog zombies would be most appropriate. Maybe a faster movement speed and additional damage? Making them much more threatening and harder to shoot than normal zombies. Possibly wild bears in the forest? I am not sure exactly what files you guys have to work with on the Arma 2 engine but these are just suggestions. - Body armor! I think adding body armor that only provides protection against bullets/ranged weapons (not zombies/axes/crow bars) would be beneficial to PvP combat in DayZ. I would say make it as rare as the gillie suit if not more. - Reduce map and/or increase server limit. Currently player interaction, especially West/East of the coast is extremely limited, even with a full 50 player server. I recommend either completely removing the East side of the map if the servers cannot support more players, or increasing the player limit to 100 and adding more high value military spawn points (ala NW Air Field) to the far West (Zelengorst) and far East (Berezino) part of the map to spread out high level PvP action. ___________________________________________________________ These are my suggestion for this already wonderful mod after putting many, many hours into it over these past couple of weeks. Out of all these changes however I believe that the day/night cycle is the MOST IMPORTANT as it will effectively add twice the unique experiences had in Chenarus.
  21. MalleusX

    Servers not up to date.

    Yeah, unlike most games this mod requires some manual admin work which I am not seeing a lot of. More than half of the servers are not up to date or synced with hive and it is extremely irritating.
  22. Unsure m8 we have had no official word about it all being reset. Ok we got in touch with one of the server admins and told him about tents. he then said he would reboot and sync. He did and the server is back up with tents in place. So if your tents are missing get in touch with and admin and ask him politely to restart to re-sync with hive :) How exactly did you get in contact with the admin? Is there a way to view admins on a server and to PM?